1st Grade Math

Teacher: Ms.Williams
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 900

Section 1 - Mission to Addition

0 Course Goals and Expectations 05:54

Explanation of the benefits children will gain from taking this course.

1 Class Introduction - Why Math Matters 16:25

Introduction to Addition, Algebraic Thinking, and Addition Vocabulary

2 Why Math Matter - Worksheet Review 03:33

In this exercise students will draw to add.

3 Tackle Word Problems 02:34

Tackle word problems by asking the right questions.

4 Number Bonds and Word Problems 26:11

Understanding how number bonds show the relationship between a whole number and its parts.

5 Number Bonds and Word Problems - Worksheet Review 02:24

In this exercise students will create number bonds.

6 Decompose 7 19:08

Find all parts or 7 and solve word problems

7 Decompose 7 - Worksheet Review 01:39

In this exercise students will add one more.

8 Let's Play Flip-It 06:31

Flip-It is a fun and exciting game to teach the children the concept of addition and counting-on. Children will become familiar with math facts. This game will strengthen children's addition skills as they make their way toward mastery of math facts.

9 Decompose 6 and Zero is an Empty Set 16:19

Part 1-Complete number bond when given one part of 6. A number sentence can be written with the sum first or last. Understand zero does not change the value of the sum.

10 Decompose 6 and Zero is an Empty Set- Worksheet Review 01:38

In this exercise students will find all ways to make 6.

11 Decompose 6 and Zero is an Empty Set (Continued) 21:02

Part 2 - (second part of previous lesson) Understand zero does not change the value of the whole. Look for patterns in a more complicated word problem. Analyze an incorrect problem.

12 Decompose 6 and Zero is an Empty Set - Part 2 - Worksheet Review 01:20

In this exercise students will match amounts to find the sum.

13 Evaluate and Solve Word Problems 15:39

Solving word problems using the bar model. Determine what information is given and find the solution.

14 Evaluate and Solve Word Problems - Worksheet Review 01:46

In this exercise students will use the bar model to solve the word problems.

15 Review Decomposition of 6 and 7 12:46

Review Decomposition of 6 and 7. Review zero in a new way and solve word problems.

16 Review Decomposition of 6 and 7 - Worksheet Review 01:21

In this exercise students will complete number sentences to match the picture - focus on zero as an empty set.

17 What Parts Make 8 & 9 15:53

Determine how many were taken away from the whole. Solve word problems using a number sentence

18 What Parts Make 8 & 9 - Worksheet Review 01:37

In this exercise students will add vertically.

19 Decompose 8, 9, & 10 22:24

Determine what part is missing when the whole is given. Solve word problems and apply the strategy of counting on.

20 Decompose 8, 9, & 10 - Worksheet Review 01:57

In this exercise students will match the parts to make ten.

21 Solving Word Problems & Writing a Statement 20:26

Solve word problems by drawing a picture, writing a number bond, writing a number sentence, and writing a statement.

22 Solving Word Problems & Writing a Statement - Worksheet Review 02:27

In this exercise students will solve word problems by breaking the whole into parts.

Section 2 - Subtraction in Action

23 Subtraction in Action 13:59

Introduction to subtraction. Understand subtraction is the opposite of addition.

24 Subtraction in Action- Worksheet Review 01:42

In this exercise students will draw to find the difference.

25 Subtraction in Action (Continued) 15:15

Continuation of previous lesson. Understand how to count on to solve subtraction problems. Introduction to subtraction vocabulary.

26 Subtraction in Action - Worksheet Review 01:13

In this exercise students will cross out to determine how many are left.

27 Subtraction with a Number Path 16:42

Understand there is more than one way to subtract. Introduction to using a number line to subtract. Understand how knowing the given information in a word problem, sets up the number sentence to solve the problem.

28 Subtraction with a Number Path - Worksheet Review 01:19

In this exercise students will rewrite a subtraction sentence as an addition sentence.

29 Using the Bar Model to Subtract 15:23

Solve word problems by using the bar model to subtract.

30 Using the Bar Model to Subtract - Worksheet Review 01:32

In this exercise students will solve word problems by breaking the whole into parts to match the story. They will write a number bond and an addition and subtraction sentence to solve the problem.

31 Using the Bar Model, Labeling Number Bonds, and Writing Statements 17:11

Deepen understanding of the bar model. Label Number Bonds and write statements to answer word problems.

32 Using the Bar Model, Labeling Number Bonds, and Writing Statements - Review 03:11

In this exercise students will solve subtraction word problems.

33 Understand Subtracting Zero, the Total, or One Less 20:19

Understand the concept of subtracting zero or the total amount. Easily subtract one less.

34 Understand Subtracting Zero, the Total, or One Less - Worksheet Review 03:20

In this exercise students will solve subtraction word problems.

35 Mistakes and Missing Parts 17:03

Part 1 - Take note of mistakes in a missing part problem. Find the missing part in a word problem.

36 Mistakes and Missing Parts - Worksheet Review 03:16

In this exercise students will cross out the unknown part to solve.

37 Subtracting - Solve for the Missing Part 12:46

Part II - Solve for the missing part in subtraction word problems. This is a continuation lesson from the previous lesson.

38 Subtracting - Solve for the Missing Part - Worksheet Review 01:40

In this exercise students will draw a picture to compare and use a bar model to solve word problems.

39 Create Your Own Subtraction Stories 16:42

Revisit creating addition sentences from subtraction sentences. Create subtraction word problems from given objects.

40 Create Your Own Subtraction Stories - Worksheet Review 03:35

In this exercise students will take away zero and the whole. They will decompose 7.

41 Zero and One Less 14:27

Understand the total minus the total equals zero. Take one less from larger numbers.

42 Bonus Game - Flip It - Part 2 04:23

Take this fun and exciting game to the next level. Now use Flip It to subtract and if you have older children play to multiply. Don't forget Flip It for multiplication when your first grader gets older.

Section 3 - Strategies for Prodigies

43 The Commutative Property 13:25

Part I - Understand the order of the addends does not change the sum in an addition problem.

44 The Commutative Property - Worksheet Review 03:31

In this exercise students will find equivalent expressions.

45 More About the Commutative Property 15:22

Part II - Understand the order of the addends does not change the sum of the addends.

46 More About the Commutative Property - Worksheet Review 01:33

In this exercise students will color balloons with the matching amount. They will determine if the number sentence is true.

47 Multiple Solutions to a Problem 18:43

Understand there is more than one way to solve a problem.

48 Multiple Solutions to a Problem - Worksheet Review 02:44

In this exercise students will use the strategy of counting on to add larger numbers.

49 Doubles 16:59

Using doubles plus one to add addition problems.

50 Doubles - Worksheet Review 03:30

In this exercise students will count on by decoding the symbol. They will determine what doubles to use to solve the problem.

51 More About Doubles 14:19

Using doubles to solve word problems, add faster, and find missing addends.

52 More About Doubles - Worksheet Review 02:45

In this exercise students will add domino parts with large numbers and play Tic-Tac-Doubles.

53 Mastering Addition Strategies 14:28

Using doubles to add larger numbers and adding to ten.

54 Mastering Addition Strategies - Worksheet Review 02:14

In this exercise students will color fact balloons and match the part to make ten.

55 Making Ten to Add 15:18

Understanding another addition strategy, making ten to add larger addends.

56 Making Ten to Add - Worksheet Review 03:18

In this exercise students will break addends apart to make ten to solve addition problems beyond ten.

57 Add Three Addends 16:13

Solve word problems with three addends. Understand the best way to add three addends - make ten or find a double,

58 Add Three Addends - Worksheet Review 02:47

In this exercise students will break apart (again). This is an opportunity to assess their growth and understanding since they last had this kind of activity. They should be much improved.

59 Solving Word Problems with Larger Numbers 11:12

Construct addition and subtraction sentences to solve word problems with larger numbers.

60 Solving Word Problems with Larger Numbers - Worksheet Review 04:04

In this exercise students will solve word problems with four addends. They will use pictures to solve word problems.

61 A Fun Bonus Game - Cover Ten 02:29

A fun game to practice addition and subtraction, requires 2 two dice, paper, and pencil. Have fun racing to see who can cover all ten before their opponent. Students have to use smart strategies to come out on top.

Section 4 - Base Ten and I Win

62 Introduction to Tens and Ones 16:12

Understand whole number relationships and tens and ones, and base ten.

63 Introduction to Tens and Ones - Worksheet Review 07:23

I have given you a buffet of assignments to help your child master this concept. You determine what skills you want your child to practice.

64 Part 1 - The Place Value of Tens and Ones 13:27

Introduction to place value of tens and ones.

65 Part II - The Place Value of Tens and Ones 12:16

Break numbers apart into tens and ones.

66 The Place Value of Tens and Ones - Worksheet Review 02:17

In this exercise students will have to determine how many more are needed to make numbers greater than 100.

67 Decompose 2-Digit Numbers 10:34

Decompose larger numbers into tens and ones.

68 Decompose 2-Digit Numbers - Worksheet Review 01:54

In this exercise students will match the correct amount and change ones to tens.

69 Breakdown a 2-Digit Number into an Addition Sentence 13:58

Deepen understanding of number decomposition.

70 Breakdown a 2-Digit Number into an Addition Sentence - Worksheet Review 01:47

In this exercise students will cross out 1's and 10's and solve riddles to find the correct number.

71 Ten More, Ten Less, One More, One Less 14:03

Counting in base ten and solve word problems with multiples of ten.

72 Ten More, Ten Less, One More, One Less - Worksheet Review 02:32

In this exercise students will show more ways to make a number by breaking a ten into ones. Students will solve double digit word problems.

73 Place It Face It - A Fun Game 04:13

A fun game of strategy to make the greater number, practice place value, and enhance the concept of greater than and less than.

74 Around the World - A Fun Addition and Subtraction Game 06:33

A modified version of the game played in the classroom. Need flashcards for addition, subtraction, missing addends, etc. Only need addition flashcards in the beginning. In third grade this game can be played with multiplication and division flashcards.

75 Bonus Lesson - All Word Problems 17:02

Solve multiple kinds of word problems


This is a rigorous course with a strong emphasis on word problems. Every lesson has multiple word problems. It was created for all children but is tailored for the gifted, high achieving, or for the child who simply needs to be challenged (for the record, I believe all children are gifted in their own right).  It builds a strong number sense and a thorough understanding of addition, subtraction, addition strategies, and base ten.

Learning can be fun! My students know this well and so will your children. I have taught for almost 20 years. I have put those years of experience into this course to give your child an awesome experience with learning and math. I love when children take pride in knowing how to complete their work. 

This course teaches them how to complete their work and the beauty of math. They begin with the concrete using manipulatives, a ten frame, and games to build a strong foundation of algebraic thinking and operations.  The majority of the problems they solve will be  word problems. They will have a comprehensive number sense through the understanding of number bonds and the relationship between the whole and it's parts. After developing a strong number sense through addition we transition to subtraction. 

Their understanding of subtraction will come effortlessly because of their comprehension of number parts through their experience with number bonds. They will learn the most effective way to subtract numbers, and they will learn there is more than one way to solve a problem. 

Now that they have  an even stronger understanding of numbers and operations, we move into addition strategies. This is where they will learn how to make ten to add larger numbers and use doubles plus or minus one.

Section four is titled Base Ten and I Win. I wanted to give the children the strongest foundation possible and knowing base ten is critical for this age group. As a result, the children will be able to build off of the previous concepts mastered and this knowledge will prepare them for the next level. Math will be easy and exciting for them - as it should be. 

Given the opportunity, children typically rise to the occasion. I witnessed this year after year as a public school teacher. You will be amazed at how well your child will perfom given the opportunity to engage in higher level thinking.


  • 4 UNITS
  • 35 FOLLOW ALONG ACTIVITY REVIEW VIDEOS (I go over each activity answers step by step)


Upon course completion, students will master addition, subtraction, addition of larger numbers, and base ten. They will be able to solve any word problem within the first grade standards or beyond. Their deep understanding of the relationship between numbers will give them this ability. 


This video-course is primarily intended for first grade. It teaches Common Core first grade standards. Although it is designed for first graders, if a second grader needs a stronger foundation they too will benefit. If a parent wants to ensure a strong foundation for their kindergartner before they enter first grade this course is ideal. 


Students taking this course will need to have completed kindergarten standards. They should be able to count to 100 by ones and tens;count forward from any given number; understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; compare greater than, less than, or equal to; know five and all of the parts that make up five; understand addition as putting together and subtraction as taking apart, etc.




Why Math Matters and Algebraic Thinking

Understand Addition and Word Problems + Vocabulary

Find Numbers Inside of Seven

Decompose 6 and Zero is an Empty Set

Use the Bar Model to Solve Word Problems

Decompose 6 and 7 and Explore More of Zero

Find Missing Parts and Add Vertically

Show Parts in 8,9, and 10 using a ten frame

Create and Solve Word Problems by drawing and writing equations

Bonus Game - Flip It




Subtraction is the Opposite of Addition + Vocabulary

Show Addition and Subtraction Sentences

Subtracting by Counting On and Using a Number Path

Solve Word Problems and Label Number Bonds

Cross Out to Subtract and Zero 

Solve Different Kinds of Word Problems

Recognize Mistakes, Count On, and Find Missing Parts

Find Missing Parts, Use Number Bonds, and Create Your Own Story

We Solve Problems with Large Numbers and Explore Zero More

Bonus Game - Flip It 2




Equivalent Equations

Different Addends Same Amount

Doubles and Word Problems

Doubles +1

Decode the Equations

Fill in the Blank

Make Ten to Solve Larger Addends

Solving Word Problems with 3 Addends

All Word Problems Add or Subtract

Bonus Game - Place It Face It

Bonus Game - Cover Ten


Section 4 - BASE TEN AND I WIN

Students will know how to count by ten beginning with any number, decompose a number into tens and ones (35 = 30 + 5), determine the number of tens in a number (60 = 6 tens), begin place value of tens and ones, solve word problems with base ten numbers, etc.


For Large Amounts Counting by Ten is More Efficient

Whole Number Relationships and Place Value

Tens and Ones Inside and Out

Interpret 2-digit Numbers as Addition Sentences

Ten More, Ten Less, One More, One Less

All Word Problems

Bonus Game - Flash Fast/Around the World


  • Teacher: Ms.Williams
  • Areas of expertise: Elementary Education
  • Education: Bachelor's Degree, Elementary Teaching Credential
  • Interests: I love to travel, even if its only a two-hour road trip. I love to cook, most days. I love a good book and I imagine with more time I would love even more. I like to write. I am a fan of many sports and I like to play a few myself.
  • Skills: working with children
  • Associations: California State Teaching Credential, Phi Kappa Phi, California Teachers Association, National Education Association
  • Issues I care about: Children's Education...I am also concerned about the impact of global warming and the toll it's taking on the future world our children will inherit.

The motto in my classroom has always been, "Creating Butterflies." I love to see children excel beyond the potential they did not know they possessed.

Test Preparation Document

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Companion Worksheet

Picture to go with Lesson 2 worksheet

Hundreds Chart

Provide counting practice of 1's, 5's, and 10's. It's important to have children count by tens from any number. Children should be able to count by tens if they start with 3, they should know 3, 13, 23, 33, etc.

Ten Frame

printable ten frame template

Hundred-Twenty Chart

Hundred-twenty chart

Answer Key for all Tests

Answer Key for Tests
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