Fundamentals of Physics

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Teacher: John
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 2700

Course Introduction

0 Course Introduction 01:20

Do you like to solve problems?  Would you like to go into an engineering field?  Would you like to get into a good college? Do you like understanding and quantifying the world around you? Are you up for a rewarding challenge? If you said yes to any of these questions, then Fundamentals of Physics is the course for you.  We start of with three basic units and some simple concepts to build our understanding of the physical world. We look into motion and what causes it, energy, momentum and fluids, each ideas we interact with on a daily basis.  We solve real world problems and apply the concepts to we learn to the homework sets.  Join me as we take look at what "makes the world go 'round."

Motion in 1 and 2 Dimensions

1 Motion Lesson 1 30:39

A brief introduction leading to the basic concepts that describe motion such as velocity and acceleration.

1 Motion Lesson 1 Homework Problem 05:44

In the document section of Motion Lesson 1 there is a homework problem presented that challenges you to solve for the minimum length of a runway.  This lesson provides the video describing how to solve for the minimum runway length.

2 Motion Lesson 1 Conclusion 09:38

In This Lesson we finish solving a problem started in Motion Lesson 1 and solve an additional 1D Motion example problem.

2 Motion Lesson 1 Conclusion Homework Problem 04:42

This lesson shows the solution to the homework problem given in the Motion Lesson 1 Conclusion lesson.  We see two cars travelling at one another and solve for the time it takes for them to pass one another.

3 Solving 1 Dimensional Motion Problems 24:36

This lesson shows how to solve 1 dimensional motion problems with different levels of complexity including a jet approaching a hillside, two runners circling a track at different speeds and a typical case of cops and robbers

4 Special Topic: Motion in a Circle 17:45

This video shows how to arrive at the acceleration of an object following a circular path

5 Motion Lesson 2 22:05

Vectors are used to break 2 dimensional motion problems into 2, one dimensional motion problems, using time as a linking factor.  A projectile motion problem is solved completely for Range, Time in Air and Maximum Height Attained

5 Motion Lesson 2 Homework Problem 06:27

Video lesson explaining the solution to the homework problem provided in Motion Lesson 2.  A person throwing a ball against a wall accidentally hits and breaks a window.  We find the height of the window given the initial speed and angle of the ball.

6 Solving 2 Dimensional Motion Problems 15:33

Two problems in 2 Dimensional Motion are solved.  The first analyzes the minimum and maximum speeds of a volleyball sere are determined.  In the second problem we see how gravity will pull an arrow off course on its way to a target.

6 Motion Homework and Solutions 27:40

The file includes problem statements for 1 and 2 dimensional motion and the video file will provide step by step solutions for each problem.

Force and Motion

7 Force and Motion 1 22:26

Newton's Laws are introduced and a focus on Newton's Second Law and it's importance is discussed.  A simple example of a falling object is shown and a couple of other force and motion problems and solutions are shown.

7 Force and Motion 1 Homework Problem 04:38

A man uses a pulley to pull himself up an incline, gaining a mechanical advantage.  The siolution to how much force is required to pull himself up the incline is determined.

8 Force and Motion Lesson 2 10:41

A statics problem and pulley problem are discussed and solved using Newton's 2nd Law

9 Force and Motion Lesson 3 09:26

Pulleys are introduced as a way to gain a mechanical advantage and a problem involving Atwood's Machine is discussed and solved

9 Force and Motion Lesson 3 Homework Solution 04:08

A man either appears lighter of heavier based on whether or not the elevator he is in is accelerating up or down.  We analyze this situation using Newton's 2nd Law

10 Force and Motion Lesson 4 14:23

Motion in a circular path is analyzed and two problems demonstrated

11 Special Topic: Friction 15:18

A discussion of Friction and How to find the Force of Friction.  A problem involving friction is solved

12 Force and Motion Homework and Solutions 29:30

Problem set is found in the document and the video shows clear solutions to the homework problems

Work and Energy

13 Work and Energy Lesson 1 21:29

Work is defined, the Work energy Theorem is derived using Newton's 2nd Law and a simple example problem is solved using the Work energy Theorem.  

13 Work and Energy Lesson 1 Homework Solution 05:36

A car skids to a halt.  Friction does work to slow the car.  The work energy theorem is used to find out how much work is done.

14 Work and Energy Lesson 2 24:42

A bungee jumper and a mass falling on an ideal spring are analyzed in this lesson which shows these examples of applying the Work Energy Theorem

15 Work and Energy Lesson 3 21:00

The Law of Conservation of Energy is added to the Work Energy Theorem as another powerful tool to solve problems.

15 Work and Energy Lesson 3 Homework Solution 04:01

A sailboat has work done on it by the wind and by drag.  The Work Energy Theorem is used to find the final speed of the boat.

16 Work and Energy Lesson 4 28:33

A problem illustrating why a skier will eventually come to rest after climbing a hill at a point lower than expected and a problem where a spring stores energy are discussed and solved

17 Work and Energy Lesson 5 21:51

A complicated looking problem is broken down using the Law of Conservation of Energy.  Another interesting problem is solved where conservation of energy tricks simplify the solution

18 Work and Energy Homework and Solutions 29:04

The pdf document has a homework problem set and the video shows step by step solutions to each problem.  A challenge problem is also included


19 Momentum Lesson 1 13:21

Momentum is defined and the Law of COnservation of Momentum is stated and used to solve a simple example problem

20 Momentum Lesson 2 24:01

Two situations are looked at to solve for muzzle velocity.  Conservation of Momentum and Energy are used to solve the first problem while the second problem uses only Momentum Conservation

20 Momentum Lesson 2 Homework Solution 04:11

Two ice skates initially at rest push off of one another.  We analyze this situation using conservation of momentum.

21 Momentum Lesson 3 09:51

Introduce the conservation of the center of mass of a system to solve the problem of an exploding mass

22 Special Topic: Impulse 07:00

We look at Impulse and why airbags are important

23 Momentum Lesson 4 11:24

A problem with conservation of energy, momentum and 2D motion, all in 1

24 Momentum Lesson 5 11:26

We look into a couple of cases where it may not be readily apparent that momentum should be conserved, and we solve problems using conservation of momentum

24 Momentum Lesson 5 Homework Solution 08:44

A rather complicated problem involving energy conservation and momentum conservation is solved in this video lesson

25 Momentum Homework and Solutions 21:25

The pdf file contains homework problems and the video shows step by step solutions to the homework problems


26 Fluids Lesson 1 13:45

A discussion of pressures and how to quantify them

27 Fluids Lesson 2 16:18

Examples of Pascal's Pricipal and Bernoulli's Principal after an explanation of each

28 Fluids Lesson 3 07:11

An introduction to the equation of continuity using mass flow rate, plus an example of its use

28 Fluids Lesson 3 Homework Solution 06:41

We analyze a nozzle and the speed of water in the nozzle and the pressure difference that exists in the nozzle as it changes radius

29 Fluids Lesson 4 09:21

The problems with hurricane force winds and the speed of air through a wind tunnel are discussed and analyzed

29 Fluids Lesson 4 Homework Solution 03:53

A strong wind pushes over a truck.  The pressure caused by a moving fluid is found to be the culprit

30 Fluids Lesson 5 14:51

Derivation of the force of lift on an airplane wing and a problem to find the take-off speed of a Cessna

31 Special Topic: Bouyant Force 04:30

The bouyant force is explained and the quation for bouyancy introduced.  We calculate the bouyant force on a floating sphere

32 Fluids Homework and Solutions 20:52

The pdf file contains homework problems and the video shows step by step solutions to the homework problems

Fundamentals of Physics : Course Overview

This course covers the basic fundamentals of physics including basic units and problems in Motion(Kinematics), Force and Motion, Work and Energy, Momentum and Fluids.  There are over 7 hours of video instruction in 28 video lessons with an additional 3 hours of videos showing detailed solutions to problems provided in the sections.

Course Description

This course begins with the basics of One and Two Dimisnional Motion(Kinematics) such as speed, velocity and acceleration.  It then introduces Newton's 3 Laws of Motion and how to use Newton's 2nd Law to find out what causes motion to occur.  After this, students discover how force, which causes motion, can do Work and change the kinetic energy of an object.  From here, students are taught the Work Energy Theorem and how to apply it.  The Law of Conservation of Energy is introduced and students learn how to apply this powerful law to solve a myriad of physics problems.  Finally, the world of Fluids is discussed and Bernoulli's equation is introduced as a powerful method to attack many real world physics problems.  Students see how each concept taught, beginning with 1 dimensional Motion, builds on the previous concepts to help us toward a deep and meaningful understanding of the Physical World.

You will find a homework assignment in the last lesson of each section and a video of the solutions to the homework is found in that lesson as well. Quizzes are available for most lessons and you will also find a couple of sample documents that show in depth problems and solutions to those problems in selected lessons.


This course includes:

Over 7 hours of video lessons

44 engaging video lessons including exercise review videos where I go over and explain the exercises' answers

Homework problems and an additional homework problem lesson at the end of each section

Over 3 hours of homework solution videos

18 quizzes spaced evenly throughout the course

A detailed PDF (answer key) of the quiz solution steps and answers



Course Goals:

By the end of this course you will know how to solve problems using math and physics concepts from each of the major course sections. Major sections include Motion(Kinematics), Force and Motion, Work and Energy, Momentum and Fluids.

You will know how to draw pictures representing word problems and the forces that exist on objects in the word problems

You will have an understanding of solid problem solving techniques

You will know how to determine given quantities and make assumptions necessary to solve problems

You will be prepared for subsequent modules or courses


Target Audience(This class is intended for anyone wanting to learn physics for any of these reasons ):

Desire to learn how the physical world works around them

Desire to build problem solving ability

Desire to go to a good college(colleges really like to see physics on your transcript)

Desire to go into an engineering field or major

Desire to go into a career where problem solving is essential

Desire to use math and science together to solve problems

You are curious and like to solve practical problems



Course Requirements :

Successful completion of Algebra and Geometry 

An understanding of the quadratic equation( you may look this up and study it as it pops up a few times during problem solving)

Basic understanding of scientific units of measure


Course Topics:


Position, speed, velocity and acceleration

Position vs. time graphs

Velocity vs. time graphs

Solving 1 dimensional motion problems

Solving problems in 2 dimensional motion

Motion in a circle


Force and Motion

Newton’s Laws

Free Body Diagrams

Force vectors



Solving Force and Motion problems


Work and Energy

Definition of Work

Work Energy Theorem

Energy in a system

Law of Conservation of Energy

Solving problems using the Work Energy Theorem

Solving Problems using the Law of Conservation of Energy



Definition of Momentum

Center of Mass

Momentum Conservation

Law of Conservation of Momentum

Solving problems using the Law of Conservation of Momentum




Types of pressures in fluids

Bernoulli’s equation


Equation of Continuity

Solving Fluids problems


  • Teacher: John
  • Areas of expertise: Physics, Math, Engineering and Software Developement
  • Education: B.S. Physics, M.S. Engineering, CA State Teacher Credentials(Physics)
  • Interests: Programming, My family, mountain biking, camping, coaching
  • Skills: Computer Programming, Finance
  • Associations:
  • Issues I care about: I want the youth of our country to be prepared with the skills necessary to succeed in college and beyond. I believe in hard work, perseverance and the power of people working together toward a goal.

I have had a wonderful working career, first as an Engineer, then a Financial Advisor, followed by Physics Teacher and now an Integrations Engineer. I love learning and teaching. In 2007 I was named Teacher of the Year and was awarded both the Amgen Award for Science Teaching Excellence and the Toyota Tapestry Grant. I was also awarded BP/Arco's A+ for Energy two consecutive years. Physics is my passion and I also love engineering design and programming.

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Quiz and test Master Document

This document has the solutions of the quizzes found in the lessons of Fundamentals of Physics.  In cases where a solution requiring equations is necessary, the problem will have the necessary steps shown for clarity.

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