Learning to Love Reading (Grades K-1)

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Teacher: Jennifer
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 3511

Part 1

0 Wordless Read Aloud 07:33

See how I use pictures to create and tell a story from a wordless picture book. Using pictures is essential for young readers. Watch to see briefly how I would do a wordless read-aloud. My reading Course "Learning to Love Reading" will provide a lesson in using pictures to help early readers. 



Book: Do You Want to be my Friend?

Author: Eric Carle 

1 Why is reading important-kid edition-let's begin! 09:35

*This lesson is the first lesson, and part of "Part 1."

Take a look at a few reasons that will help intrigue kids to want to read and develop a love for reading. This lesson is a kick-start that will also include a quick alphabet review.

2 Picture Walk- Characters 09:45

Picture walks are the most foundational aspect of a child's ability to read. Using the pictures helps them to make a connection between words and illustrations. This lesson focuses on the character and what the character is doing during the story. 



Book: Brownie & Pearl Grab a Bite by Cinthia Rylant 

Illustrator- Brian Biggs



*Charcter: the person, animal, or thing in the story.

3 Picture Walk- Problem 10:27

This lesson introduces the new story element of problem. While thinking "what is the problem in this story," we will take a picture walk. Then the book will be read to review the story elements of character and problem, and to hear the connection the pictures had to the words. 


Book: The Adventures of Otto: See Otto by David Milgrim




*Problem: (1) What the character wants to do or find out

                (2) What went wrong

                (3) The conflict a character faces

4 Thinking about the Solution 07:40

In this lesson, we review the story elements of characters and problems, and add in solution. Your student will think about the solutions in the two books we have read so far in this course. 





*Solution: when the problem is fixed or solved

Part 2

5 Letter Sound Review 04:56

This lesson reviews letter sounds. Stringing together letter sounds are most important when reading words. Now that we have focused on the pictures during picture walks, we will take a step back and look at stringing together letter sounds in the following lessons. Be sure to watch this video to review beforehand!

6 Blending Sounds Together 09:59

In this lesson, your child will be looking at simple CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words in order to get in the rhythm of breaking words down into their sounds. You child should also get into the habit of pointing at the letters as they say the sounds of each. I use dots in this lesson to showcase pointing, as well as my finger. 


Be sure to continue to practice breaking words down and blending the sounds together before the next lesson which is where kids learn a few "special sounds!"


Process Broken Down:

1. Break down sounds within the word

2. Blend the sounds together to make the word

7 Special Sounds: ch, sh, th, wh 10:26

This lesson will go over 4 digraphs and the sounds they make. It will also look at breaking down and blending sounds together in words that have these digraphs. Following this lesson is a review sheet to be completed prior to the next lesson where the sounds will be reviewed!







8 Lesson 6 Review 11:52

In this lesson, we will review sounds ch, sh, th, and wh and then go over the worksheet post-lesson 6.

9 Break it Down & Blend It 13:57

In this lesson, your reader will practice breaking words down into sounds and then blending the sounds together to read the words. This lesson will set your reader up for success when reading a book later on in the course. This lesson also emphasizes ending sounds and the "ee" sound.



Words you can practice at home after:

1. dogs

2. fish

3. frogs

4. birds

5. deer 

10 Reading a Level A 16:23

In this lesson, your student is guided through a simple text and reminded to use:

  • pictures,
  • pointer finger
  • breaking down words and blending sounds
  • recognizing some words have "tricky" sounds

...in order to read! 


This lesson also reviews the sight words in the book, which are words that kids should know "in a snap!"



Book: The Monster Town

Illustrator: Philip Webb

Sails First Wave Book 


11 Reading a Level B 10:52

In this lesson, your student is guided through a simple text and reminded to use:

  • pictures,
  • pointer finger
  • breaking down words and blending sounds
  • recognizing some words have "tricky" sounds

...in order to read! 


This lesson also reviews the sight words in the book, which are words that kids should know "in a snap!"


Book: Eyes

Author: Melanie Mitchell

First Step Nonfiction

Part 3

12 Special Endings 19:03

In this lesson, your reader will become more familiar with five word endings that they will often see during readnig as well as the idea that two letters that are the same together, make one sound. These word endings will help your reader to better break down words.






-ed  (three sounds: ed, t, & d)



Example of letters together making the same sound:





13 Lesson 11 Review 12:12

We will review five different sounds key to breaking to words down while reading and go over the worksheet from lesson 11.

14 Cross Check 09:45

In this lesson, your student will cross check. In other words, your student will look at the first letter/sound and then reference the picture to determine what the word might be. This is an extremely useful skill when learning to read.



Book: At the Zoo

Written by: Carol Kloes

Illustrated by: Barbara Dragony

15 Chunky Monkey 08:42

In this lesson, your student will learn how to use the reading strategy "chunky monkey." This reading strategy is great to use for beginner readers as words get longer to break down/sound out. Your student will see the strategy being used first hand, and then have a chance to try on their own!



Book: Sammy

Written by: Kathleen Urmston

Illustrated by: Gloria Gedeon

16 Eagle Eye 08:26

In this lesson, your student will continue to practice using the picture to read. This time we will call the strategy "eagle eye!" Students can make sure their eye tunes right into the picture to figure out words.



Title: The Pets

Sails First Wave Book

Illustrated by: Trevor Pye

17 Flippy Dolphin 09:30

In this lesson, your child will read using the "flippy dolphin" strategy. This strategy is heavily based on the "sneaky e" which your student has already learned. It's a reminder and engaging way to think about sneaky e's. This lesson also reminds kids of the -ea, -ow, and -ck sounds.


Sight Words:





Book: Breakfast at the Farm

Author: Ian Star


Level: B

18 Tryin' Lion 14:15

In this lesson, your student will practice reading skills he/she has learned and be encouraged to use the strategy "Tryin' Lion" while reading. Tryin' Lion is a strategy that involves re-reading tough sentences, plugging words in, and switching sounds. This is a great lesson to encourage your student working hard while reading and not giving up!


Sight Words: 






Inside the lesson:

-aw (sound)

-ee (sound)


Book: Brown Bears

Author: Traci Dibble

19 Lips the Fish 08:02

Your student will practice reading a story and preparing their mouths in using the strategy "lips the fish." This strategy is very useful in making sure your reader is starting to sound words out when having difficulty, and is reading through the whole page.


Inside the lesson:

-ea (sound)

-oa (sound)


Sight Words:




Book: Big Ears

Author: Jo Windsor

20 Stretchy Snake 07:28

In this lesson, your student will practice he or she's skills of breaking words down using the strategy "stretchy snake." This strategy is heavily rooted in breaking words down fully. First your reader should be saying the sounds slowly, and then go. We like to say, start slow then go!

Sight Words:






y (sounds like an i)

ir (sound)


Book: Birds

Written By: Julie Haydon

21 Skippy the Frog 12:22

Your student will practice reading a story and using the strategy "skippy frog." This strategy is very useful in not getting stuck on a word, but rather skipping it and hopping back to figure out what would make sense. 


Inside the lesson:

ow, ir, ee, ay, oa, ing 


Sight Words:

I, am, on, it, is, here, see, in, the, then 


Book: Sam Sees Snow

Author: Sara E. Hoffmann

Illustrator: Shelley Dieterichs

Part 4

23 Stop & Tell 11:47

In this lesson, your student will develop comprehension skills by stopping on each page and saying what of importance occured on the page. There is post-work that is optional, but HIGHLY recommended to complete. I will be discussing ideas before you student completes the practice page because this lesson goes hand-in-hand!


Encourage your student to highlight the "characters," "problem," and "solution," as well as rhyming words in the story!



Sight Words:

what, you, me, see, can, I, the, in

24 Retelling 11:56

In this lesson, your student will develop the comprehension skill of "retelling." We will be relying heavily on the prior lesosn to develop a retell at the end of the book. I will discuss what is involved in retell. There is post-work that is optional, but HIGHLY recommended to complete. I will be discussing a possible retell before the lesson is complete.



Sight Words:

look, at, the, my, us

25 Show me the Evidence 10:11

In this lesson, your student will develop comprehension skill of showing evidence to support their retell, and what they noticed happened in a story. There is post-work that is optional, but HIGHLY recommended to complete. I will be discussing evidence throughout the lesson and at the end of the story.



Sight Words:

my, needs, a, me

Our youngest readers will be taken on a journey through the fundamentals of early reading including a brief introduction to story elements. Starting with letter and sight word review, students will learn to read pictures, sound out words, use reading strategies, and lastly build basic comprehension skills. Also, inside many lessons there are often mini "sound" lessons. Students will learn how important thinking while they are reading is whether it is through words or pictures. Most importantly, students will learn to enjoy books and all they discover through reading!


To Note:

*Lessons are not extremely long in duration due to the skills and emphasis on your student reading on their own. Reading is a subject that is highly based on practice! It is a great idea to watch each video, and then follow-up with practice using your own book. My students typically read at least 30 minutes a night. This includes them reading themselves, and being read to.

* This course is post-alphabet, sight word practice, and book handling. I do however cover blends/digraphs which are typically taught with letters, essential to breaking words down, in the course.


This course includes:

-3 Parts

-Over 4 1/2 Hours of Reading Content

-A Variety of Fiction and Nonfiction Texts

-Quick reviews of Material not in Course (alphabet, sight words)

-Text Titles with Author (included in lesson to reference if necessary)

-24 Lessons

-2 Review Videos

-5 Worksheets (some blanks for reinforcement of comprehension)

-Sight Words (included to review before lesson to know for book)

-Review of Concept in Each Lesson Description (to know what to emphasize after the lesson while reading)

-Reference to Online Resources


Part 1: Picture/Story Elements

Lesson 1-Why is reading important-kid edition-let's begin!

Lesson 2-Let's take a picture walk! (Characters)

Lesson 3-Let's take a picture walk (Problem)

Lesson 4- Let's take a picture walk (Solution)


Part 2: Let's Read

*Quick Letter sounds Review*

Lesson 5- Blending Sounds Together

Lesson 6- Special Sounds

Lesson 7- Lesson 6 Review

Lesson 8- Breaking/Blending Reviewed

Lesson 9- Reading a level A

Lesson 10- Reading a level B 


Part 3: Strategies 

Lesson 11- Special Sounds

Lesson 12- Lesson 11 Review

Lessons 13-20  Reading Strategies


Part 4: Comprehension

Lesson 21- Stop & Think (Optional Work)

Lesson 22- Retelling (Optional Work)

Lesson 24- Show me the evidence! (Optional Work)


Course Goals:

-Students will fall in love with the abililty to read

-Students will develop strategies to read words

-Students will develop strategies to think about texts

-Students will understand various story elements

-Students will learn special sounds to assist in reading


Target Audience:

Kindergarten and First Grade (ages 4-7)


  • Teacher: Jennifer
  • Areas of expertise: General Education K-4 and Human Development and Family Studies
  • Education: The Pennsylvania State University
  • Interests: Exercise, Dogs, Reading, Traveling
  • Skills:
  • Associations: NYC Charter Schools
  • Issues I care about: Educational Equality, Animal Welfare

I am a kindergarten teacher and PSU alumni. I enjoy building a classroom community that is inviting, high-energy/engaging, and motivating. Kindergarten is such an essential growth period for children/students. I love teaching children to meet goals academically and socially that they didn't know were possible, and to show them how fun and important being a student is! I hope your child enjoys each course and truly learns to love learning!

Sites to Visit for Printable Mini-Books

When typing in printable mini-books for kindergarten/first grade on Google, you'll find many websites that offer wonderful free mini-books for your printing; make a fun activity out of reading by both creating and reading the mini-books!




Blank Paper

Paper to practice sight words, letters, and written breaking down/blending skills.


Seeing a word and breaking it down is just as useful as orally hearing a word and breaking it down!

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