Life Skills for Kindergarten

Teacher: Ann
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 2555

Section 1 - Activity Skills

0 Introduction 00:00

1 Learn rhymes with action 00:00

2 Learning and Practicing the ABC’s 00:00

3 Trace and writing the missing letters 00:00

4 Count and match fruits and vegetables 00:00

5 The five senses 00:00

6 Building block and sight words 00:00

7 Picture a story using papers, crayons and markers 00:00

8 Learning to sort objects into specific categories 00:00

9 Story telling with modelling pictures through videos 00:00

10 Building home by crafts, paper 00:00

11 Practicing counting numbers from 1 to 10 00:00

12 Drawing, sketch, and painting 00:00

13 Creating word wall 00:00

14 Learning names of the birds and animals using toys 00:00

15 Learn days of the week 00:00

16 Find the missing numbers 00:00

Section 2 - Moral Skills

17 Learn how to speak, good manners, hygienic habits and polite words 00:00

18 Learn how to share information, reading materials and shake hands 00:00

19 Co-operating with each other while playing together 00:00

20 Developing Empathy 00:00

21 Understanding right and wrong and making the right choices 00:00

22 Being compassionate and caring for others 00:00

23 Understanding the rules, especially moral rules 00:00

24 Respecting elders and teachers 00:00

Section 3 - Routine Skills

25 How to open the tiffin box and eat neatly 00:00

26 Wash your hands once you finish eating snacks 00:00

27 How to clean up and keep all the toys at right place 00:00

28 Play songs to start and close your day 00:00

29 Wash your hands once you use toilet 00:00

30 Wash face, brush teeth. 00:00

31 Get dressed 00:00

Section 4 - Ability Skiils

32 Write first and last name correctly 00:00

33 Taking care of own belongings 00:00

34 Understand big small, slow fast, back front, up down, long short 00:00

35 Understand concepts such as yesterday, today, and tomorrow 00:00

36 Make friends and interact with others kids 00:00

37 Format letters out of clay. 00:00

Section 5 - Identification Skills

38 Learn parts of the body and their sense 00:00

39 Learn Gender 00:00

40 Learn position of the objects, book elements 00:00

41 Recognize birds and animals using anchor charts and their sounds 00:00

42 Recognize the objects in the sky such as sun, star, moon, clouds 00:00

43 Identify colors and also to learn colors using crayons 00:00

44 Identify and draw shapes such as square, circle, triangle, rectangle 00:00

45 Identify and classify objects by color, size, and shape 00:00

46 Understand the relationship between letters and their sounds 00:00

47 Identify the sound using household objects 00:00

Teach your child what empathy is, why they should respect their teachers, elders and parents. Course includes nearly 50 lessons.
  • Teacher: Ann
  • Areas of expertise:
  • Education:
  • Interests:
  • Skills:
  • Associations:
  • Issues I care about:

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