Learn to Play the Piano

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Teacher: Susan
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 1742


0 Course Introduction 03:00

Course Description & Outcomes

Section 1: Pre-staff & Piano Orientation

0 Lesson 0: Introduction to the Course 01:55

A short video on things you need to know before starting the course.

1 Lesson 1: Orientation, Posture, Directional Reading, Quarter Note 12:00

This first lesson covers:

  • posture
  • hand position
  • pattern of black and white keys
  • finger numbers
  • concept of up-down-repeat
  • the Quarter note
  • 5 short songs on the black keys

2 Lesson 1 Worksheet Review 04:04

Lesson 1 Worksheet Review

3 Lesson 2: Half Note, Songs on the Black Keys, Piano Alphabet 11:01

Introduction to the piano alphabet, Half note, review of posture and hand position

4 Lesson 2 Worksheet Review 03:02

Lesson 2 Worksheet Review

5 Lesson 3:Forte and Piano, Bar lines, Measures, Quarter Rest 10:49

Introduction of Forte & Piano, Bar lines, measures, Quarter Rest

6 Lesson 3 Worksheet Review 02:46

Lesson 3 Worksheet Review

7 Lesson 4:Treble & Bass Clefs, Skips, Counting Beats, Dotted Half Note 15:33

Counting, Treble & Bass Clef, Dotted Half Note, Skips

8 Lesson 4 Worksheet Review 03:59

Lesson 4 Worksheet Review

9 Lesson 5:C Scale, C Position, Staccato & Legato 15:52

C scale, C position, staccato and legato

10 Lesson 5 Worksheet Review 03:33

Lesson 5 Worksheet Review

11 Lesson 6: Intervals of a 4th & 5th, Songs in C Position, Mezzo Forte 12:25

Brace, Intervals of a 4th and 5th, mf dynamic

Section 2: The Staff, Intervals, Flats & Sharps

12 Lesson 7: Whole Note, the Staff 15:24

Whole notes, the Staff, Stem direction

13 Lesson 7 Worksheet Review 03:47

Lesson 7 Worksheet Review

14 Lesson 8:Grand Staff 13:36

Grand Staff, C position on the Staff, Half & whole rests

15 Lesson 8 Worksheet Review 04:27

Lesson 8 Worksheet Review

16 Lesson 9:Tied Notes, Time Signature, Sharps, Whole & Half Steps 19:40

tied notes, time signature, sharps, Whole & Half steps, G scale, step up, step down

17 Lesson 9 Worksheet Review 04:34

Lesson 9 Worksheet Review

18 Lesson 10: C Triads, Ritardando, Major Scale Formula 15:19

C triads & scale, Terms Ritardando & Rallentando, Intervals of a 2/3/4/5th, and time signature 2/4

19 Lesson 10 Worksheet Review 04:54

Lesson 10 Worksheet Review

20 Lesson 11: G Major Scale & Triads, Flats 15:00

Flats, G triads and scale

Section 3: Minor Scales, Eighth Notes, More 5-finger Positions

21 Lesson 12: A Minor Scale, New Notes in Bass Clef 12:00

A minor triads and scale (natural and harmonic), New Bass clef note: C, B and A

22 Lesson 13: A Minor Triads, New Notes in Treble Clef, Eighth Notes 17:11

New Notes A, B, C on treble clef staff; eighth notes, A minor triads 

23 Lesson 14: F Major Scale & Triads, Key Signatures 15:51

F major scale and triads, Key Signatures

24 Lesson 15: G 5-finger Position in LH 13:27

G 5-finger position in Bass Clef,
review of Eighth notes.

25 Lesson 16: G 5-finger Position in RH, E Minor Scale, the Natural Sign 13:12

G position in Treble Clef, the Natural sign, scale of E minor

26 Lesson 16 Worksheet Review 02:00

Lesson 16 Worksheet Review

27 Lesson 17: Octave Leaps 12:29

Octave leaps, and Songs in G position

28 Lesson 18: Interval of a 6th, Decrescendo, 5-finger Positions in F and D 14:46

Interval of a 6th, Decrescendo, F and d 5-finger positions

29 Lesson 18 Worksheet Review 03:28

Lesson 18 Worksheet Review

Section 4: Tempo markings, Upbeats, Tonic & Dominant

30 Lesson 19: Upbeats, Accents, Scale of D Minor 14:00

Upbeats, Accent mark, Scale of d minor

31 Lesson 20: 5-finger Positions in D and B, Tempo Markings 16:44

D and b 5-finger positions, 4 new tempo markings

32 Lesson 20 Worksheet Review 03:05

Lesson 20 Worksheet Review

33 Lesson 21: Tonic & Dominant Chords for C and G Major, Dotted-quarter Note 14:48

Tonic & Dominant, I & V7 chords for C major & G major, and the Dotted quarter note

34 Lesson 21 Worksheet Review 02:12

Lesson 21 Worksheet Review

35 Lesson 22: Tonic & Dominant Chords for A and E Minor 19:33

Tonic & Dominant (I, V7 chords) for a minor and e minor

36 Lesson 22 Worksheet Review 04:33

Lesson 22 Worksheet Review

37 Lesson 23: Tonic & Dominant Chords for F and D major, New Notes in Both Clefs 14:41

Tonic & Dominant (I & V7 chords) for F major and D major, New notes beyond the staff

38 Lesson 23 Worksheet Review 03:16

Lesson 23 Worksheet Review

Section 5: Scales HT, 6/8 Meter, Damper Pedal, Triplets

39 Lesson 24: 8va Sign, D Major Scale & Triads 17:27

8va sign, D major triads & scale

40 Lesson 24 Worksheet Review 03:12

Lesson 24 Worksheet Review

41 Lesson 25: 6/8 Meter, Musical Terms, C Major Scale Hands Together 14:55

6/8 meter, Terms: Cantabile & Simile, Hands Together scale of C major

42 Lesson 25 Worksheet Review 02:03

Lesson 25 Worksheet Review

43 Lesson 26:A Minor Scale Hands Together, 6/8 Practice 23:33

A minor scale hands together, continuation of 6/8 meter, Holding a note down while playing another

44 Lesson 27: G Major Scale Hands Together, Pedal Usage 13:12

Damper Pedal usage, G major scale hands together, hand rotation

45 Lesson 28: E Minor Scale Hands Together, Triplets 18:37

E minor scale hands together, Triplets

Section 6: More ledger line notes, Grace Notes, Phrasing

46 Lesson 29: D Major Scale Hands Together, New Ledger Line Notes in Treble Clef 13:24

Scale of D major HT, New ledger line notes, more practice with 6/8 meter 

47 Lesson 29 Worksheet Review 03:10

Lesson 29 Worksheet Review

48 Lesson 30: F Major Scale Hands Together, New Ledger Line Notes in Bass Clef 22:00

Jumping & Fast moves at the piano, New ledger line notes, F major scale hands together

49 Lesson 31: Grace Notes, 1st & 2nd Endings 14:40

C major scale hands together, Grace notes, 1st and 2nd endings

50 Lesson 32: G Major Scale Hands Together, Phrasing 13:45

G major scale 2 octaves, Musical Phrasing

51 Lesson 32 Worksheet Review 06:38

Lesson 32 Worksheet Review

Section 7: Showing off Your New Skills

52 Lesson 33: A Minor Scale 2 Octaves, Cross Hands Technique 15:35

A minor scale 2 octaves, Crossed Hand passages

53 Lesson 34: E Minor Scale 2 Octaves, 12-bar Blues 16:06

E minor scale Hands together, 12 Bar Blues

54 Lesson 34 Worksheet Review 02:37

Lesson 34 Worksheet Review

55 Lesson 35: Wrap Up, Where to Go from Here, Final Pieces 17:34

Wrap up / Summary, and Where to go from here, as well as 2 final FUN pieces

This course provides musical instruction at the piano for beginners. The course is equivalent to 1.5yrs of private piano lessons, and consists of 35 packed lessons, each with its own video-lesson, worksheet, and multiple pieces to learn - styles ranging from classical to folk, to boogie and blues.  By the end of this course, students will play at an advanced beginner level.

This course includes:








Course Goals

Upon course completion, you will be able to play the piano at an advanced beginner level, using proper technique, posture, and musical expression. You will also have a good knowledge of music theory and be able to read notes and count out rhythms.

By the end of the course, you will be able to 1)play the piano with both hands   2)read music on the staff (up to 2 ledger lines above and below each staff) 3)understand various time signatures 4)be able to count out note values ranging from eighth notes to whole notes 5)use the pedal 6)play six different scales and triads and 7)play I-V7-I chord progressions in several keys.

Target Audience

This video-course is primarily intended for students ages 6-14 who have little to no previous musical experience. However, older beginner students, even beginning adults, would also benefit from taking this course.

Course Requirements

Students will need to have a piano at home, preferably an accoustic piano, although a good digital keyboard with 88 weighted keys will also work. 

SECTION 1: Pre-staff & Piano Orientation

    Piano Orientation, Posture, Directional Reading, Quarter Note

    Half Note, Songs on the Black Keys, Piano Alphabet

    Forte and Piano, Bar lines, Measures, Quarter Rest

    Treble & Bass Clefs, Skips, Counting beats, Dotted Half note

    C scale, C Position, Staccato & Legato

    Intervals of a 4th & 5th, Songs in C Position, Mezzo Forte dynamic

    18 short pieces of music

SECTION 2: The Staff, Intervals, Flats & Sharps

    Whole Note, the Staff

    The Grand Staff

    Tied notes, Time Signatures, 3/4 and 4/4 Meter, Sharps, Whole & Half Steps

    C triads, Ritardando, Major Scale Formula

    G major scale & triads, Flats

    12 pieces of music

SECTION 3: Minor Scales, Eighth Notes, More 5-finger Positions

    A minor scale, New Notes in Bass Clef

    A minor triads, New Notes in Treble Clef, Eighth Notes

    F major scale & triads, Key Signatures

    G 5-finger position in RH & LH

    E minor scale, the Natural Sign

    Octave Leaps

    Interval of a 6th, Decrescendo, 5-finger positions in F and d

    14 pieces of music

SECTION 4: Tempo markings, Upbeats, Tonic & Dominant

     Upbeats, Accents, Scale of d minor

    5-finger positions in D and b, Tempo Markings

    Tonic & Dominant Chords for C and G major, Dotted-quarter note

    Tonic & Dominant Chords for a and e minor

    Tonic & Dominant Chords for F and D major, New Notes in Both Clefs

    9 pieces of music

SECTION 5: Scales (Hands Together), 6/8 Meter, Damper Pedal, Triplets

    8va sign, D major scale & triads

    6/8 Meter, Musical Terms, C major scale Hands Together

    A minor scale Hands Together, 6/8 Practice

    G major scale Hands Together, Pedal Usage

    E minor scale Hands Together, Triplets

    11 pieces of music

SECTION 6: More ledger line notes, Grace Notes, Phrasing

    D major scale Hands Together, New Ledger line notes in Treble Clef

    F major scale Hands Together, New Ledger line notes in Bass Clef

    Grace Notes, 1st & 2nd endings

    G major scale Hands Together, Phrasing

    9 pieces of music

SECTION 7: Showing off our new skills!

    A minor scale 2 octaves, Cross Hands Technique

    E minor scale 2 octaves, 12-bar Blues

    Wrap up, Where to go from Here

    6 pieces of music

  • Teacher: Susan
  • Areas of expertise: Piano, Harpsichord, Harp, Private Teaching & University Teaching
  • Education: Doctorate in Music (harpsichord), McGill University Masters in Music (Keyboard Instruments), University of Michigan Bachelor of Music (Piano), Wheaton College ARCT Piano Teaching, Royal Conservatory of Toronto ARCT Piano Performance, Royal Conservatory of Toronto
  • Interests: Baking, Softball, Forest hikes, Gardening, Watching sunsets
  • Skills:
  • Associations: Rideau Valley Home Educator's Association
  • Issues I care about: I love breaking things down into simple terms so that others can understand. I believe music calms the spirit and inspires us in a completely different way than words ever could.

I look forward to showing you all about the piano, and starting you on your musical journey.

Test Preparation Document

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Note to Parents

Information for parents regarding the set up and preparation for this course, as well as some suggestions.

Quiz Answer Key

Answers to all the quizzes in this course

Note about Flashcards

Flashcards to drill note names on the staff


Flashcards for notes on the staff 

Certificate of Achievement

Certificate for child upon completion of this course.

Rhymes to help Memorize Staff Notes

Rhymes to help Memorize Staff Notes - use only if helpful, starting around Lesson 14

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