Grade 4 Mathematics

Teacher: Dawn
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 1733

Unit 1: Whole Numbers

0 Course Introduction 04:01

In this video, Dawn introduces this Course and describes the content and topics covered in this Course.

1 Lesson 1: Reading and Writing Numbers in Different Forms 06:52

In this lesson, students read and write numbers in Numeral, Unit, Word, and Expanded form.

2 Review: Lesson 1 03:38

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 1.

3 Lesson 2: Add Whole Numbers 05:54

In this lesson, students add whole numbers.

4 Review: Lesson 2 06:15

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 2.

5 Lesson 3: Subtract Whole Numbers 10:55

In this lesson, students subtract whole numbers.

6 Review: Lesson 3 07:01

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 3.

7 Lesson 4: Multiplying Whole Numbers 16:19

In this lesson, students multiply whole numbers.

8 Review: Lesson 4 03:53

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 4.

9 Lesson 5: More Multiplying 08:29

In this lesson, students multiply two digit numbers by two or three digit numbers.

10 Review: Lesson 5 04:07

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 5.

11 Lesson 6: Dividing Whole Numbers 10:57

in this lesson, students will divide whole numbers.

12 Review: Lesson 6 04:38

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 6.

13 Lesson 7: More Dividing 08:59

Students will divide whole numbers.

14 Review: Lesson 7 06:53

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 7.

15 Lesson 8: Solving Single- Step Word Problems 07:14

In this lesson, students will solve single-step word problems.

16 Review: Lesson 8 06:36

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 8.

17 Lesson 9: Solving Multi-Step Word Problems 06:19

In this lesson, students will solve multi-step word problems.

18 Review: Lesson 9 08:10

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 9.

19 Lesson 10: Compare and Order Multi-Digit Numbers 13:31

In this lesson, students will compare and order multi-digit numbers.

20 Review: Lesson 10 04:35

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 10.

21 Lesson 11: Factors 10:32

In this lesson, students will find the factors for a given number.

22 Review: Lesson 11 05:38

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 11.

23 Lesson 12: Multiples of a Number 04:23

In this lesson, students find the first five multiples of a given number.

24 Review: Lesson 12 01:52

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 12.

25 Lesson 13: Prime and Composite Numbers 04:28

In this lesson, students identify whether a number is Prime or Composite.

26 Review: Lesson 13 03:24

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 13.

27 Lesson 14: Order of Operations 11:25

In this lesson, students will be introduced to the order of operations.

28 Review: Lesson 14 08:10

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 14.

Unit 2: Fractions

29 Lesson 16: Equivalent Fractions 08:45

In this lesson, students will identify and determine equivalent fractions.

30 Review: Lesson 16 04:02

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 16.

31 Lesson 17: Compare Fractions 05:00

In this lesson, students will compare fractions in relation to the benchmark number: 0, 1/2 and 1.

32 Review: Lesson 17 07:37

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 17.

33 Lesson 18: Add and Subtract Fractions with the Same Denominator 04:47

In this lesson, students add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.

34 Review: Lesson 18 03:02

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 18.

35 Lesson 19: Decompose Fractions 06:58

In this lesson, students decompose (break apart) fractions.

36 Review: Lesson 19 03:52

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 19.

37 Lesson 20: Word Problems with Fractions 03:44

In this lesson, students will complete word problems involving fractions.

38 Review: Lesson 20 06:13

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 20.

Unit 3: Measurement

39 Lesson 21: Perimeter of Regular Shapes 09:20

In this lesson, students will find the perimeter of regular shapes.

40 Review: Lesson 21 04:15

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 21.

41 Lesson 22: Perimeter of Irregular Shapes 08:24

In this lesson, students will find the perimeter of irregular shapes.

42 Review: Lesson 22 04:31

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 22..

43 Lesson 23: Area of Regular Shapes 08:50

In this lesson, students will find the area of regular shapes.

44 Review: Lesson 23 05:07

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 23.

45 Lesson 24: Area and Perimeter Word Probelms 07:33

In this lesson, students will solve word problems involving area and perimeter.

46 Review: Lesson 24 07:04

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 24.

Unit 4: Decimals

47 Lesson 25: Adding and Subtracting Decimals 09:44

In this lesson, students will add and subtract decimals.

48 Review: Lesson 25 02:35

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 25.

49 Lesson 26: Compare Decimals 09:40

In this lesson, students will compare decimals.

50 Review: Lesson 26 07:44

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 26.

51 Lesson 27: Round Decimals 13:52

In this lesson, students will round decimals.

52 Review: Lesson 27 06:10

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 27.

53 Lesson 28: Decimal Word Problems 06:53

In this lesson, students review word problems involving decimals.

54 Review: Lesson 28 07:25

In this lesson, students will review the worksheet from Lesson 28.

55 Midterm 00:00

Students will complete a midterm assessment to assess understanding of Units 1 and Unit 2.

56 End of Course Assessment 00:00

This assessment will address understanding and mastery of this entire course.

Course Details

This fourth grade math course focuses on the key areas of fourth grade math with an emphasis on number sense and operations with whole numbers.  Throughout this course, there are also many opportunities to develop fluency and automaticity with identified key skills, which can be hugely beneficial to the ultimate math success, as students free up mental energy from basic skills to higher-level problem solving.

Throughout this course, there is a blend of skill and application as students become more fluent in their math facts. 

The course consists of about 30 content rich video-lessons, worksheets, practice review videos, and unit assessments. 


What is included in this course?

  • Over 7 hours of detailed video-instruction
  • 28 Video-lessons
  • 28 Worksheet review videos for the lessons (I review worksheet solutions step by step)
  • 4 End of Unit Assessments (with in-depth review of answers) so students can demonstrate mastery of the Grade 4 math curriculum
  • Over 250 practice problems!
  • Mid-term and end of course assessment answer keys (under Resources, parent-only access)


Who is this Course for?

This video-course is primarily intended for Grade 4 students, Grade 3 students who are ready for an extra challenge and who have mastered Grade 3 math content, and Grade 5 students who could benefit from additional practice in the major focus areas of Grade 4 mathematics. 


What are the requirements for this Course?

Students enrolled in this course should demonstrate proficiency in most of the major focus areas of the Grade 3 math curriculum.


What topics are covered in this Course?

Unit 1: Whole Numbers

  • Writing a Number in Standard Form, Word Form, Expanded Form, and Unit Form
  • Adding Whole Numbers
  • Subtracting Whole Numbers
  • Multiplying Whole Numbers
  • Dividing Whole Numbers
  • Solving Single-Step Word Problems
  • Solving Multi-Step Word Problems
  • Comparing and Ordering Multi-Digit Numbers
  • Factors
  • Multiples
  • Prime and Composite Numbers
  • Order of Operations


Unit 2: Fractions

  • Equivalent Fractions
  • Comparing Unit Fractions
  • Add and Subtract Fractions
  • Decompose Fractions
  • Add and Subtracting Fractions- Word Problems


Unit 3: Measurement

  • Perimeter of Regular Shapes
  • Perimeter of Irregular Shapes
  • Area of Regular Shapes
  • Area and Perimeter Word Problems


Unit 4: Decimals

  • Adding and Subtracting Decimals
  • Comparing Decimals 
  • Rounding Decimals
  • Decimal Word Problems 




  • Teacher: Dawn
  • Areas of expertise: Mathematics
  • Education: B.S. in Finance, M.S. in Math Education
  • Interests: Hiking with my family, playing with my kids, reading (especially listening to audiobooks!), riding my horse, and educating people about how to use EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)to manage their emotions.
  • Skills:
  • Associations: NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics)
  • Issues I care about: Emotional health, helping veterans adapt to civilian life after service, using animals in the healing journey, high quality math education for ALL, and teacher training & stress management to improve teacher retention and overall happiness.

Hi! As a child who didn't really enjoy the traditional way of learning math, it was interesting that I chose to become a math educator when the time came in my life to 'choose my path', especially after graduating with a B.S. in Finance! As a math educator for over a decade and then a curriculum writer, I learned so many new and exciting ways to do math where it actually DOES make sense and... is actually FUN to learn! Now, I am so excited to teach math in a way where children see beyond the 'rules' and start looking at numbers with a new perspective, meaning, and recognize that there are so many different ways to learn and be 'good' at math. More importantly, I strive to show children that THEY can develop into outstanding mathematicians.

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Test Study Document

Unit 1 End of Unit Assessment

Unit 1 End of Unit Assessment Answer Key

These are the answers to the Unit 1 Assessment.

Unit 2 End of Unit Assessment

Unit 2 End of Unit Assessment Answer Key

These are the answers to the Unit 2 Assessment.

Unit 3 End of Unit Assessment

Unit 3 End of Unit Assessment Answer Key

These are the answers to the Unit 3 Assessment.

Unit 4 End of Unit Assessment

Unit 4 End of Unit Assessment Answer Key

These are the answers to the Unit 4 Assessment.
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