Italian for Beginners

Teacher: Katelyn
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 1452

Andiamo in Italia! Let's go to Italy!

1 Course Introduction 05:03

Meet the instructor and hear about the things you will be learning in this introductory Italian course. Also get helpful tips and advice to be successful in this course. Learn about what is included in the course and the approach to learning Italian used by the instructor.

2 Course How-To 03:54

Learn how to use this course to best facilitate your student's language learning experience. Listen to recommended uses for videos, materials, parent resources, and other activities.

3 Lesson 1: Salutations 08:51

In this video, students will learn basic words and phrases for introductory and polite conversations. Students should repeat vocabulary after the instructor to practice proper pronunciation and intonation.

4 Dialogue 1 07:13

Listen to the dialogue as many times as necessary to feel comfortable with the topic and phrases used by the two characters. Take notes and prepare to answer questions about the dialogue.

5 Dialogue 1 Questions 07:13

Instructor will pose several questions in Italian that are related to the dialogue in the previous video. Student should respond out loud and then review answers at the end of the video.

6 Pronunciation Practice 04:37

The instructor will pronounce four commonly mispronounced words in Italian. Four pronunciations will be given, and the student will identify which option is correct.

7 Lesson 2: Italian Alphabet 05:16

Learn the Italian alphabet: how to pronounce letters and how the letters are pronounced in the context of Italian words.

8 Alphabet Dictation 08:41

Instructor will spell words in Italian. Student will write down the letters to spell the words.

9 Letter Dictation Activity Review 03:56

Answers and explanations to dictation activity using Italian letters

10 Italian Numbers 04:44

Students will learn how to count to 40 in Italian by repeating numbers after the instructor.

11 Number Dictation 06:32

Practice recognizing numbers in Italian by listening to phone numbers and writing them down as you listen. The instructor will say each number three times before moving on to the next one.

12 Lesson 3: Calendar 03:53

Learn the days of the week in Italian. Practice first with focus on pronunciation, then in a song to help with memorizing.

13 Months of the Year 04:14

Learn the months of the year in Italian, first with pauses for repetition, then with a fun little song to help with memorization.

14 Helpful Calendar Phrases 03:42

Learn some important words and phrases to accompany your knowledge of the calendar in Italian.

15 Calendar Sentence Formation 05:34

Learn how to construct basic sentences about the calendar, days, and dates.

16 Questions about the Calendar 04:15

Practice answering some basic questions about days, dates, and the calendar in general. Students should try to answer in complete sentences using the structures and vocabulary words covered in the previous videos.

17 Verbal Response Activity Review 04:06

Answers and explanations to verbal response questions in lesson 3 activity

18 Lesson 4: Listening Activity 03:05

Listen to a student introducing herself. Listen to the audio at least three times before attempting the questions in the next video.

19 Questions for Listening Activity 06:21

Student will respond verbally to questions posed by the instructor. Student may use notes taken while listening to the audio in the previous video, but may not use the text provided in the resources section. Students should try to answer questions using complete sentences.

20 Lesson 5: Subject Pronouns 08:33

Introduction to subject pronouns. Instructor will review subject pronouns in English prior to teaching translation into Italian.

21 Practice with Subject Pronouns 09:58

Student will identify subject pronouns in English sentences and then translate the pronoun into Italian.

22 Subject Pronouns Activity Review 05:14

Answers and explanations to subject pronoun activity

23 Lesson 6: Section 1 Vocabulary Review 05:02

Review of vocabulary terms covered in lessons in Section 1.

24 Section 1 Grammar Review 03:19

Review of grammar concepts covered in lessons in Section 1.

25 Section 1 Exam Preview 03:38

Instructor gives an explanation and walk-through of the Section 1 exam before the student attempts the assessment.

Descrizioni: Descriptions

26 Lesson 7: Essere 07:02

Learn vocabulary to accompany the verb essere, to be.

27 Essere: to be 06:15

Picture of Essere: to be Learn how to conjugate the irregular verb essere in Italian. Student will learn how to make the verb form match the subject of the sentence.

28 Essere Practice 1 04:09

Student will practice using the verb essere in the context of sentences in Italian. Student will change the verb form to match various subjects given.

29 Essere Practice 1 Review 06:49

Answers and explanations to essere verb activity 1

30 Essere Practice 2 03:11

Student will practice translating subjects and verbs from English into Italian. The exercise will use full sentence context, but the student is only required to translate the subject and verb of each exercise.

31 Essere Practice 2 Review 07:28

Answers and explanations to essere verb activity 2

32 Lesson 8: Animals 04:22

Student will learn basic animal vocabulary by repeating new words after the instructor. Instructor will also share animal sounds in Italian and how they differ from English.

33 Matching Activity Review 02:01

Answers and explanations to matching activity for lesson 8

34 Italian Animals 03:34

Student will learn about animals that are often found in Italy that are not as common in other countries of the world. Instructor will provide image references and describe how the animals relate to vocabulary already learned.

35 Synthesis Activity 03:05

Students will combine several elements of what they have learned in the previous videos to complete a synthesis activity. The exercises will use animals and numbers.

36 Favorite Animals 03:15

Student will extend knowledge of animal vocabulary and learn to express his or her favorite animal using a new grammatical structure. This is simply and introduction to that structure, which will be covered in more detail in a later lesson.

37 Lesson 9: Gender of Nouns 05:39

Picture of Lesson 9: Gender of Nouns Student will learn about gender of nouns in Italian. Instructor will provide examples using vocabulary with which the student is already familiar.

38 Number of Nouns 04:38

Students will learn about number of nouns in Italian. Instructor will provide examples of singular and plural nouns using vocabulary with which the student is already familiar.

39 Plurals Activity Review 02:21

Answers and explanations to plurals activity for lesson 9

40 C'è and Ci Sono 04:36

Students will learn how to use c'è and ci sono (there is, there are) to describe existential conditions of objects and people.

41 Extension Activity 03:28

Student will use the synthesis activity from Lesson 8 to complete an extension exercise. Student will fill in the last blank for each question using the phrases c'è and ci sono.

42 Synthesis Activity Review 07:24

Answers and explanations to synthesis activity for lessons 8 and 9

43 Lesson 10: Definite Articles 05:39

Picture of Lesson 10: Definite Articles Student will learn about definite articles (referring to specific things or people) in Italian. Instructor will use examples with vocabulary words to put the articles in context.

44 Indefinite Articles 04:31

Picture of Indefinite Articles Student will learn about indefinite articles (referring to general things or people) in Italian. Instructor will use examples with previous vocabulary words to put the articles in context.

45 Articles Activity Review 03:04

Answers and explanations to article matching activity for lesson 10

46 Vocabulary with Articles 05:38

Instructor will present lesson vocabulary with focus on appropriate articles to accompany nouns. Student is encouraged to think about how to make each article and noun combination plural.

47 Lesson 11: Parts of the Body 05:49

Student will learn the parts of the body in Italian by repeating new vocabulary after the instructor. A song will also be used to aid in retention of new words.

48 Vocabulary Activity Review 02:13

Answers and explanations of vocabulary retention activity (parts of the body)

49 Possessive Adjectives 11:50

Picture of Possessive Adjectives Instructor will begin with an explanation of possessive structures in English. Students will then learn how to express possession in Italian through a new possessive adjective structure.

50 Example Using Possessive Adjectives 13:34

Instructor will walk through a complete example of using possessive adjectives in order to demonstrate how their forms and functions change. Student is encouraged to take notes and follow along verbally with the exercise.

51 Possessives Practice 1 05:20

Student will complete a worksheet to practice using possessive adjective structures in Italian. Instructor will walk through an example to demonstrate proper thought process.

52 Possessives Practice 2 05:54

Student will complete exercises to cement the Italian possessive structures. The practice activity develops the student's ability to form complete sentences using the new grammar concept.

53 Possession Activity Review 06:12

Answers and explanations to possession practices 1 and 2

54 Lesson 12: Cognates 04:46

Student will learn about Italian-English cognates, or words that are similarly spelled and/or pronounced between the two languages.

55 Cognates Vocabulary 06:13

Student will practice identifying Italian-English cognates. Repetition with focus on pronunciation is particularly important when working with cognates, as it is easy to pronounce these words as if they were their English counterparts!

56 False Cognates 03:49

Instructor will warn against thinking all words that are similar between English and Italian are cognates. Student will work with several examples to understand the concept of "false friends."

57 Activity with Cognates 03:18

Instructor will review lesson activity using cognates and false cognates prior to the student completing the worksheet on his or her own.

58 Cognates Activity Review 02:15

Answers and explanations to cognates activity for lesson 12

59 Lesson 13: Listening Activity 13:20

Instructor will read a series of sentences in Italian. Student will write down the sentences as he or she hears them. Following the activity, the student will also write down English translations.

60 Listening Activity Review 05:51

Instructor will provide a comprehensive review of the listening activity. Student is encouraged to check spelling of Italian words using the answer key to the activity (provided in the Resources tab).

61 Lesson 14: Section 2 Vocabulary Review 04:04

Review of vocabulary terms covered in lessons in Section 2.

62 Section 2 Grammar Review 05:56

Review of grammar concepts covered in lessons in Section 2.

63 Section 2 Exam Preview 02:44

Instructor gives an explanation and walk-through of the Section 2 exam before the student attempts the assessment.

Possessioni: Possessions

64 Lesson 15: Family 07:24

Student will learn vocabulary that centers on the theme of family relationships.

65 Vocabulary and Verb Practice Review 02:10

Answers and explanations to vocabulary and verb practice for lesson 15

66 Avere 06:56

Picture of Avere Student will learn how to conjugate a new irregular verb, avere, which means "to have." Repetition of verb remains an important pronunciation exercise.

67 Listening Activity 03:35

Student will listen to a brief statement from Elisa, who will describe her family. Student should listen to the audio at least three times before proceeding.

68 Questions for Listening Activity 08:47

Instructor will ask a series of questions and leave pauses for verbal responses. Students should try to form complete sentences using the information from the previous video.

69 Family in Italy 03:00

Student will learn about family structures and traditions in Italy.

70 Lesson 16: Synthesis Activity 02:25

Student will complete a crossword puzzle in Italian using vocabulary from the first half of the course.

71 Crossword Puzzle Review 05:04

Answers and explanations to crossword benchmark activity for lesson 16

72 Lesson 17: Introduction to Idioms 02:06

Instructor will provide a brief introduction and overview to some idiomatic phrases that are used in English as a prologue to how they are formed and used in Italian.

73 Idioms in Italian 08:51

Instructor explains formation and use of idiomatic phrases in Italian. These phrases use the verb avere, which the student has just learned. Idioms provide a way to practice and refine skills with avere.

74 Activity with Idioms 04:49

Instructor provides examples of exercises that are on the lesson practice worksheet. Student should follow along with the process before completing the worksheet themselves.

75 Avere Expressions Activity Review 04:24

Answers and explanations to activity using expressions of avere for lesson 17

76 Lesson 18: Foods and Drinks 07:54

Student will engage with new vocabulary that is focused on the theme of foods and drinks. Student will do a brief, informal activity with the instructor to practice sentence formation with food vocabulary.

77 Vocabulary Activity Review 01:49

Answers and explanations to vocabulary review for lesson 18

78 Essere vs. Avere 09:13

Instructor will review the irregular verbs essere and avere. Student will verbally assist with the filling in of a chat to distinguish between uses of the two verbs.

79 Exercises with Essere and Avere 03:56

Instructor will provide examples of exercises requiring a choice between the verbs essere and avere before the student completes the lesson practice worksheet.

80 Verb Choice Activity Review 05:46

Answers and explanations to activity to practice choosing between essere and avere in lesson 18

81 Lesson 19: Dialogue 05:04

Student will listen to a dialogue between two characters. Student should listen at least three times and take notes before proceeding to the next video, which contains questions requiring verbal responses.

82 Dialogue Questions 07:01

Instructor will pose a series of questions regarding the material presented in the dialogue in the previous video. Student should respond in complete sentences.

83 Lesson 20: Section 3 Vocabulary Review 02:47

Review of vocabulary terms covered in lessons in Section 3.

84 Section 3 Grammar Review 04:05

Review of grammar concepts covered in lessons in Section 3.

85 Section 3 Exam Preview 03:20

Instructor gives an explanation and walk-through of the Section 3 exam before the student attempts the assessment.

Verbi regolari: Regular Verbs

86 Lesson 21: Regular Verbs in -ARE 13:17

Picture of Lesson 21: Regular Verbs in -ARE Instructor will introduce and explain formation and use of regular verbs ending in -ARE. Instructor will provide examples of such verbs to aid in student's understanding.

87 Comparison of Verbs 04:04

Instructor will lead student in a comparison of new regular verbs in -ARE with previously-learned irregular verbs essere and avere. This will aid in memorization of verb conjugation patterns.

88 Vocabulary with -ARE Verbs 02:56

Student will learn a variety of regular verbs in the -ARE pattern. This will expand their ability to practice using these verbs and constructing new sentences.

89 Chart Practice 08:01

Instructor will provide an example of the new type of exercise found in the Chart Practice worksheet that accompanies this lesson.

90 Chart Practice Activity Review 04:30

Answers and explanations to chart practice with regular -ARE verbs for lesson 21

91 Translation Activity 06:46

Instructor will provide an overview and examples of how to complete the lesson 21 translation activity.

92 Translation Activity Review 07:18

Answers and explanations to translation activity for lesson 21

93 Lesson 22: Dialogue 06:02

Student will listen to a dialogue that employs many of the new regular verbs in -ARE. Questions will follow, so student should listen as many times as necessary and take pertinent notes.

94 Dialogue Questions 10:06

Instructor will pose a series of questions to the student, who should respond verbally using complete sentences based on the information provided in the dialogue video.

95 Lesson 23: Prepositions 02:08

Picture of Lesson 23: Prepositions Instructor will provide a brief review of what prepositions are in English prior to teaching their equivalents in Italian.

96 Prepositions Vocabulary 05:12

Student will learn how to express prepositions in Italian. This will be accomplished through use of a ball and box (or similar items), and the student is encouraged to follow along at home with the video. These actions will aid retention of new vocabulary.

97 Combination Forms 11:25

Picture of Combination Forms Instructor will go through how prepositions combine with articles when the two parts of speech are next to one another. This is a rather complicated and lengthy lesson, so the student is encouraged to take it little by little and to take notes or follow along verbally throughout the video.

98 Activity with Prepositions 04:12

Instructor will provide an overview and examples for the lesson worksheet activity for prepositions.

99 Vocabulary Activity Review 03:14

Answers and explanations to vocabulary activity for lesson 23

100 Lesson 24: Andare 06:20

Picture of Lesson 24: Andare Instructor presents and explains a new irregular verb, andare, which means "to go." Student should repeat conjugations to practice pronunciation and reinforce memorization.

101 Location Vocabulary 05:32

Student will learn vocabulary that centers on various locations. This vocabulary will prove useful in the context of learning andare, as the student will be able to express where people are going.

102 Vocabulary and Verb Practice Review 01:55

Answers and explanations to vocabulary and verb practice activity in lesson 24

103 Transportation and Prepositions 04:13

Picture of Transportation and Prepositions Instructor will teach how to use prepositions with various means of transportation. Instructor will also cover how to use prepositions in the context of countries, regions, and cities.

104 Reading Practice 05:37

Instructor will read the passage aloud for the student's benefit (pronunciation, following along). The student will then answer questions based on the reading passage.

105 Reading Activity Review 04:05

Answers and explanations to reading activity in lesson 24

106 Places in Italy 02:32

Picture of Places in Italy Instructor will give a cultural lesson on places in Italy and their historical and cultural significance. Students are encouraged to study the map of Italy and discover other traditions and facts on their own.

107 Lesson 25: Dialogue 01:51

Student will listen to the dialogue presented in the video. Student should listen at least three times before continuing to the next video and answering the questions.

108 Dialogue Questions 08:08

Instructor will pose a series of questions about the dialogue from the previous video. Students may consult notes, but not the written text of the dialogue. Students should answer questions verbally in complete sentences.

109 Lesson 26: Adjectives Vocabulary 08:11

Instructor will present a number of common Italian adjectives to aid in learning how to use adjectives in Italian in the next videos.

110 Formation of Adjectives 07:08

Instructor will explain how adjective forms change in Italian to match the noun that they modify. Examples will demonstrate the various changes possible.

111 Spelling Changes in Adjectives 04:11

Instructor will briefly cover what spelling changes may have to occur to maintain consistent pronunciation across forms of an adjective.

112 Activity Using Adjectives 03:09

Instructor will provide an overview and examples of the exercises to practice recognizing and using adjectives in Italian.

113 Description Activity Review 02:39

Answers and explanations to description activity in lesson 26

114 Culture Activity: The Italian Flag 02:39

Picture of Culture Activity: The Italian Flag Student will learn about the colors, history, and significance of the Italian flag.

115 Lesson 27: Section 4 Vocabulary Review 04:24

Review of vocabulary terms covered in lessons in Section 4.

116 Section 4 Grammar Review 04:39

Review of grammar concepts covered in lessons in Section 4.

117 Section 4 Exam Preview 03:42

Instructor gives an explanation and walk-through of the Section 4 exam before the student attempts the assessment.

Ripasso del corso: Course Review

118 Lesson 28: Sentence Formation Equations 05:20

Instructor provides insight into standard patterns of sentence formation in Italian. Grammar equations are used to simplify understanding.

119 Example of Sentence Formation 06:45

Instructor walks through sentence structures in Italian by using a sample sentence in English. Student will verbally respond to help translate the sentence piece by piece into Italian.

120 Error Identification Activity 05:39

Instructor will explain how to complete the lesson activity on identifying errors in sentence construction and formation. Students will complete the activity after watching examples.

121 Error Identification Activity Review 06:52

Answers and explanations to error identification activity for lesson 28

122 Lesson 29: Cultural Exposure 09:31

Student will learn about several types of music central to the Italian culture and history. Samples will be played to provide examples of each type of music. Student is encouraged to explore further (with parent/guardian supervision).

123 Influence of Music in Italy 05:19

Instructor will provide insight into the significance of music in Italy, both within the context of formation of national identity and within the family structure, which was previously discussed in the course.

124 Lesson 30 08:37

Student will read dialogue (and listen to audio recording for pronunciation reference) and then answer questions regarding topics covered in the dialogue.

125 Dialogue Activity Review 05:46

Answers and explanations to dialogue questions for lesson 30

This introductory Italian course places a strong emphasis on developing comfort in speaking Italian in basic conversational situations. It uses a wide range of materials and techniques to construct a strong foundation for further language learning through reading, listening, writing, and speaking in the target language. We have designed the course to be an energetic experience for students to engage with the vibrant culture and beautiful language of Italy.

Course Goals

Upon completion of this course, students who have not previously studied the Italian language will have developed a strong foundational vocabulary and a basic understanding of grammatical structures. These elements combined with comfort and experience producing the language in both spoken and written media will equip students to pursue well-rounded abilities in Italian. Students will have engaged with a variety of cultural materials and will be accustomed to a number of linguistic considerations in the context of the Italian culture.

Target Audience

This introductory Italian course is intended for:

  •       Students in grades 2-6, homeschooled or in a regular school system.
  •       Parents seeking a virtual tutor for their student in contact with vocabulary and grammar.
  •       Students of any age looking for an opportunity to begin learning and practicing the Italian language.
  •       Students who previously studied Italian and want to refine their abilities in the language.


Each lesson has one or more of the following activities with a comprehensive review:

  •       Introduction video
  •       English version of the Italian dialogue
  •       Italian dialogue
  •       Comprehension questions and responses regarding the dialogue
  •       Verbal activities
  •       Listening activities
  •       Translation activities
  •       Improvisation activities
  •       Individual reading sessions with the instructor
  •       Vocabulary and grammar exercises
  •       Interviews
  •       Analysis and deconstruction of newly-introduced verbs
  •       Questions and answers
  •       Reviews and repetitions

Resources (in the parents’ section)

  •       Answer keys to exercises, reviews, and exams
  •       English translations of questions/texts to assist in course administration
  •       PDF attachments in English and Italian to measure the student’s progress

Grazie mille! I am excited to begin working with you and your student.

  • Teacher: Katelyn
  • Areas of expertise: Italian language and culture
  • Education: PhD, Harvard University; BA Vanderbilt University
  • Interests: Facilitating study of Italian for students pursuing their education online, reading, poetry, music
  • Skills: Language teaching at all levels, occupational applications of language
  • Associations:
  • Issues I care about: Quality language instruction in formative years, immigration, cultural interactions

As a recent graduate of Vanderbilt University's Romance Languages programs and a current PhD candidate in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at Harvard University, I have experienced firsthand the opportunities that language acquisition opens for students and professionals. I believe in the importance of allowing students to engage with the language in ways that excite and energize them. My education and research background have demonstrated to me the power of language and the incredible ways it can shape our students into global citizens capable of influencing the world and its people for the better.

Test Preparation Document

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Lesson 1 Answer Key

English text and answers to questions to which student should have verbally responded

Lesson 2 Answer Key

Answers to dictation exercises

Lesson 3 Answer Key

Answers to verbal-response questions

Lesson 4 Answer Key

English text and answers to verbal-response questions

Lesson 5 Answer Key

Answers to subject pronoun worksheet

Exam 1 Answer Key

Answers to Section 1 Exam

Lesson 7 Answer Key

Answers to subject/essere worksheet

Lesson 7 Reading Answer Key

Answers to reading exercise

Lesson 8 Matching Answer Key

Answers to matching activity

Lessons 8 & 9 Answer Key

Answers to animal and number synthesis activity (Lesson 8) as well as extension activity (Lesson 9)

Lesson 9 Answer Key

Answers to Lesson 9 activity

Lesson 10 Answer Key

Answers to article matching activity

Lesson 11 Vocabulary Answer Key

Answers to vocabulary exercise for Lesson 11

Lesson 11 Answer Key

Answers to possessive adjectives activity

Lesson 12 Answer Key

Answers to cognate vocabulary activity

Lesson 13 Answer Key

Answers to listening/dictation activity

Exam 2 Answer Key

Answers to Section 2 Exam

Lesson 15 Vocab and Verb Practice Answer Key

Answers to vocabulary and verb drill

Lesson 15 Answer Key

Answers to verbal-response questions

Lesson 16 Answer Key

Answers to crossword puzzle review activity

Lesson 17 Answer Key

Answers to fill-in-the-blank activity using idiomatic phrases

Lesson 18 Vocabulary Answer Key

Answers to vocabulary activity for Lesson 18

Lesson 18 Answer Key

Answers to exercises in choosing between essere and avere

Lesson 19 Answer Key

Answers to verbal-response questions

Exam 3 Answer Key

Answers to Section 3 Exam

Lesson 21 Chart Practice Answer Key

Answers to fill-in-the-chart practice with regular verbs in -ARE

Lesson 21 Translation Answer Key

Answers to translation activity using regular verbs in -ARE

Lesson 22 Answer Key

Answers to verbal-response questions

Lesson 23 Answer Key

Answers to preposition picture exercises

Lesson 24 Vocab and Verb Practice Answer Key

Answers to vocabulary and verb drill practice

Lesson 24 Answer Key

English text and answers to written-response questions

Lesson 25 Answer Key

English text and answers to fill-in-the-blank dialogues

Lesson 26 Answer Key

Answers to adjective picture exercises

Exam 4 Answer Key

Answers to Section 4 Exam

Lesson 28 Answer Key

Answers to error identification activity

Lesson 29 Answer Key

Answers to word search activity

Lesson 30 Answer Key

Answers to written-response questions

Digital Quiz Answers

Answers to the six digital quizzes included throughout the course
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