Welcome to Advanced Trigonometry!
Learning is not just accumulation of information. Educational process, especially for such a subject as Mathematics, is an active two-way street. The teacher provides you with information and expects something in return – your full attention, participation, and effort, without which anything you get will soon be forgotten without any traces.
In return for your efforts you will be rewarded with Knowledge and develop your abilities to approach many new problems in a creative, analytical way, which leads to success in any field you will be working.
This course of Advanced Trigonometry contains:
8 major sections dedicated to broad spectrum of topics of Trigonometry
30 video-recorded theoretical lessons distributed among these sections (up to 30 min each)
28 multiple choice students' tests with detail explanation of correct answers available as parents' resources
19 video-recorded practical exercise lessons that offer problems and their review (up to 30 min each)
Overall, more than 20 hours of video-recorded lessons!
Resources, available for supervising parents, contain answers to all multiple choice tests with detail reasoning why these answers are correct. These tests are very important and we encourage all parents to make sure that the answers provided by students are not only correct, but have logical reasoning behind them similar to considerations offered in answers provided in the resources.
Practical exercises are presented as two separate items each - a description and an explanation and analysis in the following lesson. They are intended for students to apply their skills and knowledge to solve problems or prove theorems by themselves and then check it against the explanation provided in the course. In some cases these exercises contain answers in the description itself to check the results. It is important to go through these answers prior to watching the subsequent lesson with full analysis and explanation.
The primary goal of this course is to present the students with rigorous definitions, properties, relationships and dependencies among different objects studied in Trigonometry.
Perhaps the most interesting part of this course is the kind of problems offered as tests or exercises. They require not only factual knowledge of the information provided in theoretical lectures, but also certain degree of creativity, ingenuity and analytical thinking and, as such, are intended to develop these skills, which will be useful in any future profession. Development of these qualities in students is an extremely important goal of this course.
The course is intended for high school level students who are either involved in home schooling or are just interested in deepening their mathematical knowledge as a tool to develop their creativity, logic, analytical thinking and, arguably, general intelligence.
Those students who successfully complete this course will excel not only in Trigonometry, but in other mathematical topics and all aspects of their lives that involve deep understanding, thinking and decision making.
Strong algebraical and geometrical skills are assumed for students studying Trigonometry. In addition, knowledge of complex numbers, limits and derivatives would be useful. For those not familiar with the concepts of complex numbers, limits and derivatives the course contains introductory lectures, which introduces these concepts to a level sufficient to understand their application to Trigonometry.
This course of Advanced Trigonometry encompasses all aspects traditionally included in studying of this subject :
Section 1. Introduction to Trigonometry
(5 theoretical video lessons with detail notes and tests, 4 exercises with full review)
Basic Concepts
Unit Circle
Basic Angles
Simple Identities
Right Triangle
Section 2. Trigonometric Functions
(8 theoretical video lessons with detail notes and tests, 3 exercises with full review)
Properties of function y=SIN(x)
Properties of function y=COS(x)
Properties of function y=TAN(x)
Properties of function y=COT(x)
Properties of function 2.5 y=SEC(x)
Properties of function y=CSC(x)
Review of Properties of Trigonometric Functions
Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Section 3. Trigonometric Identities
(4 theoretical video lessons with detail notes and tests, 2 exercises with full review)
Basic Identities
Formula for cos(2x)
Formula for cos(x+y)
Other formulas for (x+y)
Section 4. Trigonometric Equations
(3 theoretical video lessons with detail notes and tests, 3 exercises with full review)
Primitive Equations
Four Solutions to One Problem
Section 5. Trigonometric Inequalities
(1 theoretical video lesson with detail notes and tests, 2 exercises with full review)
Overview of Trigonometric Inequalities
Section 6. Trigonometric Geometry
(3 theoretical video lessons with detail notes and tests, 3 exercises with full review)
Law of Sines
Law of Cosines
Geometrical Proofs of Trigonometric Identities
Section 7. Trigonometry and Complex Numbers
(4 theoretical video lessons with detail notes and tests, 2 exercises with full review)
Introduction to Complex Numbers
Advanced Complex Numbers
Complex Trigonometry
Euler's Formula
Section 8. Trigonometric Calculus
(2 theoretical video lessons with detail notes and tests)
Limit, Derivative, Integral
Calculus of Trigonometric Functions