AP U.S. History Part 2

Teacher: Maureen
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 654

Introduction to the Course

0 Course Introduction 05:25

Unit 1 (1865-1900) - The Gilded Age

1 Lesson 1: The West 38:46

An overview of the settlement of the western part of the U.S. in the mid to late 19th century.

2 Lesson 2: The New South 39:51

An examination of change and continuity in the South post-Reconstruction.

2 Review of Lesson 1 Check for Understanding 01:49

Short video reviewing the answers of lesson one's check for understanding (CFU)

3 Review of Lesson 2 Check for Understanding 02:07

Short video reviewing the answers of lesson two's check for understanding

4 Lesson 3: The Rise of Industrial Capitalism 34:37

An overview of the growth of industry and big business in the late 19th century.

4 Review of Lesson 3 Check for Understanding 01:47

Short video reviewing the answers of lesson three's check for understanding

5 Lesson 4: Labor in the Gilded Age 46:08

A discussion of working conditions and the growth of organized labor in the Gilded Age.

6 Review of Lesson 4 Check for Understanding 01:42

A short video reviewing the answers to the lesson 4 CFU

7 Lesson 5: Migration and Immigration 34:00

An overview of immigration and migration trends in the U.S. as well as the experience of immigrants in the Gilded Age.

9 Review of Lesson 5 Check for Understanding 02:35

Review of the answers to the lesson 5 CFU

10 Lesson 6: Gilded Age Politics 44:06

An overview of the major political issues of the Gilded Age.

12 Review of Lesson 6 Check for Understanding 01:22

Review of the answers to the lesson 6 CFU

13 Lesson 7: Changing Culture 38:54

A look at the ways in which society and culture were changing alongside economic and demographic change.

14 Review of Lesson 7 Check for Understanding 01:44

Review of the answers to the lesson 7 CFU

15 Unit 1 Assessment 00:00

This is the end of unit assessment for when you have completed Unit 1. Some questions refer to excerpts that can be found in the document entitled, "Unit 1 Assessment Addendum."

Unit 2 (1898-1941) - Emerging World Power

16 Lesson 1: Imperialism 42:44

An analysis of U.S. expansion in the late 19th/early 20th centuries and the controversies surrounding it.

17 Review of Lesson 1 Check for Understanding 02:16

Watch this after taking the lesson 1 CFU

18 Lesson 2: Progressives 36:09

Overview of the Progressive Movement

19 Review of Lesson 2 CFU 01:38

Review of Lesson 2 CFU

20 Lesson 3: WWI 34:28

Examination of why the U.S. entered WWI and how the war impacted the U.S.

21 Review of Lesson 3 CFU 02:22

Review of Lesson 3 CFU

22 Lesson 4 - The 1920s 28:54

An examination of changes in society during the 1920s.

23 Review of Lesson 4 CFU 01:46

Review of Lesson 4 CFU

24 Lesson 5: The Great Depression 34:31

An examination of the causes and impacts of the Great Depression.

25 Review of Lesson 5 CFU 01:11

Review of Lesson 5 CFU

26 Lesson 6: The New Deal 40:45

An overview of the general aims of the New Deal and some of its major programs and impacts.

27 Review of Lesson 6 CFU 01:22

Review of Lesson 6 CFU

28 Lesson 7: Interwar Foreign Policy 37:13

A look at the major foreign policy trends between WWI and WWII.

29 Review of Lesson 7 CFU 01:46

Review of Lesson 7 CFU

30 Unit 2 Assessment 00:00

This is the end of unit assessment for when you have completed Unit 2. Some questions refer to excerpts that can be found in the document entitled, "Unit 2 Addendum."

Unit 3 (1941-1980) - WWII and Cold War Eras

31 Lesson 1: WWII on the Homefront 31:55

A look at how WWII impacted life at home, the role of the government, and women and minorities.

32 Review of Lesson 1 CFU 01:57

Review of Lesson 1 CFU

33 Lesson 2: WWII - Military History 35:26

An overview of major strategies and military campaigns of WWII

34 Review of Lesson 2 CFU 01:22

Review of Lesson 2 CFU

35 Lesson 3: Cold War Overview 42:29

An examination of the major trends in U.S. policy and how they changed over time throughout the Cold War

36 Review of Lesson 3 CFU 01:48

Review of Lesson 3 CFU

37 Lesson 4: Cold War at Home 21:28

An overview of how the Cold War impacted domestic issues in the U.S.

38 Review of Lesson 4 CFU 01:01

Review of Lesson 4 CFU

39 Lesson 5: Political and Economic Change 44:47

An overview of the major political and economic developments from the 1950s-1980.

40 Review of Lesson 5 CFU 01:39

Review of Lesson 5 CFU

41 Lesson 6: Vietnam War 29:04

An examination of the Vietnam War and its impact on America.

42 Review of Lesson 6 CFU 01:03

Review of Lesson 6 CFU

43 Lesson 7: Cultural change 37:32

A look at the ways in which society and culture were changing the mid 20th century.

44 Review of Lesson 7 CFU 00:51

Review of Lesson 7 CFU

45 Lesson 8: African American Civil Rights Movement Part 1 23:23

An overview of some of the major aims, events, protests, and achievements of the African American Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 60s.

46 Review of Lesson 8 CFU 00:46

Review of Lesson 8 CFU

47 Lesson 9: African American Civil Rights Movement Part 2 26:22

An overview of some of the major aims, events, protests, and achievements of the African American Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 60s.

48 Review of Lesson 9 CFU 01:31

Review of Lesson 9 CFU

49 Lesson 10: Civil Rights Movements Expand 30:11

A brief look at how new social reform movements developed in the mid-20th century.

50 Review of Lesson 10 CFU 00:54

Review of Lesson 10 CFU

51 Unit 3 Assessment 00:00

This is the end of unit assessment for when you have completed Unit 3. Some questions refer to excerpts that can be found in the document entitled, "Unit 3 Addendum."

Unit 4 (1980-present): Modern America

52 Lesson 1: 1980s 23:54

A brief look at the major political and foreign policy developments of the 1980s.

53 Review of Lesson 1 CFU 01:25

Review of Lesson 1 CFU

54 Lesson 2: Modern America 15:48

A brief look at some of the major foreign policy, economic, and demographic trends of the last few decades.

55 Review of Lesson 2 CFU 00:50

Review of Lesson 2 CFU

56 Unit 4 Assessment 00:00

This is the end of unit assessment for when you have completed Unit 4. Some questions refer to excerpts that can be found in the document entitled, "Unit 4 Addendum."

57 AP Exam Prep 10:33

Materials and a short video to guide you through some tips for preparing for the AP Exam.

Course Description

In this course, students engage in an in-depth examination of America’s history from the Reconstruction era to the modern day. Students will gain a sophisticated understanding of America’s history through detailed, informative video lectures that tie the historical content to larger concepts and themes. Students will also deepen their understanding of U.S. History through analyzing historical sources, developing historical arguments, and identifying patterns of continuity and change.

While this is an introductory, college-level course, students will be scaffolded with several organizational aids. This course has been recently updated to align with significant changes in the College Board’s AP U.S. History curriculum and exam format.This is part two of a two-part course. Together, these courses prepare students to take the AP U.S. History exam if they so choose.


Course Includes

  • 26 Video Lessons
  • 4 Units
  • Organizational tools for each unit and each lesson
  • A check for understanding at the end of each lesson
  • An end-of-unit assessment for each unit
  • Supplementary readings
  • Source analysis and writing activities


Course Goals

By taking this course, students will have a deeper understanding of America's history and its relationship to the modern-day. Students will gain important analytical skills and the ability to use various sources to develop strong, original arguments. Upon completion of both Parts 1 and 2 of this course, students will be prepared to take the AP U.S History Exam in May.


Target Audience

This video course is primarily intended for high-school students who have an interest in history and advanced skills in reading and writing.


Course Requirements

Students should choose one of the approved AP U.S. history textbooks as a supplement to the video lectures.


Course Topics

Unit 1 (1865-1900): The Gilded Age

  • Lesson 1: The West
  • Lesson 2: The New South
  • Lesson 3: The Rise of Industrial Capitalism
  • Lesson 4: Labor in the Gilded Age
  • Lesson 5: Migration and Immigration
  • Lesson 6: Gilded Age Politics
  • Lesson 7: Changing Culture


Unit 2 (1898-1941): Emerging World Power

  • Lesson 1: Imperialism
  • Lesson 2: Progressive Movement
  • Lesson 3: WWI
  • Lesson 4: 1920s
  • Lesson 5: The Great Depression
  • Lesson 6: The New Deal
  • Lesson 7: Interwar Foreign Policy


Unit 3 (1941-1980): WWII and Cold War Eras

  • Lesson 1: WWII on the Homefront
  • Lesson 2: WWII - Military History
  • Lesson 3: Cold War Overview
  • Lesson 4: Cold War at Home
  • Lesson 5: Political and Economic CHange
  • Lesson 6: Vietnam War
  • Lesson 7: A Changing Culture
  • Lessons 8&9: African American Civil Rights Movement
  • Lesson 10: Civil Rights Movements Expand


Mini Unit 4 (1980-present): Modern America

  • Lesson 1: 1980s
  • Lesson 2: Modern America
  • Lesson 3: AP Exam Review Strategies
  • Teacher: Maureen
  • Areas of expertise: U.S. History, AP U.S. History
  • Education: BA: History, University of Virginia; MA: Teaching, University of Virginia
  • Interests: Travel, exploring the outdoors, exercise, reading, spending time with family
  • Skills: Curriculum Development
  • Associations: Teaching License, Commonwealth of Virginia, Secondary Social Studies
  • Issues I care about: Education, Community Outreach and Activism

I have seven years of experience as a classroom teacher working with a wide-range of students. I believe the study of history is imperative to understanding our current world and one another. I also believe studying history develops important skills like being able to look at issues from multiple perspectives, analyze sources, synthesize information, and develop arguments. I hope this course inspires this same appreciation for history in others.

Digital Quizzes and Tests Study Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Study Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Unit 1 Outline

Outline of the essential questions and vocabulary of Unit 1, broken down by lesson.

KEY - Unit 1 Assessment

Answer key to unit 1 test

Unit 2 Outline

Outline of the essential questions and vocabulary of Unit 2, broken down by lesson.

KEY - Progressive Problems and Reforms

Unit 3 Outline

Outline of the big ideas and vocabulary of Unit 3, broken down by lesson.

KEY - Unit 3 Assessment

DBQ Rubric

Unit 4 Outline

An outline of the essential questions and vocabulary for Unit 4, broken down by lesson.

KEY - Unit 4 Assessment

Key to the Unit 4 assessment

KEY - Unit 2 Assessment

Answer key to the Unit 2 assessment
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