Zoo Phonics

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Teacher: Sara
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 4352

Meet the Animals

0 Course Introduction 03:07

In this video, I will explain what Zoo Phonics can offer you and your child. 

1 Meet the Animals 10:09

In this lesson, the students get introduced to the Zoo Phonics animals that I will use to help them learn letter sounds and names. We will work slowly to help with retention. 

2 Animals and their Letter 10:57

We do an extended reveiew of the animals and thier sounds along with the letter name. This is the last big introduction of the letters. The following lessons will cover each letter individually.

Lowercase Letters

3 Allie Alligator Day 1 07:09

In this lesson, I will introduce Allie Alligator as the animal in charge of letter A and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase a and giving some handwriting practice. 

4 Allie Alligator Day 2 07:55

In this lesson, I will introduce the number 1 because Allie Alligator is the first letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number one and more handwriting.

5 Bubba Bear Day 1 07:51

In this lesson, I will introduce Bubba Bear as the animal in charge of letter B and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase a and giving some handwriting practice.

6 Bubba Bear Day 2 06:54

In this lesson, I will introduce the number 1 because Allie Alligator is the first letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number one and more handwriting.

7 Catina Cat Day 1 08:21

In this lesson, I will introduce Catina Cat as the animal in charge of letter C and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase c and giving some handwriting practice.

8 Catina Cat Day 2 07:28

In this lesson, I will introduce the number 3 because Catina Cat is the third letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number three and more handwriting.

9 Deedee Deer Day 1 07:41

In this lesson, I will introduce Deedee Deer as the animal in charge of letter D and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase a and giving some handwriting practice.

10 Deedee Deer Day 2 07:23

In this lesson, I will introduce the number 4 because Deedee Deer is the fourth letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number four and more handwriting.

11 Ellie Elephant Day 1 07:27

In this lesson, I will introduce Ellie Elephant as the animal in charge of letter E and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase e and giving some handwriting practice.

12 Ellie elephant Day 2 07:32

In this lesson, I will introduce the number 5 because Ellie Elephant is the fifth letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number one and more handwriting.

13 Francy Fish Day 1 07:23

In this lesson, I will introduce Francy Fish as the animal in charge of letter F and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase f and giving some handwriting practice.

14 Francy Fish Day 2 08:34

In this lesson, I will introduce the number 6 because Francy Fish is the sixth letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number six and more handwriting.

15 Gordo Gorilla Day 1 08:08

In this lesson, I will introduce Gordo Gorilla as the animal in charge of letter G and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase g and giving some handwriting practice.

16 Gordo Gorilla Day 2 06:44

In this lesson, I will introduce the number 7 because Gordo Gorilla is the seventh letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number seven and more handwriting.

17 Honey Horse Day 1 07:10

In this lesson, I will introduce Honey Horse as the animal in charge of letter H and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase h and giving some handwriting practice.

18 Honey Horse Day 2 07:11

In this lesson, I will introduce the number 8 because Honey Horse is the eighth letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number eight and more handwriting.

19 Inny Inchworm Day 1 07:53

In this lesson, I will introduce Inny Inchworm as the animal in charge of letter I and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase i and giving some handwriting practice.

20 Inny Inchworm Day 2 05:39

In this lesson, I will introduce the number 9 because Inny Inchworm is the ninth letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number nine and more handwriting.

21 Jerry Jellyfish Day 1 06:55

In this lesson, I will introduce the number 10 because Jerry Jellyfish is the tenth letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number ten and more handwriting.

22 Jerry Jellyfish Day 2 05:37

In this lesson, I will introduce the number 10 because Jerry Jellyfish is the tenth letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number ten and more handwriting.

23 Kayo Kangaroo Day 1 07:10

In this lesson, I will introduce Kayo Kangaroo as the animal in charge of letter K and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase k and giving some handwriting practice.

24 Kayo Kangaroo Day 2 04:05

In this lesson, I will introduce the number 11 because Kayo Kangaroo is the eleventh letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number eleven and more handwriting.

25 Lizzy Lizard Day 1 05:54

In this lesson, I will introduce Lizzy Lizard as the animal in charge of letter L and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase l and giving some handwriting practice.

26 Lizzy Lizard Day 2 04:03

In this lesson, I will introduce the number twelve because Lizzy Lizard is the twelfth letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number twelve and more handwriting.

27 Missy Mouse Day 1 06:30

In this lesson, I will introduce Missy Mouse as the animal in charge of letter M and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase m and giving some handwriting practice.

28 Missy Mouse Day 2 04:53

In this lesson, I will introduce the number thirteen because Missy Mouse is the thirteen letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number thirteen and more handwriting.

29 Nigel Night Owl Day 1 06:40

In this lesson, I will introduce Nigel Night Owl as the animal in charge of letter N and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase n and giving some handwriting practice.

30 Nigel Night Owl Day 2 04:35

In this lesson, I will introduce the number fourteen because Nigel Night Owl is the fourteenth letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number fourteen and more handwriting.

31 Olive Octopus Day 1 06:22

In this lesson, I will introduce Olive Octopus as the animal in charge of letter O and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase o and giving some handwriting practice.

32 Olive Octopus Day 2 04:11

In this lesson, I will introduce the number fifteen because Olive Octopus is the fifteenth letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number fifteen and more handwriting.

33 Peewee Penguin Day 1 05:28

In this lesson, I will introduce Peewee Penguin as the animal in charge of letter P and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase p and giving some handwriting practice.

34 Peewee Penguin Day 2 04:12

In this lesson, I will introduce the number sixteen because Peewee Penguin is the sixteenth letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number sixteen and more handwriting.

35 Queenie Quail Day 1 06:32

In this lesson, I will introduce Queenie Quail as the animal in charge of letter Q and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase q and giving some handwriting practice.

36 Queenie Quail Day 2 04:30

I introduce the number seventeen because Queenie Quail is the seventeenth letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number seventeen and more handwriting.

37 Robby Rabbit Day 1 06:01

In this lesson, I will introduce Robby Rabbit as the animal in charge of letter R and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase r and giving some handwriting practice.

38 Robby Rabbit Day 2 04:13

I introduce the number eighteen because Robby Rabbit is the eighteenth letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number eighteen and more handwriting.

39 Sammy Snake Day 1 05:35

In this lesson, I will introduce Sammy Snake as the animal in charge of letter S and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase s and giving some handwriting practice.

40 Sammy Snake Day 2 04:02

I introduce the number nineteen because Sammy Snake is the nineteenth letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number nineteen and more handwriting.

41 Timmy Tiger Day 1 05:52

In this lesson, I will introduce Timmy Tiger as the animal in charge of letter T and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase t and giving some handwriting practice.

42 Timmy Tiger Day 2 04:22

I introduce the number twenty because Timmy Tiger is the twentieth letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number twenty and more handwriting.

43 Umber Umbrella Bird Day 1 06:16

In this lesson, I will introduce Umber Umbrella Bird as the animal in charge of letter U and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase u and giving some handwriting practice.

44 Umber Umbrella Bird Day 2 04:22

I introduce the number twenty one because Umber Umbrella Bird is the twenty first letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number twenty one and more handwriting.

45 Vincent Vampire Bat Day 1 05:26

In this lesson, I will introduce Vincent Vampire Bat as the animal in charge of letter V and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase v and giving some handwriting practice.

46 Vincent Vampire Bat Day 2 04:01

I introduce the number twenty two because Vincent Vampire Bat is the twenty second letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number twenty two and more handwriting.

47 Willie Weasel Day 1 06:01

In this lesson, I will introduce Willie Weasel as the animal in charge of letter W and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase w and giving some handwriting practice.

48 Willie Weasel Day 2 04:16

I introduce the number twenty three because Willie Weasel is the twenty third letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number twenty three and more handwriting.

49 Xavier Fox Day 1 06:24

In this lesson, I will introduce Xavier Fox as the animal in charge of letter X and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase x and giving some handwriting practice.

50 Xavier Fox Day 2 05:05

I introduce the number twenty four because Xavier Fox is the twenty fourth letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number twenty four and more handwriting.

51 Yancy Yak 06:45

In this lesson, I will introduce Yancy Yak as the animal in charge of letter Y and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase y and giving some handwriting practice.

52 Yancy Yak Day 2 04:45

I introduce the number twenty five because Yancy Yak is the twenty fifth letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number twenty five and more handwriting.

53 Zeke Zebra Day 1 06:48

In this lesson, I will introduce Zeke Zebra as the animal in charge of letter Z and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of lowercase z and giving some handwriting practice.

54 Zeke Zebra Day 2 05:03

I introduce the number twenty six because Zeke Zebra is the twenty sixth letter of the alphabet. This will allow practice with the number twenty six and more handwriting.

55 Lowercase Letter Assessment 01:08

In this lesson, I explain how to do the assessment pages. There are three pages covering all of the lowercase letters. 

Uppercase Letters

56 Uppercase Allie Alligator 05:33

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Allie Alligator is the animal in charge of letter A and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter A and giving some handwriting practice.

57 Uppercase Allie Alligator Craft 04:24

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter A out of paper.

58 Uppercase Bubba Bear 04:23

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Bubba Bear is the animal in charge of letter B and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter B and giving some handwriting practice.

59 Uppercase Bubba Bear Craft 03:37

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter B out of paper.

60 Uppercase Catina Cat 03:56

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Catina Cat is the animal in charge of letter C and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter C and giving some handwriting practice.

61 Uppercase Catina Cat Craft 02:37

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter C out of paper.

62 Uppercase DeeDee Deer 04:51

In this lesson, I will remind kids that DeeDee Deer is the animal in charge of letter D and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter D and giving some handwriting practice.

63 Uppercase DeeDee Deer Craft 02:48

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter D out of paper.

64 Uppercase Ellie Elephant 05:13

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Ellie Elephant is the animal in charge of letter E and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter E and giving some handwriting practice.

65 Uppercase Ellie Elephant Craft 02:02

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter E out of paper.

66 Uppercase Francy Fish 04:52

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Francy Fish is the animal in charge of letter F and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter F and giving some handwriting practice.

67 Uppercase Francy Fish Craft 02:33

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter F out of paper.

68 Uppercase Gordo Gorilla 05:21

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Gordo Gorilla is the animal in charge of letter G and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter G and giving some handwriting practice.

69 Uppercase Gordo Gorilla Craft 02:57

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter G out of paper.

70 Uppercase Honey Horse 04:45

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Honey Horse is the animal in charge of letter H and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter H and giving some handwriting practice.

71 Uppercase Honey Horse Craft 02:33

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter H out of paper.

72 Uppercase Inny Inchworm 04:37

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Inny Inchworm is the animal in charge of letter I and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter I and giving some handwriting practice.

73 Uppercase Inny Inchworm Craft 02:13

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter I out of paper.

74 Uppercase Jerry Jellyfish 04:39

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Jerry Jellyfish is the animal in charge of letter I and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter J and giving some handwriting practice.

75 Uppercase Jerry jellyfish Craft 02:51

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter J out of paper.

76 Uppercase Kayo Kangaroo 05:27

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Kayo Kangaroo is the animal in charge of letter K and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter K and giving some handwriting practice.

77 Uppercase Kayo Kangaroo Craft 03:04

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter K out of paper.

78 Uppercase Lizzy Lizard 05:11

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Lizzy Lizard is the animal in charge of letter L and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter L and giving some handwriting practice.

79 Uppercase Lizzy Lizard Craft 02:26

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter L out of paper.

80 Uppercase Missy Mouse 05:25

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Missy Mouse is the animal in charge of letter M and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter M and giving some handwriting practice.

81 Uppercase Missy Mouse Craft 03:06

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter M out of paper.

82 Uppercase Nigel Night Owl 05:34

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Nigel Night Owl is the animal in charge of letter N and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter N and giving some handwriting practice.

83 Uppercase Nigel Night Owl Craft 04:00

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter N out of paper.

84 Uppercase Olive Octopus 05:34

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Olive Octopus is the animal in charge of letter O and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter O and giving some handwriting practice.

85 Uppercase Olive Octopus Craft 02:40

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter O out of paper.

86 Uppercase Peewee Penguin 05:36

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Peewee Penguin is the animal in charge of letter P and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter P and giving some handwriting practice.

87 Uppercase Peewee Penguin Craft 03:18

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter P out of paper.

88 Uppercase Queenie Quail 04:52

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Queenie Quail is the animal in charge of letter q and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter Q and giving some handwriting practice.

89 Uppercase Queenie Quail Craft 03:25

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter Q out of paper.

90 Uppercase Robby Rabbit 05:14

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Robby Rabbit is the animal in charge of letter R and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter R and giving some handwriting practice.

91 Uppercase Robbie Rabbit Craft 03:39

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter R out of paper.

92 Uppercase Sammy Snake 05:16

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Sammy Snake is the animal in charge of letter S and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter S and giving some handwriting practice.

93 Uppercase Sammy Snake Craft 02:40

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter S out of paper.

94 Uppercase Timmy Tiger 05:02

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Timmy Tiger is the animal in charge of letter T and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter T and giving some handwriting practice.

95 Uppercase Timmy Tiger Craft 03:30

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter T out of paper.

96 Uppercase Umber Umbrella Bird 05:00

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Umber Umbrella Bird is the animal in charge of letter U and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter U and giving some handwriting practice.

97 Uppercase Umber Umbrella Bird Craft 02:51

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter U out of paper.

98 Uppercase Vincent Vampire Bat 04:59

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Vincent Vampire Bat is the animal in charge of letter V and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter V and giving some handwriting practice.

99 Uppercase Vincent Vampire Bat Craft 02:23

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter V out of paper.

100 Uppercase Willie Weasel 05:08

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Willie Weasel is the animal in charge of letter W and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter W and giving some handwriting practice.

101 Uppercase Willie Weasel Craft 03:02

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter W out of paper.

102 Uppercase Xavier Fox 05:16

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Xavier Fox is the animal in charge of letter X and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter X and giving some handwriting practice.

103 Uppercase Xavier Fox Craft 02:31

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter X out of paper.

104 Uppercase Yancy Yak 05:14

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Yancy Yak is the animal in charge of letter Y and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter Y and giving some handwriting practice.

105 Uppercase Yancy Yak Craft 02:48

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter Y out of paper.

106 Uppercase Zeke Zebra 04:56

In this lesson, I will remind kids that Zeke Zebra is the animal in charge of letter Z and it's sound. I will be covering the formation of uppercase letter Z and giving some handwriting practice.

107 Uppercase Zeke Zebra Craft 04:02

This activity works fine motor skills as they make an uppercase letter Z out of paper.

108 Uppercase Letter Assessment 00:42

 In this lesson, I explain how to do the assessment pages. There are three pages covering all of the uppercase letters. 

Shapes and Colors

109 Shapes with Zoo Phonics Animals 06:24

In this lesson, I talk about how we can look at the first letter of the shape name and use that animal to help us figure out the shape’s name. There is a shape book that goes along with this lesson has high frequency kindergarten sight words.

110 Color with Zoo Phonics Animals 10:06

In this lesson, I talk about how we can look at the first letter of the color and use that animal to help us figure out the color’s name. There is a color book that goes along with this lesson has the kindergarten sight word is in it.

Course Overview

This course is the first step to becoming a great reader. I cover letter sounds, lowercase letters, numbers 1-26, uppercase letters, shapes, and colors. This class is a great prerequisite to a reading course. Learning letter names and letter sounds is the first step to understanding how to read words. I also cover numbers as they correlate to the letter in the alphabet, such as A-1, B-2, C-3 and etc. There are two introduction lesson, two lessons for each lowercase letter, one lesson and one craft for each uppercase (capital) letter, a shape lesson, and a color lesson. This unit has a lot of worksheets which will help promote letter formation and repetition. The more a child uses and works with letters the faster they will remember them.

This course includes:

  •        4 units
  •        108 lessons
  •        52 online tests
  •        2 written assessments
  •        2 assessment keys
  •        1 list of Zoo Phonics animal names
  •        26 posters
  •        26 stories
  •        212 worksheets/activities
  •        9 hours and 26 minutes of video lessons

Course Goals

  •        To identify letter names.
  •        To identify and produce letter sounds.
  •        To write lowercase and uppercase letters.
  •        To identify shapes.
  •        To identify colors.

Target Audience

The target audience is a student who is ready to learn letter names and sounds and numbers 1-26.

Course Requirements

The student does not need to complete anything before this course.


Unit layout:

Unit 1: Introduction (Meet the Animals)

Meet the Animals
Animals and their Letter

Unit 2: Lowercase Letters

Allie Alligator Day 1
Allie Alligator Day 2
Bubba Bear Day 1
Bubba Bear Day 2
Catina Cat Day 1
Catina Cat Day 2
Deedee Deer Day 1
Deedee Deer Day 2
Ellie Elephant Day 1
Ellie Elephant Day 2
Francy Fish Day 1
Francy Fish Day 2
Gordo Gorilla Day 1
Gordo Gorilla Day 2
Honey Horse Day 1
Honey Horse Day 2
Inny Inchworm Day 1
Inny Inchworm Day 2
Jerry Jellyfish Day 1
Jerry Jellyfish Day 2
Kayo Kangaroo Day 1
Kayo Kangaroo Day 2
Lizzy Lizard Day 1
Lizzy Lizard Day 2
Missy Mouse Day 1
Missy Mouse Day 2
Nigel Night Owl Day 1
Nigel Night Owl Day 2
Olive Octopus Day 1
Olive Octopus Day 2
Peewee Penguin Day 1
Peewee Penguin Day 2
Queenie Quail Day 1
Queenie Quail Day 2
Robby Rabbit Day 1
Robby Rabbit Day 2
Sammy Snake Day 1
Sammy Snake Day 2
Timmy Tiger Day 1
Timmy Tiger Day 2
Umber Umbrella Bird Day 1
Umber Umbrella Bird Day 2
Vincent Vampire Bat Day 1
Vincent Vampire Bat Day 2
Willie Weasel Day 1
Willie Weasel Day 2
Xavier Fox Day 1
Xavier Fox Day 2
Yancy Yak Day 1
Yancy Yak Day 2
Zeke Zebra Day 1
Zeke Zebra Day 2
Lowercase Letter Assessment

Unit 3: Uppercase Letters

Uppercase Allie Alligator
Uppercase Allie Alligator Craft
Uppercase Bubba Bear
Uppercase Bubba Bear Craft
Uppercase Catina Cat
Uppercase Catina Cat Craft
Uppercase Deedee Deer
Uppercase Deedee Deer Craft
Uppercase Ellie Elephant
Uppercase Ellie Elephant Craft
Uppercase Francy Fish
Uppercase Francy Fish Craft
Uppercase Gordo Gorilla
Uppercase Gordo Gorilla Craft
Uppercase Honey Horse
Uppercase Honey Horse Craft
Uppercase Inny Inchworm
Uppercase Inny Inchworm Craft
Uppercase Jerry Jellyfish
Uppercase Jerry Jellyfish Craft
Uppercase Kayo Kangaroo
Uppercase Kayo Kangaroo Craft
Uppercase Lizzy Lizard
Uppercase Lizzy Lizard Craft
Uppercase Missy Mouse
Uppercase Missy Mouse Craft
Uppercase Nigel Night Owl
Uppercase Nigel Night Owl Craft
Uppercase Olive Octopus
Uppercase Olive Octopus Craft
Uppercase Peewee Penguin
Uppercase Peewee Penguin Craft
Uppercase Qeenie Quail
Uppercase Qeenie Quail Craft
Uppercase Robby Rabbit
Uppercase Robby Rabbit Craft
Uppercase Sammy Snake
Uppercase Sammy Snake Craft
Uppercase Timmy Tiger
Uppercase Timmy Tiger Craft
Uppercase Umber Umbrella Bird
Uppercase Umber Umbrella Bird Craft
Uppercase Vincent Vampire Bat
Uppercase Vincent Vampire Bat Craft
Uppercase Willie Weasel
Uppercase Willie Weasel Craft
Uppercase Xavier Fox
Uppercase Xavier Fox Craft
Uppercase Yancy Yak
Uppercase Yancy Yak Craft
Uppercase Zeke Zebra
Uppercase Zeke Zebra Craft

Unit 4: Shapes and Colors

Shapes with Zoo Phonics Animals
Colors with Zoo Phonics Animals

  • Teacher: Sara
  • Areas of expertise: Preschool through third grade (P-3)
  • Education: University of Montana Western
  • Interests: Reading, music, traveling
  • Skills: Crafting: scrapbooking, making things on the Cricut, cross stitching, and sewing
  • Associations: State licensed teacher; NEA (National Education Association)
  • Issues I care about: I care about my family, education and teaching

I love watching children excel and learn. I have experience working in a professional setting with infants through early elementary students. I have worked in early childhood programs; these allowed me to work with infants through preschool children. I was able to make lessons plans and plan for the needs of these young children. I have also worked in elementary schools. I have been a substitute teacher working in public elementary schools with children preschool through sixth grade. This allowed me to work with a variety of students and help many students throughout the school year. I have been an intervention specialist working with kindergarten through second grade students on math and reading. This allowed me to experience intervention programs and gave me the opportunity to help students catch up to grade level. I graduated from Great Falls High School in 2011 in the National Honor Society. I Attended Great Falls College MSU and graduated with an Associate of Applied Science in Microcomputer Support in 2013 and then an Associate of Science in General Education in 2016. I attended The University of Montana Western and obtained an Associate of Applied Science in Early Childhood Education in 2017 and a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education: P-3 in 2019. I have a teaching license in Montana and Colorado. I also have a 40 hour TESOL certification.

Online Quiz Answer Key

This document provides the answers for the online quizzes.

Test Preparation Document

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Animal Names

This is the full list of animal names to assist you in correcting the two assessments for this unit.

Lowercase Letter Assessment Answers

This is the asnwer key for the Lowercase Letter Assessment. 

Uppercase Letter Assessment Answers

This is the answer key for the uppercase letter assessment. 

Lowercase Letter Assessment

This is the lowercase letter assessment that needs to be completed before the student moves on to uppercase letters.

Uppercase Letter Assessment

This is the lowercase letter assessment that needs to be completed before the student moves on to uppercase letters.

Preset Color