Watch this brief introduction to learn how the Life and Study Skills for Preteens course works and how it will benefit you in the areas of academics, emotional wellbeing, physical health, relationships, and character development.

We all learn in our own unique way, and when we understand our preferred learning style, we can do even better in school! Watch the Lesson 1 video to get a better understanding of how you learn best.
Learning Styles - Lesson Review

Are you a visual, auditory, reading/writing, or kinesthetic learner? Now that you know your learning style, watch Lesson 2 to learn some study strategies that will work best for you.
Strategies for Different Learners - Lesson Review

Are your assignments turned in on time each week? Do you feel like your priorities are in order? Watch Lesson 3 to learn how to prioritize the more important things in life.
Time Management Analysis - Lesson Review

Making lists, keeping a calendar, and considering your environment are all important when managing our time. Watch Lesson 4 for more information on how to do so!
Time Management Strategies - Lesson Review

Being organized is more than just cleaning up a messy room. Watch Lesson 5 for tips and strategies for being better organized both in and out of school.
Organization - Lesson Review

We all have things we'd like to accomplish but what's the best way to go about achieving your goals? Watch Lesson 6 for a detailed plan on accomplishing what you set out to do.
Accomplishing Goals - Lesson Review

It's time to tap into your creative side! Watch Lesson 7 to learn how to create a Vision Board, a great way to be able to visualize and help achieve your goals.
Goals and Vision Boards - Lesson Review

What's the point of school and learning about things you may never need to apply to a real life situation? Watch Lesson 8 to find out and learn how to become more motivated.
Motivation - Lesson Review

Does taking tests stress you out? Watch Lesson 9 to learn some tips and tricks you can try the next time you're feeling anxious or unprepared.
Test Taking Strategies - Lesson Review