Kansas School Curricula
Welcome to the largest and most complete selection in the world of academic video courses and curricula by certified or licensed teachers, educators and instructors! We have a varied selection of video courses in math, reading, science, chemistry, algebra and more.
Some of our teachers include Harvard, Stanford and Princeton graduates with Masters in Education and who specialize in reading, math, science, calculus, chemistry and many other core academic subjects.
At Lernsys, we provide complete and engaging academic video courses in math, science, reading to nearly every school district and community in the U.S. including homeschool students in online school curriculum for Derby, Kansas, online school curriculum for Dodge City, Kansas, online school curriculum for Emporia, Kansas, online school curriculum for Garden City, Kansas, online school curriculum for Gardner, Kansas, online school curriculum for Great Bend, Kansas, online school curriculum for Hays, Kansas, online school curriculum for Hutchinson, Kansas, online school curriculum for Junction City, Kansas, online school curriculum for Kansas City, Kansas, online school curriculum for Lawrence, Kansas, online school curriculum for Leavenworth, Kansas, online school curriculum for Leawood, Kansas, online school curriculum for Lenexa, Kansas, online school curriculum for Liberal, Kansas, online school curriculum for Manhattan, Kansas, online school curriculum for McPherson, Kansas, online school curriculum for Newton, Kansas, online school curriculum for Olathe, Kansas, online school curriculum for Overland Park, Kansas, online school curriculum for Pittsburg, Kansas, online school curriculum for Prairie Village, Kansas, online school curriculum for Salina, Kansas, online school curriculum for Shawnee, Kansas and online school curriculum for Topeka, Kansas.
If you are a homeschooled, public or private student and need additional math worksheets or math activities, or help with math, feel free to browse the world's largest selection of full-featured math video lessons and math courses.
Our complete K to 12 online homeschooling program covering math, science, history, music, art, health, wellness, and ELA by certified educators or licensed teachers, includes video lectures, practice worksheets, activities, exercises with solution videos, quizzes, tests and additional resources. Click on the links below to access our homeschooling program, lessons and courses:
For more information or resources, you may visit your state's designated education portal: Kansas Education Agency Official Website
For more information about your state's regulations for homeschooling your child, you may visit your state's education portal: Homeonline school curriculum by State