Grade 2 Math

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Teacher: Shauney
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 2437

Unit 1

0 Course Introduction 02:22

This is an introduction into the 2nd Grade Math Course. This video goes into detail on what the student will learn, tools that will be used, and the benefit of these lessons. 

1 Numbers to 20 11:12

Students will be able to identify the standard form, word form, and count forwards and backwards numbers 1-20.

2 Numbers to 20 Practice Review 02:20

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for numbers 1-20.

3 Numbers 20 to 100 13:00

Students will identify numbers 20-100. They will also identify the standard form, word form, skip count, and count forwards and backwards numbers 1-20.

4 Numbers 20-100 Practice Review 02:30

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for numbers 20-100.

5 Addition of 2 Digit Numbers 10:23

Students will understand and use addition to solve double-digit equations.

6 Addition of 2 Digit Numbers Practice Review 03:25

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for double-digit addition.

7 Subtraction of 2 Digit Numbers 10:23

Students will understand and use subtraction to solve double digit equations.

8 Subtraction of 2 Digit Numbers Practice Review 02:00

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for double-digit subtraction.

9 More about Addition and Subtraction 15:00

Students will be able to read, identify whether the question is asking for addition or subtraction, and solve the equation.

10 More About Addition and Subtraction Practice Review 03:56

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for additional addition and subtraction practice.

11 Even and Odd Numbers 10:47

This is a review lesson over even and odd numbers and how to recognize them. We will also go further with it and use our double-digit addition and subtraction.

12 Even and Odd Numbers Practice Review 03:47

This is a review video for the even and odd practice.

13 Unit 1 Test 00:00

This is a comprehensive test over unit 1. Please use the test document that I have provided. Once your child has completed the paper test, please input their answers into this test. Some of the answer choices will be correct or incorrect. The first two unit tests are more over your child's abillty to count in order, add, subtract, and identify types of numbers.

Unit 2

14 Time and Temperature 19:41

Students will develop an understanding of temperature and time. They will be able to read a thermometer and clock. They will use this information to compare temperatures and time, and tell the difference.

When given thermometers with two different temperatures, students will be able to find the difference between them and determine which one is warmer or cooler.

When given a start and end time for an event, students will be able to calculate how much time has passed.

15 Time and Temperature Practice Review 04:59

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for Time and Temperature.

16 Length 11:47

Students will learn how to measure an object using a ruler. They will also learn the different types of standard measurements.

17 Length Practice Review 01:49

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for length.

18 Perimeter and Area 14:17

Students will learn how to calculate the perimeter and area of objects and shapes. They will understand that perimeter is the distance around the shape, and area is the space within the shape.

19 Perimeter and Area Practice Review 05:41

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for perimeter and area.

20 Money 16:54

Students will review what they have learned about Money. They will also begin to learn how to count money, spending, and saving.

21 Money Practice Review 03:15

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for counting money.

22 Addition and Subtraction with Money 10:17

Students begin to learn how to add and subtract money. They learn this while learning about earning money, and spending money.

23 Addition and Subtraction with Money Practice Review 04:42

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for money math.

24 Unit 2 Test 00:00

This is a comprehensive test over unit 2. Please use the test document that I have provided. Once your child has completed the paper test, please input their answers into this test. Some of the answer choices will be correct or incorrect. Look at your child's test and if they got the answer correct, then select correct. If not, then choose incorrect. This will help the system to grade the test for you. 

Unit 3

25 2-D Shapes 10:00

Students will review what they know about 2D shapes. They will also begin to learn about irregular 2D shapes. This review helps build the background knowledge needed to learn about polygons.

26 2D Shapes Practice Review 03:27

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for 2D shapes.

27 2-D Shapes (II) 14:08

Students will use what they know about 2D shapes and apply it to their understanding of polygons. They will begin to understand and use their knowledge of regular and irregular shapes.

28 2D Shapes (II) Practice Review 02:11

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for identifying the differences between regular and irregular 2D shapes.

29 Symmetry 08:42

Students will apply their knowledge of 2D shapes to this lesson. They will learn that some shapes are equally divided. This is called symmetry.

30 Symmetry Practice Review 02:29

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for symmetry.

31 3-D Figures 12:03

Students will review what they know about 3D shapes and use it understand the attributes of 3 Dimensional shapes better.

32 3D Figures Practice Review 02:20

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for 3D Figures.

33 Multiplication 14:18

Students will use their number sense to learn about multiplication. They will begin to understand and use the information that counting items in groups will help them find the product faster.

34 Multiplication Practice Review 00:55

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for multiplication.

35 Multiplication (II) 10:08

Students will use their number sense to learn about multiplication. They will begin to understand and use the information that counting items in groups will help them find the product faster.

In this lesson, they will read the word problems, identify key words and amounts, and solve the equation.

36 Multiplication (II) Practice Review 06:10

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for multiplication.

37 Multiplication (III) 10:05

This is a lesson over using arrays in multiplication. They are visuals that not only help to solve a multiplication problem, but also help to prove your answer.

38 Multiplication (III) Practice Review 01:35

This is a review over the array multiplication practice. It shows how to use arrays to solve mutliplication problems. It is also a good base for future lessons over area.

39 Division 11:19

Students will use their number sense to learn about division. They will begin to understand that dividing items into groups of certain amounts will help them solve the equation faster.

40 Division Practice Review 02:24

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for division.

41 Unit 3 Test 00:00

This is a comprehensive test over unit 3. Please use the test document that I have provided. Once your child has completed the paper test, please input their answers into this test. Some of the answer choices will be correct or incorrect. Look at your child's test and if they got the answer correct, then select correct. If not, then choose incorrect. This will help the system to grade the test for you.

Unit 4

42 Fractions (I) 18:48

Students will begin to learn that objects and shapes can be divided into equal parts. They will learn how to identify the fraction for the shaded parts of the objects.

43 Fractions (I) Practice Review 02:54

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for fractions practice.

44 Fractions (II) 09:05

Students will begin to learn that objects and shapes can be divided into equal parts. They will learn how to identify the fraction for the shaded parts of the objects.

They will also be able to identify, label, and create their own fractions and picture representations.

45 Fractions (II) Practice Review 05:21

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for fractions practice.

46 Capacity 12:53

Students will review what they learned in First Grade about Capacity. They will also learn the types of liquid amounts such as ounces, cups, pints, quarts, and gallons.

47 Capacity Practice Review 04:16

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for capacity.

48 Mass 11:53

Students will understand and use different units of measurement to determine the weight of objects. They will also be able to compare using the weight measurements.

49 Mass Practice Review 05:18

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for mass.

50 Patterns (I) 10:07

Students will review what they know about patterns. They will also begin to see how patterns are not just pictures or colors, but can also be numbers as well.

51 Patterns (I) Practice Review 04:45

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for patterns.

52 Patterns (II) 07:50

Students will review what they know about patterns. They will also begin to see how patterns are not just pictures or colors, but can also be numbers as well. They can be more than skip patterns. A pattern can also show multiples of a number.

53 Patterns (II) Practice Review 06:22

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for number patterns.

54 Organizing Data 13:17

Students will understand and use graphs to organize data. They will then use the graph to interpret the data.

55 Organizing Data Practice Review 05:39

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for organizing data.

56 Pictographs 14:02

Students will be able to understand and use the symbols on a pictograph to interpret data and answer questions.

57 Pictographs Practice Review 04:25

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for pictographs.

58 Bar Graphs 09:50

Students will be able to understand and use the bars on the graph to interpret the data and answer questions.

59 Bar Graphs Practice Review 06:01

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for bar graphs.

60 Probability 07:56

Students will use their knowledge of multiplication, division, and fractions to understand and use probability. They will understand that there are many possible outcomes for something and how to calculate it.

61 Probability Practice Review 11:37

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for probability.

62 Unit 4 Test 00:00

This is a comprehensive test over unit 4. Please use the test document that I have provided. Once your child has completed the paper test, please input their answers into this test. Some of the answer choices will be correct or incorrect. Look at your child's test and if they got the answer correct, then select correct. If not, then choose incorrect. This will help the system to grade the test for you. 

Course Description

This “2nd Grade Math” video course covers all of the content that students need to be successful in completing 2nd Grade Math. The course focuses on building the students’ understanding and growth of number sense based on the foundation from 1st Grade Math. It covers the required math standards, but also goes below the surface so that students can understand what they’re being taught. This is a full year of 2nd Grade Math.


This course includes:

  • 4 units
  • 29 video lessons
  • 29 exercise review videos (I explain step by step how to reach the correct answer)
  • Over 7.5 hours of course videos
  • 39 worksheets with counterpart answer sheets
  • Over 300 practice problems
  • 4 unit tests
  • 4 unit test answer keys


Course Description

Once this course is completed, students will be able to recognize numbers 1-100, be able to add and subtract double digit numbers, multiply and divide, identify and complete patterns, and determine types of shapes. They will also be able to determine parts of a whole to identify fractions, organize data, bar graphs and pictographs.


Target Audience

This video-course is primarily for 2nd Grade Students.


Course Requirements

Students taking this course will need to have completed 1st Grade to take this course.


Course Topics

Unit 1. Reviewing Basics

  • Numbers to 20
  • Numbers 20-100
  • Addition of 2 Digit Numbers
  • Subtraction of 2 Digit Numbers
  • More about Addition and Subtraction
  • Even and Odd Numbers


Unit 2. Measurement and Money

  • Time and Temperature
  • Length
  • Perimeter and Area
  • Money
  • Addition and Subtraction with Money


Unit 3. Shapes and Computation

  • 2 Dimensional Shapes
  • 2 Dimensional Shapes (II)
  • Symmetry
  • 3 Dimensional Figures
  • Multiplication (I)
  • Multiplication (II)
  • Multiplication (III)
  • Division


Unit 4. Data

  • Fractions (I)
  • Fractions (II)
  • Capacity
  • Mass
  • Patterns (I)
  • Patterns (II)
  • Organizing Data
  • Pictographs
  • Bar Graphs
  • Probability
  • Teacher: Shauney
  • Areas of expertise: Elementary Education: All Subjects
  • Education: East Texas Baptist University- Bachelor's Texas A&M University- Master's of Education
  • Interests: I enjoy spending time with my husband and son. I also love reading, working with children at our church, and volunteering in our community.
  • Skills: I am very knowledgeable in words their way word study, early elementary mathematics, and writing skills.
  • Associations: State Licensed Teacher (Texas)
  • Issues I care about: I care about all students getting an equal education, and through that, learning at their own pace. This way they can master knowledge with one skill before moving on to the next.

I have been an elementary school teacher for over 8 years. I have taught all subjects in many different grade levels. Teaching and working with children is a passion of mine. Seeing the joy in a child's eyes when they understand something for the first time brings me happiness. I have a Master's of Education in Curriculum from Texas A&M University. I hope that through my courses your child will be able to learn, grow, and excel while having a joyful and positive learning experience. In addition to my education and experience, I have been married for ten years to my college sweetheart and we have a three year old son.

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Section 1 Answer Keys

These resources include answer keys for section 1 practices. The lessons in this section are:

  • Numbers to 20
  • Numbers 20-100
  • Addition of 2 Digit Numbers
  • Subtraction of 2 Digit Numbers
  • More about Addition and Subtraction
  • Even and Odd Numbers
  • Unit 1 Test

Section 2 Answer Keys

These resources include answer keys for section 1 practices. The lessons in this section are:

  • Time and Temperature
  • Length
  • Perimeter and Area
  • Money
  • Addition and Subtraction with Money
  • Unit 2 Test

Section 3 Answer Keys

These resources include answer keys for section 1 practices. The lessons in this section are:

  • 2D Shapes
  • 2D Shapes (II)
  • Symmetry
  • 3D Figures
  • Multiplication
  • Multiplication (II)
  • Multiplication (III)
  • Division
  • Unit 3 Test

Section 4 Answer Keys

These resources include answer keys for section 1 practices. The lessons in this section are:

  • Fractions (I)
  • Fractions (II)
  • Capacity
  • Mass
  • Patterns (I)
  • Patterns (II)
  • Organizing Data
  • Pictographs
  • Bar Graphs
  • Probability
  • Unit 4 Test
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