First Grade Science - Amazing Adventures

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Teacher: Naomi
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 1597

Curriculum Introduction

0 Amazing Adventures Allowed - Philosophy 02:36

Introduction to Amazing Adventures Allowed

0 Curriculum Introduction 04:04

In this video I will introduce the Amazing Adventures Allowed Science Curriculum and explain what it contains as well as what makes it unique.

Curious as a Cat

1 Curious as a Cat 02:23

In this video students will be given a brief overview of what will be learned in the upcoming content and learn the unit song.

2 Curious as a Cat- Content 10:37

Picture of Curious as a Cat- Content

In this video students go through the first week of instruction learning about the steps in the scientific method as well as how to be safe while observing and what basic tools will be needed. Students will learn what happens during each step the the scientific method and beginning learning vocabulary associated with scientific investigation and safety.

3 Curious as a Cat- Review 04:44

In this video students review the first week of instruction learning about the steps in the scientific method as well as how to be safe while observing and what basic tools will be needed. Students will learn what happens during each step the the scientific method and beginning learning vocabulary associated with scientific investigation and safety.  They will bwe ready to take the unit assessment.

Taking A + Notes

4 Taking A+ Notes Introduction 03:07

In this video students will be introduced to the unit song and the concepts that will be convered in this week's unit entitled "Taking A+ Notes".

5 Taking A+ Notes 12:01

Picture of Taking A+ Notes

Students will learn what make good question sentence starters.  They will also practice taking parting lot notes, observing and object and writing about it using adjectives.  Finally, students will learn how to transfer the adjective notes into complete sentences for their Thinking Journals.  

6 Taking A+ Notes - Review 02:26

Students will review content in preparation to take the assessment.  The will review asking good questions.  Questions sentence starters and parking lot notes.  Finally, they will review how to put those notes into sentences for their Thinking Journals.

What's the Matter?

7 What's the Matter?- Introduction 02:05

Students will be introduced to matter and the different forms it can take as well as how to describe it.

8 What's the Matter? - Content 10:29

Picture of What's the Matter? - Content

Students will learn about matter and its forms.  They will exlpore how to identify what form of matter they are observing as well as how to describe it.  

9 What's the Matter - Review 03:16

Students will review what they learned about mater and how to identify the different forms as well as how to describe them.  Students will be ready for the assessment.

On the Move!

10 On the Move!- Introduction 02:38

Students will be introduced to the unit song as well as a summary of what they will learn this week about energy, force and movement.  They will learn the definitions and be ready to learn the content in the coming video.

11 On the Move !- Content 11:30

Picture of On the Move !- Content

Students will learn about energy, force, gravity and movement.  They will learn that energy is the ability to do work and that a force is a motion that causes something to move.  They will learn about push and pull as well as gravity's pull on all things.

12 On the Move! - Review 02:19

Students will review what they learned this week in preparation for the assessment.


13 Waves! - Introduction 03:26

Students will be introduced to the unit song and what will be covered in the upcoming lesson on sounds and light waves and how they are different. 

14 Waves! - content 13:17

Picture of Waves! - content

Students will learn about sound and light waves.  They will learn how they are different and which travels faster.  Students will learn what sound can travel through and what light can travel through as well as work on an experiment invloving light waves.

15 Slinky waves 01:29

As an additional visual to help student understanding of sound and light waves. Students will view a short video show a slinky visual of waves.

16 Waves!- Review 02:50

Students will review what they have learned this week about sound and light waves in preparation for the assessment.


17 Seasons Introduction 03:44

Students will be introduced to the unit song and a brief summary of the lesson to come.   Students will learn what the seasons are and what causes the seasons.  They will also learn that different places in the owrld my have fewer than four seasons.

18 Seasons- Content 10:34

Picture of  Seasons- Content

Students will be introduced to the   concept of why there are seasons and what we call each season.  They will also explore how the seasons are different and how they know what seasons they are in. 

19 Seasons - Review 02:54

Students will review the   concept of why there are seasons and what we call each season and prepare for the unit assessment.


20 Weather- Introduction 02:34

Students will be introduced to unit song and the idea that weather is dependent on the season and that is can change frequently.

21 Weather- Content 09:33

Picture of Weather- Content

Students will learn that weather is dependent on the season and that is can change frequently.  They will also learn additional weather words.

22 Weather- Review 03:31

Students will review that weather is dependent on the season and that is can change frequently.  They will prepare for the assessment.


23 Climate- Introduction 02:42

Students will be introduced to the difference between weather and climate.  They will learn about different climate zones and what grows there.

24 Climate - Content 12:29

Picture of Climate - Content

Students will be introduced to the difference between weather and climate.  They will learn about the different climates around the word and what can live/grown in each.

25 Climate- Review 03:12

Students will review the difference between weather and climate.

What Time is it?

26 What Time is it? - Introduction 03:35

Students will be introduced to the concept of time and how time is measured in different units.

27 What Time is it- Content 09:05

Picture of What Time is it- Content

Students will learn about the concept of time and how time is measured in different units. They will learn about different units and how many in other units of time.

28 What Time is it? - Review 03:31

Students will review the concept of time and how time is measured in different units. They will learn about different units and how many in other units of time.

Is it Alive?

29 Is it Alive? - Introduction 03:17

Students will be introduced to the unit song and how to tell if something is alive or not.  They will learn about trhe characteristics of things that are living.

30 Is it Alive? - Content 11:13

Picture of Is it Alive? - Content

Students will learn how to tell if something is alive or not.  They will learn the characteristics of living things and that living things, breathe, eat, grow, reproduce and some move.

31 Is it Alive?- Review 02:44

Students will review how to tell if something is alive or not. 

Living Things Change

32 Living Things Change- Introduction 04:11

Students will learn the unit song and be introduced how living things change.

33 Living Things Change- Mammals 07:19

Picture of Living Things Change- Mammals

Students will learn how mammals change and what mammals need to survive.

34 Living Things Change- Birds 05:20

Picture of Living Things Change- Birds

Students will learn how birds change and what mammals need to survive.

35 Living Things Change- Fish 05:58

Picture of Living Things Change- Fish

Students will learn about how fish change and what they need to survive.

36 Living Things Change- Reptiles 07:25

Picture of Living Things Change- Reptiles

Students will learn about how reptiles change and what they need to survive.

37 Living Things Change-- insects 08:44

Picture of Living Things Change-- insects

Students will learn about how insects change and what they need to survive.

38 Living Things Change- Plants 07:35

Picture of Living Things Change- Plants

Students will learn about how plants change and what they need to survive.

39 Living Things Change- Review 03:33

Students will review how living things change and prepare for the assessment.

Why do Animals Move?

40 Why Do Animals Move?- Introduction 02:19

Students will be introduced to the unit song as well as the introduction to why animals move. 

41 Why Do Animals Move?- Content 12:51

Picture of Why Do Animals Move?- Content

Students will learn about why animals move. They will learn that animals move to have their needs met.

42 Why Do Animals Move- Review 03:58

Students will learn about why animals move. They will learn that animals move to have their needs met.

Why do you Have That?

43 Why do You Have That?- Introduction 03:05

Students will be introduced to the unit song as well as the concept of adaptations(physical and behavioral.

44 Why do you have that?- content 11:49

Picture of Why do you have that?- content

Students will learn about why animals have both physical and behavioral adaptations and what the difference is.

45 Why do you have that?- Review 03:03

Students will review why animals have both physical and behavioral adaptations and what the difference is.


46 Land forms-Introduction 02:24

Students will learn the unit song and be introduced to various land forms on the Earth.

47 Land forms- Content 10:34

Picture of Land forms- Content

Students will learn about the various land forms on Earth and what animals might live there. They will also learn how the land forms are different.

48 Land forms- Review 04:23

Students will review the various land forms on Earth and what animals might live there.

Rocks and MInerals

49 Rocks and Minerals- Introduction 02:43

Students will learn the unit song and be introduced to rocks and minerals.

50 Rocks and Minerals- Content 12:48

Picture of Rocks and Minerals- Content

Student will learn about rocks and minerals and how they are similar and different and what they are used for. 

51 Rocks and Minerals- Review 03:23

Student will review what they learned about rocks and minerals and how they are similar and different and what they are used for. 

What Can I do for the Land?

52 What can I do for the Land?- Introduction 03:51

Students will learn the unit song and be introduced to the idea of reducing, recycling and reusing resources.

53 What can I do for the Land?- Content 09:59

Picture of What can I do for the Land?- Content

Students will learn about the three R's and be given some examples of what that can look like.

54 What Can I do for the Land? - Review 04:40

Students will review the three R's and be given some examples of what that can look like.

Bodies of Water

55 Bodies of Water- Introduction 03:30

Students will learn the unit song as well as be introduced to the different types of bodies of water on Earth.

56 Bodies of Water- Content 11:23

Picture of Bodies of Water- Content

Students will learn about the different types of bodies of water and what type of water is in each.

57 Bodies of Water- Review 04:04

Students will review the different types of bodies of water and what type of water is in each.

Water Cycle

58 Water Cycle - Introduction 03:18

Students will learn the unit song and be introduced to the water cycle words.

59 Water Cycle- Content 12:27

Picture of Water Cycle- Content

Students will learn about the water cycle and how the bodies of water play a role in the water cycle. 

60 Water Cycle- review 03:22

Students will review the water cycle and how the bodies of water play a role in the water cycle.

What Can I do for the Water?

61 What Can I do for the Water?- Introduction 03:27

Students will learn the unit song and be introduced to strategies for preserving our valuable water.

62 What Can I do for the Water?- Content 12:20

Picture of What Can I do for the Water?- Content

Students will learn ways to reduce water use and observe how they can help prevent water pollution.

63 What Can I do for the Water- Review 02:51

Students will review ways to reduce water use and observe how they can help prevent water pollution.

Oxygen Cycle

64 Oxygen Cycle - Introduction 03:00

Students will learn the unit songs and be introduced to the parts of the oxygen cycle.

65 Oxygen Cycle- Content 10:29

Picture of Oxygen Cycle- Content

Students will learn about the parts of the oxygen cycle and how plants play an important role in ensuring that there is sufficient oxygen on Earth.

66 Oxygen Cycle- Review 02:28

Students will review the parts of the oxygen cycle and how plants play an important role in ensuring that there is sufficient oxygen on Earth.

What Can I do for the Air?

67 What Can I do for the Air? Introduction 02:22

Students will learn the unit song as well as be introduced to ways we can reduce pollution.

68 What Can I do for the Air- Content 09:35

Picture of What Can I do for the Air- Content

Students will learn about ways we can reduce pollution as well as observe how they can help protect air in their own environments.

69 What Can I do for the Air Review 03:13

Students will review ways we can reduce pollution as well as observe how they can help protect air in their own environments.

My Body

70 My Body- Introduction 03:39

Student will be introduced to the unit chant that will help them learn about the different body systems and one organ from each.

71 My Body- Content 13:08

Picture of My Body- Content

Student will learn the basics of some of the body systems and different body organs that are part of each in order to get an overview for future learning.

72 My Body- Review 05:02

Students will review the basics of some of the body systems and different body organs that are part of each in order to get an overview for future learning.

Hello Out There!

73 Hello Out There!- Introduction 04:27

Students will learn the unit song and be introduced to the upcoming lesson about planets and space.

74 Hello Out There!- Content 13:32

Picture of Hello Out There!- Content

Students will learn about the eight planets and where they are located as well as what characteristics they have. Students will learn how special Earth is and what it would take for humans to live somewhere else in the solar system.

75 Hello Out There!- Review 03:31

Students will review the eight planets and where they are located as well as what characteristics they have. Students will review how special Earth is and what it would take for humans to live somewhere else in the solar system.

Nature's Art

76 Nature's Art- Introduction 03:05

Students will learn the unit song and be introduced to patterns, symmetry and natural structures

77 Nature's Art- Content 13:37

Picture of Nature's Art- Content

Students will learn about patterns and symmetry in nature.  They will also learn how to identify natural and man-made structures and tell the differences.

78 Nature's Art- Review 02:53

Students will review patterns and symmetry in nature as well as how to identify natural and man-made structures and tell the differences.

Amazing Adventures Allowed Wrap up

79 Amazing Adventures Allowed -Wrapup 08:28

This video wraps up what has been learned in the whole curriculum and summarizes the student learning this year. Attached Parents, learning coaches and caretakers will find additional comphrehensive assessment for further evaluation or for review work practice.

Amazing Adventures Allowed -Reading and writing Extensions

80 Amazing Adventures Allowed Extensions 09:32

Overview of all the Thinking Journal skills that are included in the extension journal pages and information on how they can be completed.  All Thinking Journal pages will be attached for Parents, Learning Coaches and caretakers to upload.

This video course is intended for:

  • First grade students
  • May be used for advanced Kindergarten students
  • May be used to supplement Second Grade Science curriculum.

There are no student prerequisites for the course.

Course Overview:

Why? What? How? When? Where?  The world arounds us begs to be discovered as we ask these questions over and over again.  Science is the art of asking questions and using tools, observation and reflection to find answers ... or ask more questions. 

This course is designed to introduce your first grader to the adventure of science learning, questioning and observation.  Not only will your student be encouraged to ask questions, but he/she will also learn how to ask thoughtful questions and persist through finding answers.  Sometimes your student will learn that there are no answers ... only more questions.  

In this course you will find directions for Thinking Journal pages.  Resources for taking notes, worksheets and supplemental resources for students who need extra practice or extensions.

This first grade science course exceeds the requirements of Common Core State Standards, and is intended to extend your first graders scientific knowledge beyond the grade level to build a solid foundation of scientific process and background knowledge. Additionally, every section in this course comes with a short introduction and a final wrap up and review video in order to give an initial overview and a final conclusion.  This is a FULL Year's First Grade Science Course!

This course includes: 27 Sections comprised of 80 lessons.

• 27 Introduction videos and section songs


• 27 activity review videos 

• 24 digital quizzes (auto-corrected by the system) with answer keys

• Key vocabulary flashcards for every section

• Over 300 Thinking Journal practice, writing and exploration worksheets

• 27 student assessments and answer keys

• 27 student certificates of completion

• 2 extension sections for additional practice as well as academic reading and writing 

• Science career exploration extension

Course Goals:

Upon course completions student will be able to demonstrate that they have met and/or exeeded the standards set forth by the Common Core Standards as provided in the "I Can... " statements provided below.

Section layout and I can statement / outcomes:

Section 1- Curriculum Overview and Resources needed. -  Objective: "I can be prepared for Science class."

Section 2- Scientific method -  Objective: "I can explain how to be safe as I think like a scientist"

  • Think like a scientist
  • Safety rules
  • Tools of the trade

Section 3- Taking A+ Notes -  Objective: "I can identify good questions and use my sense to make observations."

  •  Asking good questions
  •  Using senses to observe and write to share info.
  •  How do questions create more questions?

Section 4- States and Properties of Matter -  Objective: "I can identify the states of matter and describe them."

  •  States of matter
  •  Describing matter
  •  Changing matter

Section 5 - Energy, Motion and Gravity -  Objective: "I can identify a force as a push or a pull and explain what energy and gravity are."

  • What is energy
  • What is a force
  • What is gravity

Section 6- Vibrating matter -  Objective: "I can identify that some waves are long, and some are short as well as that there are different types of waves."

  • Sound waves
  • Light waves

Section 7- Seasons -  Objective: "I can identify the four seasons and tell what the weather is like in each where I live."

  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Fall
  • Winter

Section 8- Weather -  Objective: "I can identify the different types of weather and what makes each unique."

  • Sunny
  • Rainy
  • Snowy
  • Windy
  • Stormy
  • Foggy
  • Cloudy

Section 9- Climates -  Objective: "I can identify that a climate is what the weather is like most of the time in a certain place."

  •  Dry climates
  •  Cold climates
  •  Temperate climates
  •  Tropical climates

Section 10- Time -  Objective: "I can identify increments of time."

  • The changing sun
  • The changing moon
  • Days
  • Months
  • Years
  • Decades
  • Centuries

Section 11- Organisms and their needs -  Objective: "I can identify characteristics of living organisms and their needs."

  • Living organisms grow
  • Living organisms reproduce
  • Living organisms eat
  • Some living organisms move
  • Living things change

Section 12- Living things change -  Objective: "I can identify how living things change."

  • 11- Mammals change and grow
  •       What do mammals need to grow?
  • 12- Birds change and grow
  •       What do birds need to grow?
  • 13- Reptiles change
  •       What do reptiles need to grow?
  • 14- Fish change
  •       What do fish need to grow?
  • 15- Insects change
  •       What do insects need to grow?
  • 16- Plants change
  •       What do plants need to grow?

Section 13- Animal Movement -  Objective: "I can identify how animals move and why."

  • Animals move in different ways (hop, swim, fly, run, soar, slither, lumber, crawl, burrow, breach, dive, etc.)
  • Why do animals move (food, shelter, warmer weather, to reproduce, water, safety)

Section 14- Adaptations -  Objective: "I can identify adaptations that help animals survive."

  • Structural adaptations
  • Physical adaptations
  • Behavioral adaptations

Section 15- Landforms -  Objective: "I can identify different landforms and tell what makes them different."

  • Mountains
  • Valleys
  • Plains
  • Deserts
  • Glaciers

Section 16- Rocks and Minerals -  Objective: "I can tell the differences between rocks and minerals."

  • What are rocks- types
  • What are minerals- types

Section 17- Environmental Awareness- Land -  Objective: "I can identify ways to help the environment"

  • Reduce
  • Recycle
  • Reuse

Section 18- Bodies of Water -  Objective: "I can identify different bodies of water."

  • Ponds
  • Lakes
  • Rivers
  • Seas
  • Oceans

Section 19 Water cycle -  Objective: "I can identify the different parts of the water cycle."

  • Evaporation
  • Condensation
  • Precipitation
  • Collection

Section 20- Environmentalr Awareness- Water -  Objective: "I can identify ways to help preserve water."

  • Reduce

Section 21- Oxygen Cycle -  Objective: "I can identify the parts of the oxygen cycle.."

  • Trees
  • Oxygen
  • Carbon dioxide

Section 22- Environmentalr Awareness- Air -  Objective: "I can identify ways to help preserve clean air."

  • Walk or ride a bike
  • Plant a tree
  • Capool

Section 23- MyBody -  Objective: "I can identify different parts of my body and how they help me."

  • Skeletal
  • Senses
  • Respiratory
  • Digestive
  • Muscles
  • Brain/Nervous

Section 24- Planets and Space -  Objective: "I can tell about the planets and space."

  • Our place in space
  • Planets
  • Living in Space

Section 25- Nature’s art patterns, symmetry, and structures -  Objective: "I can identify the different patterns, symmetry and structures in nature."

  • Patterns
  • Lines of symmetry
  • Structures

Section 26 (a)- Critical Thinking Extensions -  Objective: "I can apply critical thinking to reading and writing."

  • Categorizing
  • Open-ended Questions
  • Making connections

Section 26 (b)- Reading Scientific text extensions -  Objective: "I can apply critical thinking to reading and writing."

  • Text features
  • Finding main ideas and key details
  • Using illustrations, graphs, pictures, maps
  • Making Good Inferences

Section 26 (c)- Writing Like a Champ extensions -  Objective: "I can apply critical thinking to reading and writing."

  • Compare/contrast
  • Using Main idea and key details in writing
  • Research
  • Restaing the question
  • Sequencing and transition words

Section 27- Eploring Careers that use Science -  Objective: "I can talk about some jobs that use science."



  • Teacher: Naomi
  • Areas of expertise: General Education K-6 Special Education K-21
  • Education: Bachelors - Western Governors University Masters - University of Northern Colorado
  • Interests: Learning new things, Hiking, Sailing, Scuba Diving, Traveling, Reading, Music, Camping, Service, Nature, Other cultures, Languages
  • Skills: Intervention, Classroom Management, Integrating Technology, Curriculum Development, Co Teaching
  • Associations: Kappa Delta Pi, Alumni WGU, Alumni UNC
  • Issues I care about: Environmental, Education, Social, Humanitarian, Equality, Diversity

Hello, I am Mrs.Banta. I graduated from University of Northern Colorado with a Masters in Education and have been working with students for over 30 years beginning with tutoring in high school. My professional passion is to make learning fun and engaging for my students. I strongly believe in being positive and having a great relationship with my students. I love the learning adventure and sharing with each child that I teach. I have lived in and traveled in many other countries including: El Salvador, Japan, Italy, South Africa, Israel, Belize, Denmark and The Republic of Congo. I also speak three other languages: Spanish, French and Danish. My goal is to make sure that your student enjoys learning about the world around him/her, learns to ask good questions, and most importantly stays curious. When I am not teaching, my passions include: environmental issues, photography, hanging out with my family ( I have 4 kids), traveling, hiking, sailing, scuba diving, and learning new things. Hope to see you in my classroom soon!

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Supplies needed for this course

This video identifies the important learning resources/supplies and tangibles that students will need in order to move through the curriculum iwth ease.  These supplies and purposes are given.  While these are suggestions, alternatives may be chosen based on what will work for the Learning Coach or the student.

Curriculum Scope and Sequence

This Resource provides an overview of the entire curriculum.  Not only allowing for pacing, this overview also shows what objectives will be learned in each section. Objectives are written as "I can..." statements to help students understand the lesson goal and celebrate they will be able to do at the end of it.  Each section of the curriculum contains three videos (introduction, direct instruction, review).  These three components will work in tandem with provided worksheets, assignments, activities and journal pages to support student learning of each concept.  The curriculum contains 45 sections (each can take a week to complete) thus enough for an entire school year. 

Finally, the last extension lessons can be used at any point in the curriculum and may be repeated as often as desired to provide a solid foundation for second grade.  These extension lessons were created to support learning of skills that are often not taught in first grade but are essential foundational skills to future scientific adventures and proficiency in reading informational text and writing about informational text. 

This curriculum not only aligns with Common Core Standards and Colorado State Standards but also supports a wholistic approach to learning and encountering science.  It is the author's strongly held belief that scienctific inquiry is not only key to maintaining the joy of learning and discovery, but is also applicable to all other disciplines.  Once students learn to approach challenges, and academics using the scientific method, not only will they discover new things, they will already have a foundation of inquiry that supports all learning. 

Happy learning!


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