Our youngest readers will be taken on a journey through the fundamentals of early reading including a brief introduction to story elements. Starting with letter and sight word review, students will learn to read pictures, sound out words, use reading strategies, and lastly build basic comprehension skills. Also, inside many lessons there are often mini "sound" lessons. Students will learn how important thinking while they are reading is whether it is through words or pictures. Most importantly, students will learn to enjoy books and all they discover through reading!
To Note:
*Lessons are not extremely long in duration due to the skills and emphasis on your student reading on their own. Reading is a subject that is highly based on practice! It is a great idea to watch each video, and then follow-up with practice using your own book. My students typically read at least 30 minutes a night. This includes them reading themselves, and being read to.
* This course is post-alphabet, sight word practice, and book handling. I do however cover blends/digraphs which are typically taught with letters, essential to breaking words down, in the course.
This course includes:
-3 Parts
-Over 4 1/2 Hours of Reading Content
-A Variety of Fiction and Nonfiction Texts
-Quick reviews of Material not in Course (alphabet, sight words)
-Text Titles with Author (included in lesson to reference if necessary)
-24 Lessons
-2 Review Videos
-5 Worksheets (some blanks for reinforcement of comprehension)
-Sight Words (included to review before lesson to know for book)
-Review of Concept in Each Lesson Description (to know what to emphasize after the lesson while reading)
-Reference to Online Resources
Part 1: Picture/Story Elements
Lesson 1-Why is reading important-kid edition-let's begin!
Lesson 2-Let's take a picture walk! (Characters)
Lesson 3-Let's take a picture walk (Problem)
Lesson 4- Let's take a picture walk (Solution)
Part 2: Let's Read
*Quick Letter sounds Review*
Lesson 5- Blending Sounds Together
Lesson 6- Special Sounds
Lesson 7- Lesson 6 Review
Lesson 8- Breaking/Blending Reviewed
Lesson 9- Reading a level A
Lesson 10- Reading a level B
Part 3: Strategies
Lesson 11- Special Sounds
Lesson 12- Lesson 11 Review
Lessons 13-20 Reading Strategies
Part 4: Comprehension
Lesson 21- Stop & Think (Optional Work)
Lesson 22- Retelling (Optional Work)
Lesson 24- Show me the evidence! (Optional Work)
Course Goals:
-Students will fall in love with the abililty to read
-Students will develop strategies to read words
-Students will develop strategies to think about texts
-Students will understand various story elements
-Students will learn special sounds to assist in reading
Target Audience:
Kindergarten and First Grade (ages 4-7)