Course Overview
- 8 units
- 8 unit exams with answer keys
- 1 pretest skills test for the first unit
- 7 unit reviews with video solutions
- 39 lessons and videos with exercises with answer keys
- over 400 problems to solve
- 39 lesson video solutions explaining the steps to solve each problem
- 10 additional detailed notes to the document sections of the lessons
- 1 final exam with answer key
- over 14 hours of instructional and solution videos
- Solutions to all exams in the resource section
Course Goals
Upon completion of this course students will be prepared to tackle the more difficult concepts found in Algebra II and better prepared to future math courses.
Target Audience
This video-course is designed for students that need mathenatical concepts explained simply and then reinforced through practice and application.
Course Requirements
Students taking this course should have completed Algebra I or an equilvatent course and be familiar with graphing and the coordinate plane.
Course Topics
Unit 1 - prerequisite knowledge and skills
Operations with signed numbers
Powers, exponents and radicals
Order oof operations
Simplifying and evaluating mathematical expressions
Reading and writing mathematical expressions
Unit 2 - Solving equations and inequalities
Solving one and two steps equations
Solving multiple step equations
Solving inequalities
Inequality graphs and solution notations
Writing and solving word/stated problems
Compound inequalities
Unit 3 - Introduciton to functions
Introduction to functions
Writing and recognizing functions
Intoduction to parent functions
Translation of functions
Unit 4 - Linear functions and equations
Defining a linear equation/function
Graphing linear equations
Slopes and their meaning
Writing linear equations
Graphing linear inequalities
Unit 5 - Linear systems of equations
Solving 2 x 2 systems of equations
Writing and solving 2 x 2 systems of equations
Solving 3 x 3 systems of equations
Real applications of systems of equations
Graphing systems of linear inequalities
Unit 6 - Absolute value equations and functions
Absolute value functions
Solving absoute value equations
Solving absolute value inequalities
Unit 7 - Working with polynomials and factoring
Operations with polynomials
Factoring GCF
Factoring binomials
Factoring trinomials
Factoring polynomials with 4 terms
Unit 8 - Quadratic equations and functions
Characteristics of quadratics/parabolas
Solving quadratics by factoring
Solving by completing the square
Solving using the quadratic equation