Healthy Voice Technique for Beginning Singers

Teacher: Karen
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 614

Unit 1

0 Introduction 02:20

Introduction to Healthy Voice Techniuqe for Beginning Singers

1 Lesson 1: The Vocal Tract & Voice Registers 15:12

Learn the anatomy and function of the singing mechanism. Learn to access the head and chest voice.

2 Lesson 2: Reviewing the Vocal Tract & Voice Registers 11:49

3 Lesson 3: Beginning Phonation and Singing on Pitch 14:41

Learning to properly initiate vocal sound and matching pitches with the voice.

4 Lesson 4: Beginning Breath Managment / Posture & Alignment 14:17

Learning to manage the breath and engage breath support for singing. Learning about proper posture and body alignment for singing.

5 Lesson 5: Reviewing Phonation / Singing on Pitch & Breath Management / Posture 12:26

6 Lesson 6: Basic Note Reading 08:43

Learning to read notes on the treble staff.

7 Lesson 7: Basic Note Reading Review 05:44

8 Lesson 8: Basic Rhythm Reading 20:13

Learning to read basic rhythms and note/rest values.

9 Lesson 9: Basic Rhythm Reading Review 10:55

Review of basic rhythm and note/rest value skills

10 Lesson 10: Unit 1 Review 07:05

Comprehenseive review of materials and skills in Unit 1.

Unit 2

11 Lesson 11: Open Throat Technique 12:27

Learning to sing with an open throat by raising the soft palate and lowering the larynx.

12 Lesson 12: Vocal Onset 12:23

Learning to sing with coordinated vocal onset.

13 Lesson 13: Reviewing The Open Throat Technique and Vocal Onset 10:23

14 Lesson 14: Singer's Embrasure 10:52

Learning to sing with rounded embrasure.

15 Lesson 15: Tongue & Jaw Position 09:07

Learning to sing with proper tongue and jaw position

16 Lesson 16: Reviewing Embrasure, Tongue & Jaw Position 12:52

17 Lesson 17: Singer's Vowels 13:32

Learning to sing with pure singer's vowels.

18 Lesson 18: Developing a Vocal Warm-Up 17:24

Learning and recognizing the elements of a healthy vocal warm-up. Developing a daily vocal warm-up routine.

19 Lesson 19: Reviewing Singer’s Vowels and SOVT Exercises 17:25

20 Lesson 20: Unit 2 Review 13:56

Comprehensive review of the materials and skills covered in Unit 2.

Unit 3

21 Lesson 21: Legato & Staccato Singing 12:53

Learning to sing using legato and staccato articulation.

22 Lesson 22: Singing with Dynamics 10:10

Learning to sing with dynamic contrast. Learning to recognize and identify symbols and terms associated with music dynamics.

23 Lesson 23: Diction and Training the Articulators 06:25

Learning to sing with proper diction and training the articulators.

24 Lesson 24: Reviewing Articulation, Dynamic, and Diction 10:27

25 Lesson 25: Introduction to Solfege and the Major Scale 10:44

Learning the solfege syllables and applying them to the major scale.

26 Lesson 26: Minor Scales 14:05

Learning the harmonic minor scale pattern. Using solfege syllables to sing the harmonic minor scale.

27 Lesson 27: Arpeggios 10:21

Learning to sing major and harmonic minor arpeggios using solfege syllables.

28 Lesson 28: Major/Minor Scales, Solfege, and Arpeggios review 07:04

29 Lesson 29: Sight Singing 08:19

Learning the basics of sight singing.

30 Lesson 30: Unit 3 Review 15:12

Comprehensive review of the materials and musical skills learned in Unit 3.

Unit 4

31 Lesson 31: Learning a Piece of Music 08:47

Introduction to the process of learning a new piece of music.

32 Lesson 32: "Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair" Part 1 10:04

Part 1 of learning "Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair."

33 Lesson 33 "Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair" Part 2 09:40

Part two of learning "Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair."

34 Lesson 34: "Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair" Part 3 12:35

Part 3 of learning "Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair."

35 Lesson 35: "Caro mio ben" Part 1 07:56

Part 1 of learning "Caro mio ben."

36 Lesson 36: "Caro mio ben" Part 2 06:05

Part 2 of learning "Caro mio ben."

37 Lesson 37: Reviewing Italian Pronunciation of “Caro mio ben” 05:48

38 Lesson 38: "Caro mio ben" Part 3 09:47

Part 3 of learning "Caro mio ben."

39 Lesson 39: "Caro mio ben" Part 4 09:58

Part 4 of learning "Caro mio ben."

40 Lesson 40: "Caro mio ben" Part 5 09:51

Part 5 of learning "Caro mio ben."

Course Overview
Healthy Voice Technique for Beginning Singers is a beginner's singing course appropriate for grades 5 and up. In this course, you will have the opportunity to learn the basics of healthy singing technique as well as how to read basic notes and rhythms. A variety of vocal exercises and techniques will be taught. Students will also have the opportunity to learn two full-length vocal pieces, one in English and one in Italian. The exercises and repertoire selections are best suited for female voices and pre-pubescent male voices. 

This Course Includes

- 4 Units

- Rhythm-learning worksheets

- Note-learning worksheets

- Answer keys for note-learning and rhythm-learning worksheets

- Sight-singing examples and worksheets

- 9 Quizzes and answer keys

- 40 video lessons

- 25 MP3 practice guides

- Sheet music of 2 short vocal examples

- Sheet music for 2 full-length vocal pieces

- MP3 piano accompaniments for 2 full-length vocal pieces

- Solfege syllable guide sheets

- Italian pronunciation MP3 guide

- Italian translation guide sheet

- Daily practice routine guide sheet 

Course Goals

After completing this course, students will be able to...

- Sing melodies on pitch using excellent vocal technique

- Have a complete understanding of beginning singing technique

- Have a firm foundation of healthy singing technique for building future skill

- Understand basic singing and musical concepts and terms

- Identify and read basic rhythms

- Identify notes of the treble clef

- Sight-sing basic melodies using solfege syllables

- Sing major and harmonic minor scales / arpeggios

- Follow a daily practice and warm-up routine

- Sing "Jeannie with the Light Brown Hair" with piano accompaniment

- Sing "Caro mio ben" with piano accompaniment

Target Audience 

- Grades 5-12. Exercises and vocal pieces are most appropriate for higher voices. (Females voices, tenor voices, and unchanged male voices.)

Course Requirements 

Students taking this course will need to have completed...

- All video lessons

- All practice guides

- All worksheets and quizzes


Unit 1: Learning the Basics 


The Vocal Tract & Voice Registers
Reviewing the Vocal Tract & Voice Registers
Beginning Phonation & Singing on Pitch
Beginning Breath Management / Posture & Alignment 
Reviewing Phonation / Singing on Pitch & Breath Management / Posture
Basic Note Reading
Basic Note Reading Review
Basic Rhythm Reading
Basic Rhythm Reading Review
Unit 1 Review

Unit 2: The Developing Voice


Open Throat Technique
Vocal Onset
Reviewing The Open Throat Technique and Vocal Onset
Singer's Embrasure
Tongue & Jaw Position
Reviewing Embrasure, Tongue & Jaw Position
Singer's Vowels
Developing a Vocal Warm-up
Reviewing Singer’s Vowels and SOVT Exercises
Unit 2 Review

Unit 3: The Developing Musician 


Legato & Staccato Singing
Singing with Dynamics
Diction & Training the Articulators
Reviewing Articulation, Dynamic, and Diction
Introduction to Solfege and the Major Scale
Minor Scales
Major/Minor Scales, Solfege, and Arpeggios review
Sight Singing
Unit 3 Review 

Unit 4: Putting it all Together 


Learning a Piece of Music
"Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair" Part 1
"Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair" Part 2
"Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair" Part 3
"Caro mio ben" Part 1
"Caro mio ben" Part 2
Reviewing Italian Pronunciation of “Caro mio ben”
"Caro mio ben" Part 3
"Caro mio ben" Part 4
"Caro mio ben" Part 5

  • Teacher: Karen
  • Areas of expertise: Music
  • Education: Master of Music: Vocal Performance Master of Arts: Musicology Bachelor of Music: Vocal Performance
  • Interests: Reading, podcasts, camping, kayaking, biking.
  • Skills: Opera performance, classical singing technique, music research, singing in Italian, French, and German.
  • Associations: Cornerstone University (professor)
  • Issues I care about: Accessible sight-reading/ear-training teaching technique. Creating professional performance opportunities for injured/recovered voices. Making quality music education accessible to all.

Greetings, Lernsys students and families! I am a professional singer and music educator. While I love all aspects of music, I especially enjoy teaching healthy singing technique and music history. I hope my courses are helpful and fun for you. Happy learning, and happy music-making!

Test Preparation Document

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Lesson 6 Practice Sheet: Answer Key

Quiz Answer Keys

Answer keys for all quizzes included in course.

Lesson 7: Note-Reading Worksheet Answer Key

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