Unit 1: Modeling Data and Functions
To differentiate between quantitative and qualitative data sets
To analyze qualitative data sets using Venn diagrams
To analyze univariate quantitative data sets
To analyze bivariate quantitative data sets using a table and a coordinate plane
To write relations in mathematical notation or to put patterns into mathematical notation
To identify when tables of data from a pattern or relation are functions
To determine if a data point satisfies an equation or inequality in the context of a relation
To compare relations that are functions to those that are not functions
To make a prediction using a function generated by data
To understand how restricting the from which subset of the real numbers our data comes can produce a function
To determine if a solving for parameter of a formula produces a function of another parameter.
Unit 2: Building Linear Equation Models
To use the data collecting methods to compare linear data to non-linear data
To define rates as linear relationships
To define an algebraic sequence as a linear function with a domain restricted to the natural numbers
To define the slope as ratio of the change in dependent variable to the change in independent variable
To analyze the slope as a ratio of two mutually exclusive parameters
To derive a formula for determining the slope between any two points on a coordinate plane
To discuss the significance of the point a function intercepts an axis on a coordinate plane in the context of a problem
To discuss the significance of a the slope between any two points in the context of the problem
To analyze the slope intercept form of a linear function as an abstract object
To derive slope intercept form a line, when you are given the rate of change and a point on the line
To define a linear equation as an abstract object
To define a 2x2 system of equations and its solution
To solve a 2x2 system of equations using the transitive property
To solve a 2x2 system of equations using row operations
To define a 2x2 system of equations a matrix equation
Unit 3: The Algebra of Geometry: Linear Transformations
To define two types of metrics on the coordinate plane
To define matrix vector multiplication
To define a translation on a coordinate plane
To define a reflection on a coordinate plane
To define similarity on a coordinate plane
To define matrix matrix multiplication
To define matrix transformations as functions
To define scaling
To define a sequence of transformations as a composition of linear transformations