Foundational Literacy Skills- Learning to Read

Teacher: Victoria
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 1991

Phonics Part 1

1 Course Introduction 07:48

This course is perfect for students, educators and parents. This course can be used to teach students how to read, but also to help educators learn how to teach reading!

2 Short Vowels Lecture 22:00

Picture of  Short Vowels Lecture

This video will start off with a letter/ sound review, and trick word practice. Then students will be taught the short vowel sounds and how to decode CVC words. Teacher will model with individual words and then model with sentence practice. 

There will also be a worksheet with a short vowel sort, a passage with short vowel practice reading along with basic follow-up comprehension questions about the text. 

3 Short Vowel Exercises 21:23

Picture of Short Vowel Exercises

This lesson will review the previous lesson and go over the answers to the short vowel worksheet. 

4 Digraph Lecture 17:05

Picture of Digraph Lecture

Digraphs are two letters that make one sound: Ch, Sh, Th, Wh, ck

5 Digraph Exercises 27:05

Picture of Digraph Exercises

This video will go over and show the correct answers and reading strategies for the digraph exercise worksheet.

6 Blends Lecture 10:14

Picture of Blends Lecture

This video lesson will model how to sound out blends at the beginning and ends of one syllable words.

7 Blends Exercises 13:10

Picture of Blends Exercises

This lesson will go over the correct answers for the blends exercise worksheet.

8 Bonus Letters Lecture 10:11

Picture of Bonus Letters Lecture

Bonus Letters are: f, l, s and sometimes z in one syllable, short vowel words. 

9 Bonus Letter Exercise 15:58

Picture of Bonus Letter Exercise

Bonus letters : f, l, s and sometimes z.

Rule: Short vowel one syllable words that end with f, l, s and sometimes z are doubled.

examples: fluff, well, gloss, buzz

10 Long Vowel Lecture 16:34

Picture of Long Vowel Lecture

This lesson will teach the long vowel sounds as well as open syllables. 

ā ē Ä« ō Å« ü Č³


11 Long Vowels/ Open Syllable Exercises 14:24

Picture of Long Vowels/ Open Syllable Exercises

Open syllables use the long vowel sounds. This exercise activity allowed practice to remember and get use to this new syllable type and open vowel sounds. 

This video will go over and show the correct answers and reading strategies for the  exercise worksheet.

12 Magic E Lecture 09:00

Picture of Magic E Lecture

This syllable type is referred to as "Magic E" because the e gives all of its power to the vowel before the consonant and then it is silent. This video will introduce this concept and the following vowel sounds:

ā ē Ä« ō Å« ü


13 Magic E Exercises 11:53

Picture of Magic E Exercises

This video will go over and show the correct answers and reading strategies for the Magic E syllable exercise worksheet.

Fix-Up Friends- Decoding Strategies

14 Decoding: Eagle Eye Lecture 10:00

Picture of Decoding: Eagle Eye Lecture

Pictures help us with decoding and comprehension! They are included for a reason so let's practice using them to help us when we are reading! Eagle Eye reminds us to use the pictures to help us when we are reading!

15 Decoding: Eagle Eye Exercise 09:26

Picture of Decoding: Eagle Eye Exercise

This video will read the passage and answer the comprehension questions. 

16 Decoding: Lips the Fish Lecture 10:00

Picture of Decoding: Lips the Fish Lecture

When you are reading you need to not just look at the pictures but also think what word starts with the same sound that the picture is showing you! That is what lips the fish tells you, get your mouth ready and say the sound that matches to help when you are decoding. 

17 Decoding: Lips the Fish Exercises 07:55

Picture of Decoding: Lips the Fish Exercises

This video will read the passage aloud and go over the comprehension questions. 

18 Decoding: Stretchy Snake Lecture 08:00

Picture of Decoding: Stretchy Snake Lecture

Sometimes we see a word and we feel stuck. Stretchy snake reminds us to slow down and use all the sounds that we know to stretch it out or sound out the word so we can solve it independently!

19 Decoding: Stretchy Snake Exercises 06:47

Picture of Decoding: Stretchy Snake Exercises

This video will read the passage out loud and go over the answers to the comprehension questions.

20 Decoding: Chunky Monkey Lecture 08:00

Picture of Decoding: Chunky Monkey Lecture

Chunky Monkey tells us to look for chunks to break apart words  (an, at, all, etc) 

21 Decoding: Chunky Monkey Exercises 15:26

Picture of Decoding: Chunky Monkey Exercises

This video will read the passage out loud and go over the comprehension questions. 

22 Decoding: Skippy Frog Lecture 05:30

Picture of Decoding: Skippy Frog Lecture

Skippy Frog tells us if we are stuck on the word, we can skip it, read to the end, then go back and try again. 

23 Decoding: Skippy Frog Exercises 17:41

Picture of Decoding: Skippy Frog Exercises

This video will read the pasasge and go over the answers to the comprehension questions.

24 Decoding: Tryin' Lion Lecture 08:22

Picture of Decoding: Tryin' Lion Lecture

Tryin' Lion reminds us if the word doesn't make sense, to go back and try it again!

25 Decoding: Tryin Lion Exercises 11:07

Picture of Decoding: Tryin Lion Exercises

This video will read the passage and go over the answers to the comprehension questions. 

26 Decoding: Flippy Dolphin Lecture 06:20

Picture of Decoding: Flippy Dolphin Lecture

Flippy Dolphin tells us if we read the word using our short vowel sound and it doesn't sound ride, try it again with the long vowel sound instead. 

27 Decoding: Flippy Dolphin Exercises 14:09

Picture of Decoding: Flippy Dolphin Exercises

This video will read the passage and go over the answers to the comprehension questions.

28 Decoding: Careful Caterpillar Lecture 05:42

Picture of Decoding: Careful Caterpillar Lecture

Careful Caterpillar reminds us to take our time and read carefully and accurately.

29 Decoding: Careful Caterpillar Exercises 07:05

Picture of Decoding: Careful Caterpillar Exercises

This video will read the passage and go over the answers to the comprehension questions. 

30 Decoding: Tie it all together Lecture 06:46

This lecture shows how we should not just use one decoding skill in isolation. We should use a combination of all of the decoding strategies to help us figure out words. 

31 Decoding: Tie it all together Exercises 14:08

Picture of Decoding: Tie it all together Exercises

This video will go over the answers to the tie it all together exercises.

Phonics Part 2

32 R Controlled Syllable Lecture 06:00

Picture of R Controlled Syllable Lecture

This video will use a combination of explicit instruction and guided practice to introduce the concept of the R- Controlled Vowel and how to decode this syllable type. 

ar   er    ir   or   ur



33 R-Controlled Exercises 09:32

Picture of R-Controlled Exercises

This video will go over and show the correct answers and reading strategies for the R-Controlled Syllable  exercise worksheet.

34 Vowel Teams Lecture 14:00

Picture of Vowel Teams Lecture

This video will include explicit instruction and guided practice to decode common vowel teams in isolation, as well as in text.

The following are known as vowel teams because they are two vowels that come together to say one sound. They are known as talkers because they say the first vowels name.

These are the vowel team talkers introduced in this lecture:

ai     ea    oa 

ay    ee    ow


 ie          ue


35 Vowel Team Exercises 13:04

Picture of Vowel Team Exercises

Vowel teams are a common yet challenging syllable type. These exercises will allow you to practice with them and then the video will go over the answers with you. 

36 Vowel Team Dipthongs Lecture 13:00

Picture of Vowel Team Dipthongs Lecture

Dipthongs are known to be the more challenging of syllable types.  

These vowel teams are also known as the "whiners" because the sound they make when they come together is often distorted or similar to a whining sound.

This lecture will provide explicit instruction on how to decode and pronounce the following vowel teams:

au    aw

oi    oy

ow   ou 

oo  ew


37 Dipthongs Exercises 26:53

Picture of Dipthongs Exercises

This video will go over the answers to the vowel teams dipthong exercises. 

38 Final Stable Syllables Lecture 11:36

Picture of Final Stable Syllables Lecture

There are many final stable syllables. This video will introduce -le and how to decode this syllable type. 

39 Final Stable Syllable Exercises 17:39

Picture of Final Stable Syllable Exercises

This video will go over and show the correct answers and reading strategies for the final stable syllable -le exercise worksheet.

40 Stable Syllable Part 2 "Shun" Lecture 07:46

Picture of Stable Syllable Part 2 "Shun" Lecture

The "shun" syllable is pronouced the same but it is spelled either -tion, -sion, -cian.

41 "Shun" stable syllable Exercises 10:26

Picture of "Shun" stable syllable Exercises

This video will go over and show the correct answers and reading strategies for the  Final stable syllable exercises and worksheets reviewing  "shun" spelled -tion, -sion, and cian.

Phonics Part 3

42 Parts of Speech Lecture 17:03

Picture of Parts of Speech Lecture

Knowing the parts of speech and being able to identify them in a sentence not only helps with decoding but also aids in comprehension.

The following parts of speech will be introduced and taught in this lecture:

Noun, Pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, interjection, conjunction, and preposition. 

43 Parts of Speech Exercises 22:28

Picture of Parts of Speech Exercises

This video will go over and show the correct answers and labeling of the parts of speech exercise worksheet.

44 Prefixes/ Suffixes Lecture 28:42

Picture of Prefixes/ Suffixes Lecture

Recognizing and knowing how to decode different prefixes and suffixes will help with decoding as well as comprehension. 

There are many different prefixes and suffixes that will be introduced in this lecture. 

Prefixes: pre, re, mis, over, un, dis, im, non. 

Suffixes: ful, y, less, ness, sion, tion, al, ic, ical, ing, ed, er, est, en, ish, ment, s, es, ly, ily, able, ible 

45 Prefixes/Suffixes Exercises 25:52

Picture of Prefixes/Suffixes Exercises

This video will go over and show the correct answers and reading strategies for the prefixes and suffixes  exercises worksheets.

46 Irregular Spellings Lecture 14:53

Picture of Irregular Spellings Lecture

This lecture will introduce irregular spelling patterns, silent letters, and the hard and soft c and g.

ind, ild, old, ost, olt, ive, igh, eigh, ce, ci, cy, sc, wr, rh gn, kn, mn, mb, gh, ph

47 Irregular Spelling Exercises 11:09

Picture of Irregular Spelling Exercises

This video will go over and show the correct answers and reading strategies for the irregular spelling patterns exercise worksheet.

Comprehension Strategies

48 Comprehension: Paula the Predictor Lecture 08:11

Picture of Comprehension: Paula the Predictor Lecture

Paula the Predictor reminds us to make predictions before we start reading. 

49 Comprehension: Paula the Predictor Exercises 24:52

Picture of Comprehension: Paula the Predictor Exercises

This video will read the passage and go over the prediction exercises. 

50 Comprehension: Quincy the Questioner Lecture 08:57

Quincy the Questioner reminds us to ask questions before, during, and after reading to check for understanding.

51 Comprehension: Quincy the Questioner Exercises 14:01

Picture of Comprehension: Quincy the Questioner Exercises

This video will read the passage and go over the answers to the questions.

52 Comprehension: Clara the Clarifier Lecture 06:26

Picture of Comprehension: Clara the Clarifier Lecture

Clara the Clarifier reminds me to clarify words when I get confused when I am reading. 

53 Comprehension: Clara the Clarifier Exercises 15:33

Picture of Comprehension: Clara the Clarifier Exercises

This video will read the passage and go over the clarifiying exercises. 

54 Comprehension: Sammy the Summarizer Lecture 06:22

Picture of Comprehension: Sammy the Summarizer Lecture

Sammy the Summarizer reminds us to summarize the story and "round up" the main idea1

55 Comprehension: Sammy the Summarizer Exercises 09:33

Picture of Comprehension: Sammy the Summarizer Exercises

This video will review the Sammy The Summarizer exercises. 

56 Comprehension: Meerkat the Connector Lecture 08:21

Picture of Comprehension: Meerkat the Connector Lecture

Meerkat the Connector reminds us to make connections when we are reading to our own lives,  other texts and to the world around us. 

57 Comprehension: Meerkat the Connector Exercises 05:11

Picture of Comprehension: Meerkat the Connector Exercises

This video will review the connection exercises.

58 Comprehension: Repair Bear Lecture 06:36

Picture of Comprehension: Repair Bear Lecture

Repair Bear reminds me that  Ican check my understanding when my reading gets confused. 

59 Comprehension: Repair Bear Exercises 08:32

Picture of Comprehension: Repair Bear Exercises

This video will review the repair bear exercises. 

60 Comprehension: Picture it Penguin Lecture 03:32

Picture of Comprehension: Picture it Penguin Lecture

Picture it Penguin reminds us to make pictures in our minds as we visualize as we read. 

61 Comprehension: Picture it Penguin Exercises 16:27

Picture of Comprehension: Picture it Penguin Exercises

This video will go over the Picture it Penguin Exercises.

62 Comprehension: Jabber the Reteller Lecture 08:20

Picture of Comprehension: Jabber the Reteller Lecture

Jabber the Reteller reminds us to retell the story in the order of events that happened.

63 Comprehension: Jabber the Reteller Exercises 14:20

Picture of Comprehension: Jabber the Reteller Exercises

This video reviews the Retelling exercises. 

64 Comprehension: Purpose Pig Lecture 14:25

Picture of Comprehension: Purpose Pig Lecture

Purpose pigs reminds us to think about and determine the author's purpose. 

65 Comprehension: Purpose Pig Exercises 11:19

Picture of Comprehension: Purpose Pig Exercises

This video will review the Purpose Pig exercises. 

66 Comprehension: Iggy the Inferring Iguana Lecture 07:28

Picture of Comprehension: Iggy the Inferring Iguana Lecture

Iggy the Inferring Iguana reminds us that we an infer and prove it using our schema and context clues. 

67 Comprehension: Iggy the Inferring Iguana Exercises 16:18

Picture of Comprehension: Iggy the Inferring Iguana Exercises

This video will review the inferencing exercises. 

68 Comprehension: Trigger the Mouse Lecture 09:15

Picture of Comprehension: Trigger the Mouse Lecture

Trigger the Mouse reminds us that we can recognize and explain cause and effect relationships.

69 Comprehension: Trigger the Mouse Exercises 14:21

Picture of Comprehension: Trigger the Mouse Exercises

This video will review cause and effect exercises. 

Final Review

70 Final Review Lecture 14:38

Picture of Final Review Lecture

This video will review all previously taught concepts:

Short vowels, long vowels, ,magic E, R-controlled, vowel teams, final stable syllables, parts of speech, prefixes/suffixes, and irregular spelling patterns. 

71 Final Reading Review Exercises 18:16

Picture of Final Reading Review Exercises

This video will review the trick words from the last lecture. It will also take all previously learned skills in apply them context with fable passages and comprehension questions and answers. 

Course Overview

This course includes:

  • 5 Units
  • 140 Worksheets with counterpart answer sheets
  • Over 80 practice exercises
  • 35 Video lessons
  • 35 exercise review videos (I explain step by step how to reach the correct answer)
  • 10 online quizzes and exams
  • Over 25 hours of video lessons! 


Course Goals:

Upon course completion, students will be able to decode all words accurately. In addition, students will also be able to read fluently and comprehend what they have read.  

Target Audience:

This video-course is primarily intended for students in grades 1-4.

It is also a good course for parents learning for ways to teach their children how to read, or educators looking for ways to improve their literacy instruction.

Course Requirements

Students taking this course have no other requirements other than basic letter-sound knowledge.

Course Topics

Unit 1 Phonics Part 1


Short Vowels



Bonus Letters

Long Vowels

Open Vowels


Unit 2 Fix-up Friend Decoding Strategies


Eagle Eye

Lips the Fish

Stretchy Snake

Chunky Monkey

Skippy Frog

Tryin’ Lion

Flippy Dolphin

Careful Caterpillar

Review lesson

Unit 3 Phonics Part 2


R-controlled vowels


Final Stable syllables

The "shun" stable syllable

Unit 4 Phonics Part 3


Parts of speech



Irregular spelling patterns

Unit 5 Comprehension Strategies

Trigger the Mouse

Repair Bear

Iggy the Inferring Iguana

Purpose Pig

Jabber the Reteller

Picture it Penguin

Meerkat the Connector

Sammy the Summarizer

Clara the Clarifier

Quincy the Questioner

Paula the Predictor

Summative Review



  • Teacher: Victoria
  • Areas of expertise: Basic Literacy Skills
  • Education: University of Connecticut Undergraduate Degree in Elementary Education Masters Degree in Curriculum Planning and Instruction
  • Interests: Reading Writing Knitting Skiing
  • Skills: Special Education Dyslexia
  • Associations: CEA NEA Provisional Educator Certification Elementary Education k-6 7824177031
  • Issues I care about: Helping all students become literate and equitable education for all children.

Learning to read is the key to unlock a world of new possibilities.

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Quiz 1-10 Answer Key

This will include all of the answers for all of the quizzes in this course. 

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