C is for Cursive Class Handwriting for Grades K to 5

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Teacher: Amy
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 14065

Course Introduction

0 Course Introduction 02:46

Lowercase Letters

0 Lesson 0 Beginner Sample 02:33

Picture of Lesson 0 Beginner Sample

The lesson goal is to write on your “Beginning Handwriting Page” to establish a reference to how your handwriting penmanship letters will change through the C is for Cursive Handwriting Penmanship Course.


1 Lesson 1 Activities 14:46

Picture of Lesson 1 Activities

The lesson goal is to build fine-motor skills through three fun craft exercises. Fine motor control will help with holding a writing tool and using it to write letters in a controlled manner for skilled penmanship. The first “#1a Pin Exercise” will be having the learner use a push-pin to create letters on paper. The second “#1b Yarn Exercise” will have the learner use yarn to create letters by glueing the yarn to the paper. The third “#1c Beads Exercise” lesson will have the learner glue beads to form letters on the paper. All 3 of these exercises will begin to establish more control by developing finger muscle control. Other fine motor skills to add to students' daily routine would include brushing teeth, measuring ingredients in spoons and cups, mixing ingredients in a bowl, and washing dishes.

2 Lesson 2 Warm-ups 08:50

Picture of Lesson 2 Warm-ups

The lesson “#2 Warm-ups” will have the beginner writer goal to warm up and build finger, hand, and arm muscles for penmanship handwriting. Warm-ups should be down on the worksheet or print lined paper. The more the writer does these activities, the better handwriting will develop in a faster, controlled way.

3 Lesson 3 Basic Letter Curves Strokes Practice 11:21

Picture of Lesson 3 Basic Letter Curves Strokes Practice

The lesson “#3 Basic Letter Curve Strokes Practice” goal will be to learn the basic lines and shapes that make up most cursive letters. The beginner writer should practice these sheets over and over until control of the writing tool is established and better penmanship is obtained.

4 Lesson 4 Lowercase c o a 12:25

Picture of Lesson 4 Lowercase c o a

The lesson “#4 Lowercase Circle Siblings o, c, a Practice” goal is to begin writing lowercase letters based on the circle shape form. The writer should stay in the lines to develop finger/hand-muscle memory control.

5 Lesson 5 Lowercase d g q p 13:55

Picture of Lesson 5 Lowercase d g q p

The lesson “#5 Lowercase Circles Siblings   d, g, q, p Practice” goal is to connect the circle shape to over lowercase letters based on the circle shape, curves, and line stems. The writer should stay in the lines to develop finger/hand-muscle memory control.

6 Lesson 6 Lowercase i u w 13:14

Picture of Lesson 6 Lowercase i u w

The lesson “#6 Lowercase Under Curve i, u, w Practice” goal will use the under curve strokes to make letters. The writer should stay in the lines to develop finger/hand-muscle memory control.

7 Lesson 7 Lowercase m n v 13:38

Picture of Lesson 7 Lowercase m n v

The lesson “#7 Lowercase Over Curves m, n, v  Practice” goal is to write over curve patterns. The writer should stay in the lines to develop finger/hand-muscle memory control.

8 Lesson 8 Lowercase e l b 12:30

Picture of Lesson 8 Lowercase e l b

The lesson “#8 Lowercase Loop Letter 1 e, l, b Practice” goal is to learn how to write letters that have loop strokes. The writer should stay in the lines to develop finger/hand-muscle memory control.

9 Lesson 9 Lowercase h f j 14:26

Picture of Lesson 9 Lowercase h f j

The lesson “#9 Lowercase Loop Letter 2 h, f, j Practice” goal is to learn how to write letters that have loop strokes. The writer should stay in the lines to develop finger/hand-muscle memory control.

10 Lesson 10 Lowercase k y z 14:41

Picture of Lesson 10 Lowercase k y z

The lesson “#10 Lowercase Loop Letter 3 k, y, z Practice” goal is to learn how to write letters that have loop strokes. The writer should stay in the lines to develop finger/hand-muscle memory control.

11 Lesson 11 Lowercase t x r s 15:59

Picture of Lesson 11 Lowercase t x r s

The lesson “#11 Lowercase Originals letters t, x, r, s Practice” goal is to learn how to write letters that have loop strokes. The writer should stay in the lines to develop finger/hand-muscle memory control.

12 Lesson 12 Alphabet lowercase a-z 12:23

Picture of Lesson 12 Alphabet lowercase a-z

The lesson “#12 Alphabet Practice lowercase a-z Practice and #12 Alphabet from Memory lowercase a-z Practice” goal will have the beginning writer work through practicing the lowercase alphabet from a-z and then write the alphabet from memory. The lesson will have 4 sizes from #12a Large size guidelines, #12b Medium size guidelines, #12c Small size guidelines, and #12d Wide Ruled guidelines so the writer can get used to writing as smaller sizes. If the writer is struggling with a size, then the student should just focus on that size until control is established of staying in the lines and recognizable letters.

13 Lowercase Letter Test #1 00:00

Take the test and see if you can answer the questions about the lowercase letters correctly.

Lowercase Letter Spacing

14 Lesson 13 Letter Spacing with Words 15:04

Picture of Lesson 13 Letter Spacing with Words

The lesson “#13 Letter Spacing a-z Practice” goal is to learn how to write letters next to each other. The beginning writer will work through 4 sizes of #13a Letter Spacing a-z Large Practice, #13b Letter Spacing Medium Size, #13c Letter Spacing Small Size , and #13d Letter Spacing Wide Ruled Size. If the writer is struggling with a size, then the student should just focus on that size until control is established of staying in the lines and recognizable letters.

15 Lowercase Letter Spacing Test #2 00:00

Take the test and see if you can answer the questions about the lowercase letters and spacing correctly.

Uppercase Letters

16 Lesson 14 UPPERCASE A B C D 14:29

Picture of Lesson 14 UPPERCASE A B C D

The lesson “#14 Uppercase A B C D Practice” goal is to have the beginner handwriter write the first uppercase letters with vertical, horizontal, circles, and curve lines. The handwriter should stay in the lines to develop finger/hand-muscle memory control.

17 Lesson 15 UPPERCASE E F G H 14:37

Picture of Lesson 15 UPPERCASE E F G H

The lesson “#15 Uppercase E F G H Practice” goal is to have the beginner handwriter write the first uppercase letters with vertical, horizontal, circles, and curve lines. The handwriter should stay in the lines to develop finger/hand-muscle memory control.

18 Lesson 16 UPPERCASE I J K L 13:12

Picture of Lesson 16 UPPERCASE I J K L

The lesson “#16 Uppercase I J K L Practice” goal is to have the beginner handwriter write the first uppercase letters with vertical, horizontal, circles, and curve lines. The handwriter should stay in the lines to develop finger/hand-muscle memory control.

19 Lesson 17 UPPERCASE M N O P 11:38

Picture of Lesson 17 UPPERCASE M N O P

The lesson “#17 Uppercase M N O P Practice” goal is to have the beginner handwriter write the first uppercase letters with vertical, horizontal, circles, and curve lines. The handwriter should stay in the lines to develop finger/hand-muscle memory control.

20 Lesson 18 UPPERCASE Q R S T U 14:58

Picture of Lesson 18 UPPERCASE Q R S T U

The lesson “#18 Uppercase Q R S T U Practice” goal is to have the beginner handwriter write the first uppercase letters with vertical, horizontal, circles, and curve lines. The handwriter should stay in the lines to develop finger/hand-muscle memory control.

21 Lesson 19 UPPERCASE V W X Y Z 13:35

Picture of Lesson 19 UPPERCASE V W X Y Z

The lesson “#19 Uppercase V W X Y Z Practice” goal is to have the beginner handwriter write the first uppercase letters with vertical, horizontal, circles, and curve lines. The handwriter should stay in the lines to develop finger/hand-muscle memory control.

22 Lesson 20a Numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 14:32

Picture of Lesson 20a Numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

The lesson “#20a Numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Practice” goal is to practice writing numbers with vertical lines, horizontal lines, circles, dots and curves. The handwriter should stay in the lines to develop finger/hand-muscle memory control. This lesson and video from my P is for Print class.

23 Lesson 20b Numbers 7 8 9 08:38

Picture of Lesson 20b Numbers 7 8 9

The lesson “#20b Numbers 7 8 9 Practice” goal is to practice writing numbers with vertical lines, horizontal lines, circles, dots and curves. The handwriter should stay in the lines to develop finger/hand-muscle memory control. This lesson and video from my P is for Print class.

24 Lesson 20c Punctuation 12:37

Picture of Lesson 20c Punctuation

The lesson “#20c Punctuation Practice” goal is to practice writing punctuation symbols with vertical lines, horizontal lines, circles, dots and curves. The handwriter should stay in the lines to develop finger/hand-muscle memory control. This lesson and video from my P is for Print class.


25 Lesson 21 Alphabet Aa-Zz 06:34

Picture of Lesson 21 Alphabet Aa-Zz

The lesson “#21 Alphabet Practice lowercase Aa-Zz Practice and #21 Alphabet from Memory lowercase Aa-Zz Practice” goal will have the beginning handwriter work through practicing the lowercase and uppercase capital alphabet from Aa-Zz and then write the alphabet from memory. The lesson will have 4 sizes from #21a Large size guidelines, #21b Medium size guidelines, #21c Small size guidelines, and #21d Wide Ruled guidelines so the handwriter can get used to writing at smaller sizes. If the handwriter is struggling with a size, then the student should just focus on that size until control is established of staying in the lines and recognizable letters.

26 Uppercase Letters Test #3 00:00

Take the test and see if you can answer the questions about the uppercase letters correctly.

Uppercase Letter Spacing

27 Lesson 22 Letter Spacing 10:47

Picture of Lesson 22 Letter Spacing

The lesson “#22 Letter Spacing Aa-Zz Practice” goal is to learn how to write letters next to each other to form words. The lesson will have 3 sizes from “#22a Letter Spacing Aa-Zz Medium Practice, #22b Letter Spacing Aa-Zz Small Practice, and #22c Letter Spacing Aa-Zz Wide Ruled Practice that will help the intermediate handwriter gain control of letter spacing to form words.

28 Lesson 23 Animal Word Quiz 06:38

Picture of Lesson 23 Animal Word Quiz

The lesson “#23 Animal Word Practice” goal is to write an entire word from memory. The lesson includes 3 sizes from #23a Animal Word Medium Practice, #23b Animal Word Small Practice, and #23c Animal Word Wide Ruled Practice that will help the intermediate handwriter gain control of letter spacing to form words.

29 Uppercase Letter Spacing Test #4 00:00

Take the test and see if you can answer the questions about the uppercase letters and spacing correctly.

Advanced Cursive

30 Lesson 24 Fun Sentence Pangrams 09:10

Picture of Lesson 24 Fun Sentence Pangrams

The lesson “#24 Fun Sentence Pangrams Practice” goal is to learn how to write words with correct spacing. The lessons will go through 3 sizes of “#24a Fun Sentence Pangrams Medium Practice, #24b Fun Sentence Pangrams Small Practice, and #24c Fun Sentence Pangrams Wide Ruled Practice guidelines that will help the intermediate handwriter gain control of letter spacing to form words.


31 Lesson 25 No Center Line 09:28

Picture of Lesson 25 No Center Line

The lesson “#25 No Center Line Practice” goal is to practice writing without a center dashed line to get used to writing on most lined-paper. The lesson has 3 guideline sizes “#25a No Center Line Medium Practice, #25b No Center Line Small Practice, and #25c No Center Line Wided Rule Practice” that will help the advanced handwriter to gain better letter alignment and space with writing on paper.

32 Lesson 26 Small Line Paper 12:38

Picture of Lesson 26 Small Line Paper

The lesson “#26 Line Paper Practice” goal is to learn how to write on line paper. The lesson will show the advanced handwriter how you must have a small space to have room on your lined paper and not write from top and bottom lines that we have done in previous lessons. The lesson has 2 size line paper guidelines of “#26a Small Line Paper Practice and #26b Wide Ruled Lined Paper Practice” will be challenging. The advanced handwriter should practice the lessons with more words to get used to writing without the early guidelines.

33 Lesson 27 Open Top Line 07:13

Picture of Lesson 27 Open Top Line

The lesson “#27 Open Line Practice” goal is to learn how to write without a top line and center line. The advanced handwriter will be able to practice writing on most fill most open-sky blank answer line worksheets to classes they might have in the future.

34 Lesson 28 No Lines 07:50

Picture of Lesson 28 No Lines

The lesson “#28 No Lines” goal is to write like the letters that form words floating in air. This is a very advanced lesson and the handwriter shows practice by using the letter on the left as a guideline to write your next letter on the right of it.

35 Lesson 29 Ending Practiced Cursive 02:55

Picture of Lesson 29 Ending Practiced Cursive

This last lesson “Ending Practiced Cursive Page” goal is to finally write the same sentences as your beginning lesson 0. When finished, the advanced handwriter should take out their first “Beginning Handwriting Page” to compare their penmanship skills that have been obtained.

36 Advanced Cursive Test #5 00:00

Take the test and see if you can answer the questions about the written words correctly.

Course Overview

C is for Cursive Handwriting Class is a systematic course created for beginning writers that have a knowledge of printed letters and early reading skills. The course will connect print handwriting to connecting letters to make cursive through advancing handwriters that will build on principles of establishing fine-motor control. Students will work through learning basic letter stems and strokes, learn lowercase letter families, numbers, punctuation symbols, and finally uppercase capital letters.

After letter memorization is established, the course will work through letter spacing to form words, word spacing in sentences, and work from large letters through wide-ruled letter sizes. The cursive learner will establish control of many sizes of lines through the lessons with tracing established letters and words to create muscle memory control.

The final advanced lessons will have the student writing cursive on wide-ruled lined paper and no line paper.

This course includes:

- 5 Sections

- 30 Video Lessons with step-by-step guidance for each letter, word, and sentence 

- 87 Practice Sheets with hand-written traceable letters, words, and steps.

- Over 450 traceable lowercase letters

- Over 400 traceable uppercase letters

- Over 110 traceable numbers and punctuation

- Over 800 traceable words

- 7 traceable sentences

- Test at the end of each section

- More than 8 hours of Video Lessons

Course Goals 

1. The student will be able to read and recognize cursive letters and words then be able to write cursive from memory. 

2. The second course goal is to be able to handwrite the size of wide-ruled ⅜” or 8mm paper. 

Target Audience

This course is primarily intended for students who are new to writing cursive or need a quick refresher.

Course Requirements

Students taking this course will need to have completed basic learning to print with a strong grasp of basic print letter forms. The first few lessons of this course create fine-motor skills.

**It is recommended that each lesson practice sheet is printed before each lesson to follow along. **


Course Section Guide

Section 1: Lowercase Letters

- Lesson 0 Beginner Sample

- Lesson 1 Activities: Fine Motor Skills

- Lesson 2 Warm-ups

- Lesson 3 Basic Letter Curves Strokes Practice

- Lesson 4 Lowercase c o a

- Lesson 5 Lowercase d g q p

- Lesson 6 Lowercase i u w

- Lesson 7 Lowercase m n v

- Lesson 8 Lowercase e l b

- Lesson 9 Lowercase h f j

- Lesson 10 Lowercase k y z

- Lesson 11 Lowercase t x r s

- Lesson 12 Alphabet lowercase a-z


Section 2: Lowercase Letter Spacing

- Lesson 13 Letter Spacing with Words


Section 3: Uppercase Letters

- Lesson 14 UPPERCASE A B C D

- Lesson 15 UPPERCASE E F G H

- Lesson 16 UPPERCASE I J K L

- Lesson 17 UPPERCASE M N O P

- Lesson 18 UPPERCASE Q R S T U

- Lesson 19 UPPERCASE V W X Y Z

- Lesson 20a Numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

- Lesson 20b Numbers 7 8 9

- Lesson 20c Punctuation

- Lesson 21 Alphabet Aa-Zz


Section 4: Uppercase Letter Spacing

- Lesson 22 Letter Spacing

- Lesson 23 Animal Word Quiz


Section 5: Advanced Cursive

- Lesson 24 Fun Sentence Pangrams

- Lesson 25 No Center Line

- Lesson 26 Small Line Paper

- Lesson 27 Open Top Line

- Lesson 28 No Lines

- Lesson 29 Ending Practiced Cursive


  • Teacher: Amy
  • Areas of expertise: K12 Art, 6-12 Math, and K12 Special Education
  • Education: BS in Secondary Education from Central Michigan University and MS in Special Education from University of Kansas
  • Interests: Cooking, lifting weights, running, walking my dog, reading books, yoga, and of course handwriting calligraphy.
  • Skills: I am creative and love helping others.
  • Associations: IAMPETH and Chicago Calligraphy Collective
  • Issues I care about: Environment, gender equality and civil rights

I have been teaching students since 2003 from arts, to math, to graphic design, to lettering, and now to computer programming too. I love to learn and am always busy furthering my education from home.

Test Preparation Document

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

ABC Lists

ABC Themed word lists to help practice writing cursive.

Lowercase Letters Test #1- answer key

Lowercase Letters Test #1- answer key

Lowercase Letter Spacing Test #2- answer key

Lowercase Letter Spacing Test #2- answer key

Uppercase Letters Test #3- answer key

Uppercase Letters Test #3- answer key

Uppercase Letter Spacing Test #4- answer key

Uppercase Letter Spacing Test #4- answer key

Advanced Cursive Test #5- answer key

Advanced Cursive Test #5- answer key

Alphabet with Directions Example

C is for Cursive Whole Alphabet Aa-Zz with Directions.
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