Grade 1 Math

Teacher: Shauney
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 2649

Getting Started

0 Course Introduction 02:36

This is an introduction into the 1st Grade Math Course. This video goes into detail on what the student will learn, tools that will be used, and the benefit of these lessons. 

1 Counting Numbers 1-10 08:26

In this lesson, the student will learn and practice counting numbers 1-10. They will see how to use a ten frame, number line, and objects to count to 10.

2 Counting Numbers 1-10 Review 02:12

This is a review video that show how to complete the practice for numbers 1-10.

3 Addition: Adding 1 10:27

Students will be introduced addition. They will use ten frames, number lines, pictures, and tally marks to add one to numbers 1-10.

4 Addition: Adding 1 Practice Review 03:04

This video reviews the practice for Adding 1. It explains and shows how to work through it.

5 Subtraction: Subtracting 1 from numbers 1-10 10:36

Students will be introduced to Subtraction. They will learn how to subtract one from numbers 1-10 using a ten frame, number line, pictures, and fingers to count the difference.

6 Subtraction: Subtracting 1 from numbers 1-10 Practice Review 02:56

This video reviews and explains how to complete the practice for subtracting 1.

7 Adding and Subtracting Facts to 6. 18:54

Students will learn about addition and subtraction facts that equal 6. They will also learn that in these facts, they will use the same numbers in different orders. Fact families will be introduced to help them understand this concept.

8 Adding and Subtracting Facts to 6 Practice Review 05:04

This video reviews and explains how to complete the practice for Facts of 6.

9 Adding and Subtracting Facts to 10 10:47

Students will learn facts up to ten in this lesson and what fact families are. This will help build a strong base in their addition and subtraction skills.

10 Adding and Subtracting Facts to 10 Practice Review 04:38

This video reviews and explains how to complete the practice for Facts to 10.

11 More on Adding and Subtracting 12:20

Students will get to expand their knowledge on addition and subtraction with this practice. The more they are able to apply what they have learned, the easier it will be to retain the addition and subtraction facts. This can be accomplished through the lesson video and resource that is attached.

12 More about Addition and Subtraction Practice Review 05:10

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for additional subtraction practice.

13 Comparisons 11:19

This lesson introduces students to comparing numbers. They will learn how to determine if a number is greater or less than, how to order multiple numbers from least to greatest and greatest to least, while also looking at the number's place value.

14 Comparisons Practice Review 05:15

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for comparing numbers.

15 Ordering and Sorting 10:30

Students will understand how to sort objects and shapes into groups. They will also learn how to order numbers from greatest to least and least to greatest. 

This is builds off of the skills they learned in the comparison lesson. They are continuing to compare numbers, shapes, etc., but they are now grouping and ordering them. 

16 Ordering and Sorting Practice Review 04:14

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for ordering and sorting.

17 Sequences 12:43

This is learning that there is an order for numbers whether they are counting by 1s, 2s, 3s, etc. 

18 Sequences Practice Review 03:42

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for sequencing numbers.

19 Section 1 Test 00:00

Students will be tested over their understanding and recognition of numbers 1-10, which includes addition and subtraction facts within ten.

This test will be more verbal than written because students at this phase of first grade are just being asked to recognize, identify, order, and add/subtract numbers 1-10.

Moving Forward

20 Numbers 1-20 11:12

In this lesson, the student will learn and practice counting numbers 1-20. They will see how to use a ten frame, number line, and objects to count to 20.

21 Numbers 1-20 Practice Review 02:33

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for numbers 1-20.

22 Numbers 21-100 12:59

In this lesson, the student will learn and practice counting numbers 21-100. 

23 Numbers 21-100 Practice Review 02:22

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for numbers 21-100.

24 Even and Odd Numbers 10:47

This is a lesson over even and odd numbers, and how to recognize them.

25 Even and Odd Numbers Practice Review 02:56

This is a review over the even and odd practice.

26 Counting by 1's, 2's, 5's, & 10's 15:13

Students will skip count by twos, fives, and tens to determine the total number of objects up to 100 in a set.

27 Counting by 1's, 2's, 5's, & 10's Practice Review 03:06

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for counting by 2s, 5s, & 10s.

28 Understanding Money 16:41

Students will identify U.S. coins, including pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters, by value and describe the relationships among them; write a number with the cent symbol to describe the value of a coin; and use relationships to count by twos, fives, and tens to determine the value of a collection of pennies, nickels, and/or dimes.

29 Understanding Money Practice Review 05:15

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for counting money.

30 Measuring Using Non-standard Units 12:00

Students will use measuring tools to measure the length of objects, and illustrate that the length of an object is the number of same-size units of length. They will also describe a length to the nearest whole unit using a number and unit.

31 Measuring Using Non-standard Units Practice Review 01:25

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for measuring with non-standard units.

32 Capacity 12:52

Students will learn that containers have an amount that they can hold. Also, they will learn that so many of one size may fit into a bigger size.

33 Capacity Practice Review 04:17

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for capacity.

34 Mass 11:53

Students will learn that objects have a weight. They will also learn to compare objects weights, and decide which one is heavier or lighter.

35 Mass Practice Review 02:33

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for mass.

36 2 Dimensional Shapes (2D) 10:00

Students will distinguish between two-dimensional or three-dimensional figures and create two-dimensional figures, including circles, triangles, rectangles, and squares, as special rectangles, rhombuses, and hexagons; identify two-dimensional shapes, including circles, triangles, rectangles, and squares, as special rectangles, rhombuses, and hexagons and describe their attributes using formal geometric language. They will also compose two-dimensional shapes by joining two, three, or four figures to produce a target shape in more than one way if possible.


37 2 Dimensional Shapes (2D) Practice Review 04:51

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for 2 Dimensional Shapes.

38 More Shapes 09:27

Students will distinguish between two-dimensional or three-dimensional figures and create two-dimensional figures, including circles, triangles, rectangles, and squares, as special rectangles, rhombuses, and hexagons; identify two-dimensional shapes, including circles, triangles, rectangles, and squares, as special rectangles, rhombuses, and hexagons and describe their attributes using formal geometric language. They will also compose two-dimensional shapes by joining two, three, or four figures to produce a target shape in more than one way if possible.

39 More Shapes Practice Review 02:33

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for the shapes sort.

40 Unit 2 Test 00:00

This is a comprehensive test over Unit 2.

Going Further

41 Directions Part I 09:37

Students will be introduced to a compass with Cardinal Directions. They will use these directions to interpret the map.

42 Directions Part I Practice Review 04:12

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for directions.

43 3 Dimensional (3D) Shapes 12:03

Students will be able to identify three-dimensional solids, including spheres, cones, cylinders, rectangular prisms (including cubes), and triangular prisms, and describe their attributes using formal geometric language.


44 3 Dimensional (3D) Shapes Practice Review 02:23

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for 3D shapes.

45 Understanding Temperatures 10:49

Students will understand a thermometer and how it represents the temperature. They will use the thermometers to compare temperatures.

46 Understanding Temperatures Practice Review 03:39

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for temperature.

47 Directions Part II 09:27

Students will use cardinal directions to locate items on a grid.

48 Directions Part II Practice Review 02:19

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for directions.

49 Section 3 Test 00:00

This is a comprehensive test over Unit 3.

Moving Beyond

50 Patterns 10:07

Students will learn to identify the pattern, and be able to complete it.

51 Patterns Practice Review 03:30

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for patterns.

52 Organizing Data 13:17

Students will collect, sort, and organize data in up to three categories using models/representations such as tally marks or T-charts, and use data to create picture and bar-type graphs.


53 Organizing Data Practice Review 01:48

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for organizing data.

54 Pictographs 09:34

Students will use the graph to interpret information and then answer questions using the data.

56 Pictographs Practice Review 03:14

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for pictographs.

57 Concrete Graphs 07:54

Students will use the graph to understand information and answer questions about it.

58 Concrete Graphs Practice Review 02:52

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for concrete graphs.

59 Probability 07:42

Students will understand and use probability to know how likely it is that something could happen.

60 Probability Practice Review 03:34

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for probability.

61 Days, Weeks, Months, and Time. 17:46

Students will understand and use calendar information. They will be able to identify how many days are in a week, month, and year; how many weeks are in a month and year; and the names of the days of the week and months of the year.

62 Days, Weeks, Months, and Time Practice Review 03:49

This video is a review over the practice for this lesson. It will help guide and explain how to complete the practice for calendar skills.

63 Section 4 Test 00:00

Students will show their understanding of section 4's material through this assessment. It will be comprehensive and cover information learned in this section including: patterns, organizing data, pictographs, concrete graphs, probability, days, weeks, months, and time.

Course Description

This “1st Grade Math” video course covers all of the content that students need to be successful in completing 1st Grade Math. The course focuses on building the base of the student’s mathematical knowledge and building their foundation. It covers the required math standards, but also goes below the surface so that students can understand what they’re being taught. This is a full year of 1st Grade Math.


This course includes:

  • 4 units
  • 29 video lessons
  • 29 exercise review videos (I explain step by step how to reach the correct answer)
  • Over 7 hours of course videos 
  • 47 worksheets with counterpart answer sheets
  • Over 300 practice problems
  • 4 unit tests
  • 4 unit test answer keys


Course Description

Once this course is completed, students will be able to recognize numbers 1-100, be able to add and subtract, identify and complete patterns, and determine types of shapes. They will also be able to organize data, read and interpret maps, directions, concrete graphs and pictographs.


Target Audience

This video-course is primarily for 1st Grade students and those that need to strengthen their foundation of Mathematics basics.


Course Requirements

Students taking this course will not need to have completed any courses before taking this one.


Course Topics

Unit 1. Getting Started

  • Counting Numbers 1-10
  • Addition: Adding 1
  • Subtraction: Subtracting 1 from numbers 1-10
  • Adding and Subtracting Facts to 6
  • Adding and Subtracting Facts to 10
  • More on Adding and Subtracting
  • Comparisons
  • Ordering and Sorting
  • Sequences

Unit 2. Moving Forward

  • Numbers 1-20
  • Numbers 20-100
  • Even and Odd Numbers
  • Counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s
  • Understanding Money
  • Measuring Using Non-standard Units
  • Capacity
  • Mass
  • 2 Dimensional Shapes
  • More Shapes

Unit 3. Going Further

  • Directions Part I
  • 3 Dimensional Shapes
  • Understanding Temperatures
  • Directions Part II

Unit 4. Moving Beyond

  • Patterns
  • Organizing Data
  • Pictographs
  • Concrete Graphs
  • Probability
  • Days, Weeks, Months, and Time
  • Teacher: Shauney
  • Areas of expertise: Elementary Education: All Subjects
  • Education: East Texas Baptist University- Bachelor's Texas A&M University- Master's of Education
  • Interests: I enjoy spending time with my husband and son. I also love reading, working with children at our church, and volunteering in our community.
  • Skills: I am very knowledgeable in words their way word study, early elementary mathematics, and writing skills.
  • Associations: State Licensed Teacher (Texas)
  • Issues I care about: I care about all students getting an equal education, and through that, learning at their own pace. This way they can master knowledge with one skill before moving on to the next.

I have been an elementary school teacher for over 8 years. I have taught all subjects in many different grade levels. Teaching and working with children is a passion of mine. Seeing the joy in a child's eyes when they understand something for the first time brings me happiness. I have a Master's of Education in Curriculum from Texas A&M University. I hope that through my courses your child will be able to learn, grow, and excel while having a joyful and positive learning experience. In addition to my education and experience, I have been married for ten years to my college sweetheart and we have a three year old son.

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Section 1 Answer Keys

These resources include answer keys for section 1 practices. The lessons in this section are:

  • Counting Numbers 1-10
  • Addition: Adding 1
  • Subtraction: Subtracting 1
  • Adding and Subtracting Facts to 6.
  • Adding and Subtracting Facts to 10.
  • More on Adding and Subtracting
  • Comparisons
  • Ordering and sorting
  • Sequences
  • Unit 1 Test

Section 2 Answer Keys

These resources include answer keys for section 2 practices. The lessons in this section are:

  • Numbers 1-20
  • Numbers 20-100
  • Even and Odd Numbers
  • Counting by 2s, 5s, & 10s
  • Understanding Money
  • Measuring Using Non-Standard Units
  • Capacity
  • Mass
  • 2 Dimensional Shapes
  • More shapes
  • Unit 2 Test


Section 3 Answer Keys

These resources include answer keys for section 3 practices. The lessons in this section are:

  • Directions Part I
  • 3 Dimensional Shapes
  • Understanding Temperatures
  • Directions Part II
  • Unit 3 Test


Section 4 Answer Keys

These resources include answer keys for section 1 practices. The lessons in this section are:

  • Patterns
  • Organizing Data
  • Pictographs
  • Concrete Graphs
  • Probability
  • Days, Weeks, and Time
  • Section 4 Test

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