Earth Science for 10th Grade

Teacher: Jocelyne
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 6456

Unit 1 - Introduction

0 Introduction to Earth Sciences Course 01:01

1 Online Resource Introduction 07:11

Visualization codes to be used for lessons - get code from the lecture or investigate on your own

2 Lesson 1: Sphere's and cycles of the Earth 15:39

3 Lesson 1: Review sphere's and cycles of the Earth 03:45

4 Lesson 1: Review sphere's and cycles of the Earth Worksheet 09:47

5 Science and Society 05:35

Landscaping to save water

6 Lesson 2: Scientific method and measurements 16:05

7 Lesson 2: Review scientific methods and measurements 06:17

8 Lesson 2: Review scientific method and measurements worksheet 05:14

9 Lesson 3: Models of the Earth and maps 15:07

10 Lesson 3: Review models of the Earth and maps 08:33

11 Lesson 3: Review models of the Earth and maps worksheet 03:50

12 Science and Society 05:35

Linking information and location

Unit 2 - Earth's Matter

13 Lesson 4: Earth's formation 05:52

14 Lesson 4: Review Earth's formation 04:32

15 Lesson 4: Review Earth's formation worksheet 04:46

16 Lesson 5: Earth's rotation and revolution 10:14

17 Lesson 5: Review Earth's rotation and revolution 03:22

18 Lesson 5: Review Earth's rotation and revolution worksheet 02:24

19 Science and Technology 03:55

Measuring time

20 Lesson 6: Matter and atoms 12:10

21 Lesson 6: Review matter and atoms 03:08

22 Lesson 6: Review matter and atom worksheet 04:15

23 Science and Technology 2 02:56

New form of carbon

24 Lesson 7: The rock cycle 17:18

25 Lesson 7: Review the rock cycle 03:45

26 Lesson 7: Review the rock cycle worksheet 04:39

27 Science and Technology 01:43

Rocks Are useful

28 Lesson 8: Mineral and energy resources 15:14

29 Lesson 8: Review mineral and energy resources 03:22

30 Lesson 8: Review mineral and energy resource worksheet 04:38

31 Lesson 9: Environmental issues 06:35

32 Lesson 9: Review environmental issues 04:33

33 Lesson 9: Review environmental issues worksheet 03:53

Unit 3 - Dynamic Earth

34 Lesson 10: Plate tectonics 09:32

35 Lesson 10: Review plate tectonics 04:30

36 Lesson 10: Review plate tectonic worksheet 03:21

37 Lesson 11: Causes of plate tectonics & growth of the continents 08:51

38 Lesson 11: Review causes of plate tectonics and growth of the continents 03:58

39 Lesson 11: Review causes of plate tectonics and growth of continents worksheet 04:30

40 Science and Technology 03:30

Tracking plate motions & SLR

41 Lesson 12: Volcanoes 10:08

42 Lesson 12: Review volcanoes 04:24

43 Lesson 12: Review volcanoes worksheet 03:36

44 Science and Society 03:16

Predicting volcano eruptions

45 Lesson 13: Earthquakes 12:51

46 Lesson 13: Review earthquakes 03:40

47 Lesson 13: Review earthquakes worksheet 04:21

48 Science and Technology 03:37

Saving people through technology

Unit 4 - Changing Surface

49 Lesson 14: Weathering, erosion and deposition 08:51

50 Lesson 14: Review weathering, erosion and deposition 03:44

51 Lesson 14: Review weathering, erosion and deposition worksheet 05:01

52 Science and Society 05:09

The high plains aquifer

53 Lesson 15: Soil and water as natural resources 12:18

54 Lesson 15: Review soil and water as natural resources 03:17

55 Lesson 15: Review soil and water as resources worksheet 05:42

56 Science and Society 03:39

Loss of beaches

57 Natural Phenomena Analysis 05:11

A look at the words natural phenomena and how it works or is studied

58 Hazard Maps 04:39

What they are and how they are used

Unit 5 - Atmosphere and Weather

59 Lesson 16: Atmosphere 18:16

60 Lesson 16: Review atmosphere 06:55

61 Lesson 16: Review atmosphere worksheet 07:04

62 Lesson 17: Water in the atmosphere 12:27

63 Lesson 17: Review water in the atmosphere 06:06

64 Lesson 17: Review water in the atmosphere worksheet 06:24

65 Lesson 18: The motion in the atmosphere 13:43

66 Lesson 18: Review the motion in the atmosphere 05:19

67 Lesson 18: Review the motion in the atmosphere worksheet 06:21

68 Science and Society 03:31

How trade winds produced opportunity for trade

69 Lesson 19: Air masses and fronts 11:34

70 Lesson 19: Review air masses and fronts 03:13

71 Lesson 19: Review air masses and fronts worksheet 05:10

72 Lesson 20: Forecasting weather 03:42

73 Lesson 20: Review forecasting weather 02:27

74 Lesson 20: Review forecasting weather worksheet 04:09

75 Science and Technology 02:56

A look at hurricane planes

76 Lesson 21: Climate and climate change 09:07

77 Lesson 21: Review climate and climate change 05:37

78 Lesson 21: Review climate and climate change worksheet 06:58

Unit 6 - Oceans

79 Lesson 22: Oceanography 16:42

80 Lesson 22: Review oceanography 03:55

81 Lesson 22: Review oceanography worksheet 04:43

82 Lesson 23: El Nino and La Nina 12:43

83 Lesson 23: Review El Nino and La Nina 04:02

84 Lesson 23: Review El Nino and La Nina worksheet 03:30

Unit 7 - Space

85 Science and Society 06:11

One small step into the cosmos

86 Lesson 24: Solar systems 13:37

87 Lesson 24: Review solar system 03:09

88 Lesson 24: Review solar systems worksheet 02:00

89 Lesson 25: Star composition 13:00

90 Lesson 25: Review star composition 04:46

91 Lesson 25: Review star composition worksheet 03:06

92 Lesson 26: The Sun 06:34

93 Lesson 26: Review the Sun 04:01

94 Lesson 26: Review the Sun worksheet 03:14

95 Lesson 27: Debris and other material in the solar system 04:40

96 Lesson 27: Review debris and other material in the solar system 01:58

97 Lesson 27: Review debris and other material in the solar system worksheet 02:53

98 Science and Society 02:14

Changing the face of science

99 Lesson 28: Greenhouse effect on Venus and Mars 12:56

100 Lesson 28: Review greenhouse effect on Venus and Mars 02:07



101 Lesson 28: Review greenhouse effect on Venus and Mars worksheet 06:02

102 Lesson 29: Milky Way galaxy 13:28

103 Lesson 29: Review Milky Way galaxy 03:56

104 Lesson 29: Review Milky Way galaxy worksheet 02:04

105 Science and Technology 04:23


106 Lesson 30: The universe 09:27

107 Lesson 30: Review the universe 03:42

108 Lesson 30: Review the universe worksheet 03:41

Appendix A - Labs

109 Paper and pencil labs from the book 00:00

6 labs on an assortment of concepts that can be done with paper and pencil - ANSWERS in resource section

110 Computer simulation labs 00:00

These labs were chosen from PhET (CU-Boulder's) website to allow students to see concepts developed through the use of computer simulation

Appendix B - Mathematics

111 Mathematics applications 07:43

Course Overview

The Earth Sciences are traditionally divided into four main categories; Astronomy, Meteorology, Geology and Oceanography.  In this course we will look at the four categories through their interaction in the four main “spheres” that surround the Earth; Atmosphere (which includes both the inner and outer atmosphere), Hydrosphere, Geosphere and the Biosphere.  This approach is being taken since we, as humans, effect each of these spheres in one way or another and a better understanding of how that happens is beneficial to all life-long learners.  Earth Science aspires to develop scientifically informed, caring and responsible individuals who can think critically and make informed choices about themselves, their impact on the environment and society.

Intended Outcome

Students will be able to converse and write using the language of science.  Students will become scientifically literate in fields of Oceanography, Geology, Meteorology and Astronomy as well in the utilization of the scientific processes in problem solving. 

Teaching Method

I believe that all students can learn but that they need to make a choice to be part of the learning process.   I believe that when you teach students to appreciate knowledge and teach them to how to learn, they have a better buy-in to their education.  I also believe that exposing students to how their classes relate to the real-world helps them appreciate their studies more.

New material will be presented in lecture format through video lessons and will include a short review video to reemphasize the material presented.  There are short worksheets for students to reinforce their learning and a short multiple choice answer quiz for each lecture presentation. 

This course includes:

  •          7 units and 2 appendices on lab work and mathematical processes used in this science and 10th grade mathematics
  •          1 video lesson on how to use the online resources from the textbook I am teaching from
  •          30 video lessons with 30 review video lessons on content covered
  •          Each of the 30 lessons comes with a worksheet to reinforce material presented (answers are seen as that lesson review video) and short, multiple choice quizzes
  •          17 video lesson on Science & Society and Science & Technology – additional information on how we effect the Earth and where technology has and will take us
  •          12 additional lab exercises are listed in appendix A (6 paper and pencil (with answers in the resource file) and 6 computer simulation labs taken from CU-Boulders PeHT website
  •          2 review worksheets and 1 computer simulation on mathematics seen in 10th grade in appendix B

Course Topics:

Unit 1 – Introduction to the Earth Sciences and science in general


Sphere’s within spheres and the cycles of the Earth

Scientific Method and Measurements

Models of the Earth and Maps


Unit 2 – Earth’s Matter


Earth’s Formation

Earth’s Rotation and Revolution

Matter & Atoms

The rock cycle

Mineral and Energy Resources

Environmental Issues


Unit 3 – Dynamic Earth


Plate Tectonics

Causes of plate tectonics and growth of the continents




Unit 4 – Changing Surface


Soil and water as natural resources

Natural phenomena analysis

Hazard maps


Unit 5 – Atmosphere and Weather



Water in the atmosphere

The motion in the atmosphere

Air masses and fronts

Forecasting weather

Climate and climate change


Unit 6 – Oceans



El Nino and La Nina


Unit 7 – Space


Solar systems

Star composition

The Sun

Debris and other materials in the solar system

Greenhouse effect on Venus and Mars

Milky Way Galaxy

The universe

  • Teacher: Jocelyne
  • Areas of expertise: Earth and Space Sciences including how Physics relates to both subjects.
  • Education: M.A. Earth Sciences. B.A. Natural Sciences. Teaching certificate in Secondary Science Education.
  • Interests: Reading, Tennis, Sailing with my brother and hanging out with my son and his cat
  • Skills: I am a master stick-figure drawer.
  • Associations: National Earth Science Teachers Association, New Mexico Science Teachers Association, National Centers for Science Education, American Geophysics Union, American Association of Physics Teachers, Colorado Association of Science Teachers
  • Issues I care about: Climate Change and the Effect on World Environment

I had always wanted to be a science teacher, probably my dad's influence as a Trekkie. I have taught students from 7th grade through introductory college courses in almost every field of science. I prefer the Earth sciences and Physics to most other fields and have enjoyed continue studies well into my career. Education is the only way to be a well-rounded citizen and continued education after you have reached your goal is reward in itself.

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Test Preparation Document

Appendix A Lab ANSWERS

Lesson test answers

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