8th Grade: American Revolution

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Teacher: Sue
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 2667

Course Introduction

1 The American Revolution: An Introduction 02:07

Let's discover why the American Revolution is significant in history! In this course we will explore various topics such as taxes & laws, battles, the war of words, as well as how all this applies to us today.

Section One: Introduction

2 Lesson One: Studying History 11:31

This is the first lesson in our course on the American Revolution. Here we will be focusing on why people study History and how to identify sources.

3 Studying History Exercise Review 02:23

Follow up video for Lesson 1

4 Lesson Two: Analyzing Sources 14:29

In this lesson we will explore how to analyze sources that we encounter during research. These skills are also helpful when considering news or other means of sharing information that we encounter on a daily basis.

5 Analyzing Sources Review 06:30

Follow up video for Lesson 2

6 Lesson Three: Writing for History 10:30

In this lesson we will put together the skills learned and understood in Lessons One and Two to create a written piece for History or the Social Sciences.

7 Writing for History Explanation 03:26

Follow up video for Lesson 3

8 Lesson Four: What is revolution? 16:12

In this lesson we will discuss what revolution means and the different types of revolution that can occur in a society.

9 What is revolution? Exercise Review 04:29

Follow up video for Lesson 4

Section Two: The Colonies

10 Lesson Five: Geography and Background 16:29

In this lesson we will discuss the geography and background information of each regions of the American colonies. This will help set the context for future lessons.

11 Geography and Background Exercise Review 03:29

Follow up video for Lesson 5

12 Lesson Six: The Seven Years War (1) 11:18

This is the first of two lessons focusing on The Seven Years War (also known as The French and Indian War). Here we will look at the roots of the war and how it began to impact the colonies.

13 The Seven Years War (1) Exercise Review 03:04

Follow up video for Lesson 6

14 Lesson Seven: The Seven Years War (2) 10:08

We will continue our exploration of the Seven Years War and the impacts it had on colonial life and attitude.

15 The Seven Years War (2) Exercise Review 04:41

Follow up video for Lesson 7

16 Lesson Eight: The Growth of Discontent 12:49

It's now time to investigate what happened AFTER The Seven Years War and how King George III handled the colonists want to move into the new territory on the western frontier.

17 The Growth of Discontent Exercise Review 04:17

Video follow up for Lesson 8

Section Three: Seeds of Revolutionary Thought

18 Lesson Nine: The Great Awakening 10:33

Here we will explore the colonial response to the Enlightenment that was happening in Europe at the same time. We will also take a look at how this is connected to growing revolutionary thought in the colonies.

19 The Great Awakening Exercise Review 03:37

Follow up video for Lesson 9

20 Lesson Ten: The Enlightenment (1) 11:15

This is our first jump over to Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries. We are going to explore what was happening during the Enlightenment and how those ideas made their way to the colonies.

21 The Enlightenment Exercise Review 03:52

Follow up video to Lesson 10

22 Lesson Eleven: Women of the Enlightenment (2) 12:38

In this lesson we will take a look at a few influential women of the Enlightenment...after all, the men didn't do everything.

23 Women of the Enlightenment Exercise Review 03:55

Follow up video for Lesson 11

24 Lesson Twelve: Who were the colonists? 16:06

In this lesson we will begin exploring the spectrum of people living in the colonies. We will also take a look at power structures and how those were used to influence revolutionary thinking.

25 Who were the colonists? Exercise Reivew 04:28

Follow up video for Lesson 12

Section Four: The Battle Over Taxes and Laws

26 Lesson Thirteen: The Sugar and Stamp Acts 11:25

In this lesson we will explore the Sugar and Stamp Acts and how they influenced revolutionary thought in the colonies.

27 Sugar and Stamp Acts Exercise Review 02:06

Follow up video for Lesson 13

28 Lesson Fourteen: The Townshend Acts 13:56

In this lesson we will continue to investigate the colonists uneasiness and eventual protest against new laws enacted by the British government. We will also continue to build on the concept of cause and effect.

29 The Townshend Acts Exercise Review 02:47

Follow up video for Lesson 14

30 Lesson Fifteen: The Boston Massacre 10:38

Who done it? Is the guiding question for this lesson. Get your detective hate ready, we need to investigate who was to blame for the Boston Massacre.

31 The Boston Massacre Exercise Review 03:14

Follow up video for Lesson 15

32 Lesson Sixteen: The Boston Tea Party 14:21

So, what happened after the Boston Massacre? Did the colonists just accept the results of the trials and Britain's stance that the crown still had the right to tax them? Think again. Today we will be exploring the colonists reaction to the Tea Act.

33 The Boston Tea Party Exercise Review 03:00

Follow up video for Lesson 16

34 Lesson Seventeen: The Coercive Acts 11:37

Was the British government ok with what happened at Boston Harbor? Did they let the colonists get away with destroying roughly 1 million dollars (in today's money) in tea? In this lesson, we will explore how the British government handled such a rebellion.

35 The Coercive Acts Exercise Review 03:48

Follow up video for Lesson 17

Section Five: Battles

36 Lesson Eighteen: The Battles of Lexington and Concord 14:19

In this lesson we will explore that famous phrase, "the shot heard 'round world."

37 Lexington and Concord Exercise Review 02:56

Follow up video for Lesson 18

38 Lesson Nineteen: Bunker HIll 14:58

Here we will discuss the Battle at Bunker Hill, well, Breed's Hill. You may be wondering why we are going to talk about a battle which the Continental Army lost...well, start the video and let's find out!

39 Bunker Hill Exercise Review 03:48

Follow up video for Lesson 19

40 Lesson Twenty: Saratoga 11:22

In this lesson we'll look into the "turning point" in the American Revolution for the Continental Army. We'll also spend some time discussing that guy Benedict Arnold.

41 Saratoga Exercise Review 04:22

Follow up video for Lesson 20

42 Lesson Twenty One: Valley Forge 11:07

It was a long and cold winter in Valley Forge. How did General Washington encourage his troops to keep with the cause? Who helped him overcome what seemed like insurmountable obstacles? These are the questions we seek to answer in this lesson.

43 Valley Forge Exercise Explanation 04:46

Follow up video for Lesson 21

44 Lesson Twenty Two: Yorktown 10:35

In this lesson we will look at a bit of military strategy as the Continental army approaches Yorktown. We will also explore what factors impacted the battle.

45 Yorktown Exercise Explanation 03:29

Follow up video for Lesson 22

Section Six: War of Words

46 Lesson Twenty Three: The First Continental Congress 12:10

What was the First Continental Congress? Why is this meeting of delegates fro 12 of the 13 colonies important? Let's explore what was arguably the first US government.

47 The First Continental Congress Exercise Review 04:45

Follow up video for Lesson 23

48 Lesson Twenty Four: Common Sense 11:33

In this lesson we look at one of the most famous pamphlets published in American history, Thomas Paine's Common Sense.

49 Common Sense Exercise Review 03:58

Follow up video for Lesson 24

50 Lesson Twenty Five: The Declaration of Independence 15:56

Here we shall explore this revolutionary document and why it matters. We will break down each section of the declaration and what it meant to the colonies and the British government.

51 the Declaration of Independence Exercise Explanation 04:23

Follow up video for Lesson 25

52 Lesson Twenty Six: Treaty of Paris 1783 11:29

In this lesson we shall explore the document which officially ended the American Revolution as well as the War for Independence.

53 Treaty of Paris Exercise Review 06:04

Follow up video for Lesson 26

Section Seven: Putting it all Together

54 Lesson Twenty Seven: Post War Impacts 12:16

In this lesson we will explore the impact that the American Revolution had on the colonists. We will take a look at political, social, and economic changes.

55 Post War Impacts Exercise Review 04:04

Follow up video for Lesson 27

56 Lesson Twenty Eight: Impact on Women, African and Native Americans 16:53

In this lesson we will expand on the impacts of the revolution and if the lives of women, African Americans, and Native Americans changed all that much.

57 Impact on Women, African Americans, and Native Americans Exercise Explanation 04:34

Follow up video for Lesson 28

58 Lesson Twenty Nine: Republicanism & Liberalism 13:26

In this lesson we will explore how ideas about republicanism and liberalism expanded in post war American. We will also take a look at how the results of the war impacted nations abroad.

59 Republicanism & Liberalism Activity Explanation 03:42

Follow up video for Lesson 29

60 Lesson Thirty: Putting it All Together 10:45

In this final lesson for our course, we will discuss how to put all the puzzle pieces together in your final project.

61 Putting it all Together Summative Activity Explanation 02:12

Follow up video for Lesson 30

The American Revolution is one of the world's most famous events with lasting impacts felt around the globe. This course seeks to explore the foundations of such a revolution and what is means not only for those involved, but for those of us living in the world today. Rather than simply looking at military strategy, we will be exploring how and why the revolution began, who were the essesntial players, and why the study of this revolution is still relevant today. In order to aid us in our investigation and inquiry, we will practice and use source analysis, cause and effect, and analytical writing skills. 

This course includes:

  • 7 sections
  • 30 video lessons
  • 30 explanation videos 
  • 30 learning activities with answer keys and/or rubrics
  • Extension activities included in some lessons meant to help students apply concepts to their everyday lives.  
  • Comprehension quizzes available at the end of each section
  • Additional reading as well as blank notes sheets available in the Resources section


Course Goals:

Students will be able to:

  • understand cause and effect
  • analyze various types of sources
  • write in an academic format
  • understand and discuss how and why particular events in history are applicable today
  • understand, analyze, and discuss what revolution is and why it is valuable to study


Target Audience:

This course is intended for 8th Grade students.


Course Topics:

Section One: Introduction

  • Why do we study history?
  • Analyzing Sources
  • How to write for history
  • What is revolution?


Section Two: The Colonies

  • Geography and Background
  • The Seven Years War (1)
  • The Seven Years War (2)
  • Growth of Discontent 


Section Three: Seeds of Revolutionary Thought

  • The Great Awakening
  • The Enlightenment
  • Women of the Enlightenment
  • Who were the colonists?


Section Four: Taxes and Laws

  • Sugar and Stamp Acts
  • Townshend Acts
  • The Boston Massacre
  • The Boston Tea Party
  • The Coercive Acts


Section Five: Battles

  • Lexington and Concord
  • Battle at Bunker Hill
  • Battle at Saratoga
  • Valley Forge
  • Yorktown


Section Six: War of Words

  • The First Continental Congress
  • Common Sense
  • The Declaration of Independence
  • Treaty of Paris 1783


Section Seven: Putting It All Together

  • Social, Political, and Economic Impacts
  • Those that were Forgotten
  • Ideological Influence
  • Putting it all Together


Completion of this couse will meet the following Common Core Standards for Grades 6-8 in Social Studies:

Key Ideas and Details:

Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.
Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.

Craft and Structure:

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies.
Identify aspects of a text that reveal an author's point of view or purpose (e.g., loaded language, inclusion or avoidance of particular facts).

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas:

Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text.
Analyze the relationship between a primary and secondary source on the same topic.

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity:

By the end of grade 8, read and comprehend history/social studies texts in the grades 6-8 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
Source: “English Language Arts Standards » History/Social Studies » Grade 6-8.” English Language Arts Standards: History/Social Studies: Grade 6-8, 2017, www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/RH/6-8/.
  • Teacher: Sue
  • Areas of expertise: Middle School Social Studies, Model United Nations, English as an Additional Language
  • Education: Depaul Univeristy: M.Ed Bilingual/Bicultural Education with certification in Secondary Social Sciences, ESL Endorsement, University of Illinois at Chicago: BA Sociology
  • Interests: Reading, Cooking, Yoga, Swimming, Traveling, Learning Languages
  • Skills: Can speak Italian, limited German, Japanese and Spanish
  • Associations: Member of: National Council for the Social Studies, TESOL
  • Issues I care about: Gender Equality, Model United Nations, Service Learning

I have been a teacher for nearly nine years. I have taught from grades 5-10, mostly focusing on Middle School. I have worked around the world in places such as Chicago, Japan, Italy, and Germany. I am a constant questioner, inquiry based teacher, and so curious about many things. I encourage my students to be curious too!

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

General Writing Rubric

Use this rubric as a general progression guide for any writing assignment (paragraph or extended). This is a good tool to use to track academic writing progress throughout the course.

American Revolution Timeline (Blank)

This resource can help you keep track of when events are happening throughout the course.

Section One Learning Activity Responses

Answer keys for Section One: Lessons 1-4

Section Two Learning Activity Responses

Answer keys to Section Two: Lessons 5-8

Section Three Learning Activity Responses

Answer keys for Section Three: Lessons 9-12

Section Four Learning Activity Responses

Answer keys for Section Four: Lessons 13-17

Section Five Learning Activity Responses

Answer keys for Section Five: Lessons 18-22

Section Six Learning Activity Responses

Answer keys for Section Six: Lessons 23-26

Section Seven Learning Activity Responses

Answer keys for Section Seven: Lessons 27-30

Lessons 1-15 Quiz

This is a short quiz for the first 15 lessons of this course. It is comprised of definition, short answer, and extended answer responses. This is a useful tool in checking comprehension midway through the course. I have also included an answer key for this quiz.

American War for Independence (Early Years)

This is a PDF copy of a Prezi about the early years of the American War for Independence. Feel free to use this as an extra resource for information as well as comprehension questions.


Book Citation: Albee, Sarah, and Robert Leighton. “Chapter 11: How Revolutionary!” Bugged: How Insects Changed History, Walker Books for Young Readers, an Imprint of Bloomsbury, 2014, pp. 86–88.

Legacy of the Revolution

This is a PDF copy of a Prezi focused on reviewing the end of the war and the legacy it left.


This is a list of resources used to create this course.
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