Creative Expression

Teacher: Hope
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 698

0 Course Introduction 05:09

This is the course introduction and will explain what you can expect from taking this course with me. It was designed for grades 8-12 but can also work for 6th and 7th grade.

1 Connecting Cubes 13:19

Student will learn how to turn a 2-D square into a 3-D cube and then use lines to connect points in order to create new angles and perspective.

2 Shading Cubes 16:43

This follow up video walks the student through various shading and blending techniques in the previously drawn cubes

3 Vanishing Point Exercise 15:43

This video will introduce the student to the concept of vanishing point using simple drawing exercises.

4 Vanishing Point Using Name 14:51

In this video students will use their knowledge of vanishing point to create a 3-D name display in pencil.

5 Geometric Tree Drawing 14:29

In this video the student will use line drawing methods to create a geometric tree out of both geometric and organic line shapes.

6 Intro to Ellipses 10:52

Students will learn the methods for creating ellipses/oval shaped objects and openings.

7 Ellipses Part 2 12:52

Ellipses will be used in this video to create drawings of jars and structures.

8 Continuous Contour Challenge! 12:00

This video demonstrates how to use continuous line drawing (without lifting the pencil while drawing)to practice observational skills in the world around us!

9 Rhythm Drawing With Shapes 12:06

This video will explore how to create rhythm/movement on the paper using placement of shapes.

10 Line Rhythm Drawing 13:07

Drawn lines will be used to create movement in this drawing using a ruler.

11 Texture Lines 16:40

This exercise asks the student to think about various textures and how those textures may be visually expressed through drawing.

12 Feelings Lines 11:17

This video asks that the student think about how to use lines to communicate emotions and gives opportunity to practice these in a fun drawing exercise.

13 "Zentangle" Pattern Boxes 15:24

This lesson gives the student practice in creating patterns using methods borrowed from the popular Zentangle technique.

14 Shaded Sphere 13:29

This lesson is a classic exercise in imagining a light source to create the shading on a sphere.

15 Creating a Mandala 12:32

This video will help the student understand what a Mandala is and how to create their own unique one using prior practice with lines in texture and patterns design.

16 Drawing An Eye 12:08

This video is a step-by-step tutorial of how to draw an eye.

17 Drawing A Rose 16:07

This Is a tutorial on drawing a rose.

18 Intro To Watercolor 12:55

This is an introduction into how to use watercolor and some basic techniques to get started painting!

19 Watercolor And Black Ink Practice 10:31

This video shows how to use black ink permanent marker over dried watercolor.

20 Watercolor And Wax 10:54

In this video students will use crayon wax to create interesting visual effects with watercolor.

21 Using Marker As Watercolor 12:07

This video will show how to use water- based marker to create watercolor paint effect on paper. Student will have multiple opportunities to explore their own ideas while watching this video!

22 Plastic Bag Watercolor Technique 13:34

This video will introduce the student to an interesting method of applying watercolor to paper using a plastic bag.

23 Watercolor Blottos 10:48

This link leads to a Youtube TED talk video that explains how this type of Art was first used as a psychiatric diagnostic tool, developed by Hermann Rorschach.

24 Watercolor And Tape Painting 12:14

This video shows how to use painter's tape or masking tape with watercolor to make a fun and unique pattern that can be inked after it dries.

25 Part 2 Tape And Watercolor With Ink Pattern 07:37

This is the second part of the tape and watercolor painting but with the addition of black ink and pattern drawing.

26 Glue Painting With Watercolor 11:24

This video will show the student how to use glue to "paint" and outline on paper which will be painted with watercolor.

27 Glue And Watercolor PT 2 06:34

This is the second part of glue and watercolor painting but with the addition of a complimentary background color.

28 Pt 3 Watercolor, Glue, And Ink 10:03

This is the final part of watercolor and glue and involves the use of permanent black marker for pattern and detail design on the watercolor and glue painting.

29 Oil Pastel And Glue Art 13:22

This video uses oil pastels to fill in glue painting.

30 PT 2 Oil Pastel and Glue 11:25

This second part of the previous video finishes oil pastel blending technique and adds watercolor to the background for contrast. A new picture with black glue this time is introduced at the end of this video for a new twist on the project.

31 Oil Pastel And Black Glue Painting 09:17

This video will demonstrate how to use black glue and oil pastel in order to create a unique work of art.

32 PT 2 Oil Pastel and Black Glue 07:49

This video will finish up blending oil pastels and adding watercolor contrast to background of black glue painting.

33 PT 1 Oil Pastel Still Life Drawing 14:22

This video is an introduction to creating a still life drawing using oil pastels.

34 PT 2 Oil Pastel Still Life Drawing 12:22

This video finishes up the still life drawing with oil pastels.

35 Sgrafitto (Scratch) Technique 11:20

In Italian sgrafitto means to scratch. In this video I will demonstrate how to create really cool texture effect by using a toothpick to scratch color away from oil pastel on paper. I will also demonstrate how black over color scratch art is accomplished.

36 Pt 1 Cardboard Face Collage 11:05

In this first part we will talk about and begin preparing the cardboard face cut out to be designed in the next few videos. These are Picasso inspired masks.

37 PT 2 Cardboard Face Collage 10:30

In this video we begin collaging the face base with newspaper in preparation for detail and paint in the next video.

38 PT 3 Cardboard Face Collage 10:56

In this video we will be cutting out features of the face and gluing them down. The face really comes together in this video as the finer details begin to be applied and prepared for paint in the final video.

39 PT 4 Cardboard Face Collage 16:13

This is the final video where we add paint and detail to our face collages!

40 Vision Board Collage 13:41

This final video has the student thinking about their goals for the future and searching out for words and images from magazines to collage with.

Course Overview

This mixed media Art course offers students (grades 8-12) a  unique opportunity to learn how to use various and easily obtained supplies through technique but then have the freedom to explore on their own throughout the suggested project/lesson.  I call it a "learn the rules and then break them" way of learning because as an Art teacher, I want to see or know that my students form a realtionship with their materials and ideas but then express them through visual media in ways that promote their own individuality and a joyful sense of accomplishment.  I teach the course in such a way as to demonstrate the use of the materials and methods to first effectively apply them but then to also encourage freedom of exploration, decision making, and a process rather than a product goal. Sometimes it's ok to not finish an idea and come back to it at a later time when ready. This course was designed with the hesitant student in mind. It is meant to help encourage a student who feels inhibited about art as well a student who already has confidence in their abilities but is looking to try art from a new perspective. National and state standards are met through these lessons.

This course includes:

40 mixed media art lessons made up of warm-ups and drawing exercises to get comfortable with the supply or technique.

Accompanying documents such as visual aids, practice worksheets or examples of concept demonstrated in lesson.

Additional resources may include reading/book suggestions for further development of skills.

Short quizzes throughout to ensure the student is learning and understanding terms and applications of technique.

Over 15 hours of video tutorials

Course Goals

Upon completion students will have familiarity with materials and subject matter and a broader understanding of application of such materials.  Students will be able to create unique projects based on what they have learned and experienced in the Creative Expression course.  Students will have developed a sense of self-esteem through a process of decision making and critical thinking skill development along with having the chance to experiment with materials in a non-judgemental wa

Target Audience

This course was designed for grades 8-12 but may also be used in 6th and 7th grade.

This is a course for anyone who may be struggling with how to begin creating and may feel intimidated as well as for advanced students who may feel stuck and in need of a different approach to creating.  

Supplies Needed:

During lessons I give supply suggestions so that if a supply is unavailable for any reason, substitutions may be made easily. In some cases certain materials will need to be purchased such as different types of paper and that is because of the material being used on it.  Dollar stores,thrift stores/Goodwill, garage sales, libraries, internet sites, etc. are all perfectly fine places to obtain low cost and sometimes even free supplies. 

Pencils (I use both mechanical and wood), a good quality eraser, a ruler, a pencil shader or blender, sharpener, scissor, sketchbook/copy paper as well as mixed media and/or watercolor paper (for wet work this is necessary), white and colored cardstock paper, glue (both stick and liquid are ideal and are used often), a small bottle of gloss or matte Mod Podge (50/50 glue and water mix can be substituted), paintbrushes in various sizes, small set of oil pastels, watercolors (I use student grade and they are inexpensive and work great), markers, crayons, colored pencils, some acrylic paint in small bottles or tubes, and a black permanent marker (fine and ultra fine tip).

Other materials that may be "found"

Cardboard, newspaper, old books and magazines that can be ripped or cut for collage, buttons, scrap papers such as construction and junk mail envelopes (the kind with colored printed patterns on the inside), old cookie sheet or tray for working on, q-tips, toothpicks or paper clips, masking tape, plastic container to hold water, small plastic cups for glue or paint, sandwich bags that zip shut, and paper towels or old rags for cleaning up. A smock or old clothing cover may be used during painting to keep clothes clean.

  • Teacher: Hope
  • Areas of expertise: Art
  • Education: A.S Human Services, B.S Therapeutic Recreation
  • Interests: All things creative, music, animals, cooking and baking, reading, crossword puzzles, writing.
  • Skills: Being able to take what other people perceive as trash and turn it into Art
  • Associations: CTRS through NCTRC Member of the Guild Of American Paper Cutters
  • Issues I care about: Providing Art in communities as a service and therapeutic intervention, bereavement services for children, and being a kinder human being!

I am truly grateful for any opportunity to teach people how to tap into their own individual form of expression through Art, especially those who don't think they have any. I love seeing faces light up when they have made good choices that result in something they can feel good about and proud of. As a former homeschool mom, myself, I know that it is so important to allow children to have the ability to pursue personal interests and approach life bravely, confidently, and creatively!

Test Preparation Document

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Quiz Answer Key

This is the answer key for all quizzes in the course
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