Mastering Grade 7 Math

Teacher: Michael
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 7581


0 Course Introduction 01:22

This video describes the sections of the course and teaching philosophy

Unit 1: Proportional Reasoning

1 Lesson 1: Building Up Proportions 08:19

This is our first lesson from the unit, Proportional Reasoning. Here, we begin with ratios and discuss how to build up a ratio in order to create a proportion.

1 Lesson 1 Worksheet Review 08:31

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 1.

2 Lesson 2: Building Down Proportions 05:39

This is our second lesson from the unit, Proportional Reasoning. Here, we begin with ratios and discuss how to build down a ratio in order to create a proportions. We also discus comparing ratios

2 Lesson 2 Worksheet Review 13:26

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 2.

3 Lesson 3: Solving Proportions 06:28

A quick introduction to variables and a discussion about Cross-Product. We'll use what we learned from the previous two lessons and apply multiplication and division to finding missing values to proportions.

3 Lesson 3 Worksheet Review 07:23

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 3.

4 Lesson 4: Real-World Context 07:53

Let's apply what we've learned to some real-world examples of proportions. They are everywhere!

4 Lesson 4 Worksheet Review 12:04

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 4.

5 Lesson 5: Unit Ratios 06:00

We begin the second section of our first unit by discussing the concept of unit ratios.

5 Lesson 5: Worksheet Review 05:53

Let's go over the assignment for Lesson 5.

6 Lesson 6:Unit Rates 09:10

In this lesson, we talk about multiplicative comparisons and dividing fractions. We discuss these topics in order to make sense out of unit rates. All of this will be applied to how we represent proportions within tables, graphs, and equations.

6 Lesson 6 Worksheet Review 09:42

Let's go over the worksheet for Lesson 6.

7 Lesson 7: Tables 12:16

In this lesson, we begin to discuss table representations for proportional reasoning. Our goal is to apply our thinking about ratios and proportional with the organization of tables.

7 Lesson 7 Worksheet Review 09:12

Let's go over the worksheet for Lesson 7.

8 Lesson 8: Graphs 08:25

In this lesson, we continue our work depicting proportional relationships with representations by discuss graphs. We try to understanding how the slope connects with the constant of proportionality.

8 Lesson 8 Worksheet Review 08:51

Let's go over the worksheet for Lesson 8.

9 Lesson 9: Equations 08:15

In this lesson, we finalize our work on representations by discussing equations and how they relate to proportional reasoning. By using tables and graphs, we can see how variables play a role in modeling proportions with equations.

9 Lesson 9 Worksheet Review 07:22

Let's go over the worksheet for Lesson 9.

10 Lesson 10: Unit Review 06:36

In this lesson, we take reflective approach on what we've covered in this unit and try to make connections between ratios, proportional reasoning, and the representations we covered. This unit is a great first step in developing mature mathematical thinking about how we can model the real world with mathematics.

10 Lesson 10 Worksheet Review 17:16

Let's go over our final worksheet for the Proportional Reasoning Unit!

Unit 2: Rational Numbers

11 Lesson 11: Adding Integers 11:30

Let's start with what we know about adding positive numbers and expand our thinking to negative numbers.

11 Lesson 11 Worksheet Review 09:29

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 11.

12 Lesson 12: Subtracting Integers 10:39

In this lesson, we turn to the notion of subtracting both positive and negative numbers. We use the number line to help model what it means to subtract integers

12 Lesson 12 Worksheet Review 07:59

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 12.

13 Lesson 13: Absolute Values 08:47

In this lesson, we apply our understanding of adding and subtracting integers to absolute values and the notion of distance on the number line.

13 Lesson 13 Worksheet Review 07:20

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 13

14 Lesson 14: Adding/Subtracting Rationals 06:41

We apply some of our new skills to the range of ranges including fractions, Rational numbers. We are not becoming more comfortable with handling all sorts of situations involving positive and negative numbers.

14 Lesson 14 Worksheet Review 13:50

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 14.

15 Lesson 15: Multiplying Rationals 18:58

In this lesson, we move on to multiplying Rational numbers. Remember, Rational numbers include all positive and negative numbers that are fractions and whole numbers.

15 Lesson 15 Worksheet Review 14:16

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 15

16 Lesson 16: Dividing Rationals 09:59

In this lesson, we spend time on the algorithm for dividing fractions: Keep, Change, Flip. We spend time learning why this makes sense.

16 Lesson 16 Worksheet Review 09:59

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 16.

17 Lesson 17: Unit Review 12:24

In this lesson, we go over the unit and review the big picture ideas around operating on Rational numbers. What we learned in this unit will carry over to just about all things mathematics.

17 Lesson 17 Worksheet Review 19:04

Let's go over our final worksheet for the Rational Numbers Unit!

Unit 3: Expressions & Equations

18 Lesson 18: Combining Like Terms 12:37

As our first lesson within Expressions & Equations, we re-introduce the notion of variables and doing basic operations on them. Once again, we expand what we've learned about numbers and apply them to the notion of expressions and variables.

18 Lesson 18 Worksheet Review 12:05

Let's go over the assignment for Lesson 18.

19 Lesson 19: Distributive Property & Factoring 13:51

In this lesson, we consider different forms of expressions and how to move between factored and distributed expressions. This helps us look equivalent expressions in different ways.

19 Lesson 19 Worksheet Review 14:37

Let's go over the assignment for Lesson 19.

20 Lesson 20: Percentages & Proportions 08:05

Let's connect our knowledge about proportions to the context of percentages and solve some problems!

20 Lesson 20 Worksheet Review 10:29

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 20

21 Lesson 21: Solving Problems with Percents Part I 15:04

In this lesson, we apply what we learned in the previous lesson to discounts, tax, tip, and commissions. These are real-world situations where you really need to know some mathematics.

21 Lesson 21 Worksheet Review 11:54

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 21

22 Lesson 22: Solving Problems with Percents Part II 12:38

In this lesson, we apply what we learned in the previous lesson to markups, markdowns, percentage increases and decreases. These are real-world situations where you really need to know some mathematics.

22 Lesson 22 Worksheet Review 10:21

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 22.

23 Lesson 23: Equations Part I 15:13

Now we move on from expressions to equations. Let's apply our learning to how we can solve equations with one variable.

23 Lesson 23 Worksheet Review 07:59

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 23

24 Lesson 24: Equations Part II 09:33

Now we move from simple equations to solving multi-step equations. Let's think about the order of operations, but in reverse for solving equations.

24 Lesson 24 Worksheet Review 11:07

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 24.

25 Lesson 25: Solving Problems with Equations 09:27

Let's use our new skills to solve some real-world problems.

25 Lesson 25 Worksheet Review 12:40

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 25

26 Lesson 26: Solving Inequalities 08:10

In this lesson, we apply our skills of solving equations to inequalities. The process is very similar, however, we need to consider some important details about what it means to solve for inequalities.

26 Lesson 26 Worksheet Review 11:40

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 26.

27 Lesson 27: Graphing Inequalities 04:32

Let's learn how to graph inequalities on a number line. This visualize provides a nice way to interpret inequalities.

27 Lesson 27 Worksheet Review 03:44

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 27.

Unit 4: Geometry

28 Lesson 28: Scaling Lengths 05:57

Let's bring back our knowledge about proportions and apply to shapes! Now, we're going to find missing measurements for shape that are proportional.

28 Lesson 28 Worksheet Review 06:18

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 28.

29 Lesson 29: Types of Angles Part I 11:40

Now we work on constructing geometrical shapes and begin with the first dimension: lines. With lines, we can create angles and start to analyze properties of shapes.

29 Lesson 29 Worksheet Review 07:31

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 29.

30 Lesson 30: Types of Angles Part II 06:59

We dive deeper and consider variations of angles including expressions with variables for angle measurements. We are learning the building blocks for analyzing all sorts of shapes.

30 Lesson 30 Worksheet Review 06:02

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 30.

31 Lesson 31: Types of Triangles 13:18

Let's talk about triangles! In this lesson we examine different types of triangle and begin our study of two-dimensional shapes.

31 Lesson 31 Worksheet Review 06:57

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 31.

32 Lesson 32: Circles 12:19

In this lesson, we learn about the most important shape in the universe: the circle. We discuss the concept of pi and the important properties of this wonderful shape.

32 Lesson 32 Worksheet Review 08:19

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 32.

33 Lesson 33: Volume & Surface Area 12:13

In this lesson, we journey into three-dimensional shapes and learn about volume and surface area.

33 Lesson 33 Worksheet Review 10:38

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 33.

Unit 5: Statistics & Probability

34 Lesson 34: Simple Events 09:08

We now move on to our fifth and final unit: Statistics & Probability. We start with exploring probability of single events and how to compute the likelihood of these events.

34 Lesson 34 Worksheet Review 07:02

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 34.

35 Lesson 35: Compound Events & Sample Spaces 06:44

Let's learn about how to organize multiple events and solve probabilities. The idea is to take our understanding of solving for probabilities and apply it to more complicated situations.

35 Lesson 35 Worksheet Review 06:55

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 35.

36 Lesson 36: Estimating 09:40

For the last two lessons we were working on theoretical probabilities, but the real world demands that we learn about estimating, the imperfect science that truly addresses our imperfect world. All we can do is gather information and analyze. Let's start with estimating.

36 Lesson 36 Worksheet Review 10:01

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 36.

37 Lesson 37: Sampling 11:54

This lesson is about how to understand our world. We take data and information in order to analyze populations. This is in turn helps us learn about everything around us. This lesson is at the heart of Statistics.

37 Lesson 37 Worksheet Review 04:51

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 37.

38 Lesson 38: Data Visualization 11:43

The best way to understand data and information is through pictures that display the facts in an appealing way. In this lessons, we discuss two ways to take small sets of data: dot plots and box-and-whiskers.

38 Lesson 38 Worksheet Review 11:13

Let's go over the assignment for lesson 38.

39 Lesson 39: Comparing Populations 07:59

For our last lesson of the course, we look at applying our knowledge of sampling to comparing populations. How data relates to other populations helps us understand our world better.

39 Lesson 39 Worksheet Review 08:56

Let's go over our final assignment for the course!

Greetings Students!

I will be your online math instructor for Grade 7 Math. This course covers all the content that is normally taught when learning mathematics in the seventh grade. The target audience is for 7th grade students who have received 6th grade math instruction. 

Course Goal: This course is designed to prepare you for Algebra, operating on numbers and applying those skills to real-world situations. A part of my course is designed around communicating mathematics. Some of the questions in my worksheets do not have only one answer, but rather are open-ended so you share your thinking with classmates, parents, or guardians. It is my hope that you not only become more proficient in operating on numbers, but also deep thinkers about the work and be able to communicate your learning. These skills are more important now than ever before.

This course includes:

5 Units

39 Lesson Videos

39 Worksheets

39 Review Videos for Worksheets (I go over each worksheet answer one by one)

13 Quizzes


Unit Topics

Unit 1 - Ratios & Proportions

            Section 1: Ratios 

            Section 1 Quiz

            Section 2: Unit Rates

            Section 2 Quiz

            Section 3: Proportional Representation

            Section 3 Quiz 

Unit 2 - Rational Numbers

            Section 1: Adding/Subtracting Rationals

            Section 1 Quiz

            Section 2: Multiplying/Dividing Rationals

            Section 2 Quiz 

Unit 3 - Expression and Equations

            Section 1: Expressions

            Section 1 Quiz

            Section 2: Percentages

            Section 2 Quiz

            Section 3: Equations

            Section 3 Quiz

            Section 4: Inequalities

            Section 4 Quiz

Unit 4 – Geometry

            Section 1: Scaling & Angles

            Section 1 Quiz

            Section 2: Area & Volume of Shapes

            Section 2 Quiz

Unit 5 - Statistics & Probability

            Section 1: Theoretical & Experimental Probalities

            Section 1 Quiz           

            Section 2: Sampling/Populations

            Section 2 Quiz


Thank you very much and good luck!

Mr. Mike





  • Teacher: Michael
  • Areas of expertise: Mathematics & Statistics
  • Education: B.A. in Mathematics, UC Berkeley M.A. in Mathematics, San Francisco State University
  • Interests: Playing music, cooking, spending time with my family (2 kids)
  • Skills: Developing Digital Math Learning experiences. Microsoft Excel
  • Associations: California Teaching Association
  • Issues I care about: Caring for our environment; ensuring all kids learn about about mathematics.

I have been teaching and working with kids for over 8 years. I have a strong belief that storytelling and entertaining are vital components to being a great teacher, and I try to invoke my inner fun whenever I teach. I hope to be a communicator of mathematics for all who are interested and thank you for considering my videos.

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Test Study Document

Proportional Reasoning - Quiz #1 Answer Key

Proportional Reasoning - Quiz #2 Answer Key

Proportional Reasoning - Quiz #3 Answer Key

Rational Numbers - Quiz #1

Rational Numbers - Quiz #2

Expressions & Equations - Quiz #1

Expressions & Equations - Quiz #2

Expressions & Equations - Quiz #3

Expressions & Equations - Quiz #4

Geometry - Quiz #1

Geometry - Quiz #2

Statistics & Probability - Quiz #1

Statistics & Probability - Quiz #2

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