Second Grade Complete Math Course

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Teacher: Stephanie
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 1460

Section 1

0 Course Introduction 01:18

Short introduction as to what the course contains. 

1 Fact Fluency Strategy #1 12:24

 Shows strategy of doubling a number and then adding one or two more onto that number. 

2 Strategy #1 Practice 04:40

Goes over the practice sheet question by question.

3 Fact Fluency Strategy #2 11:59

Shows strategy of doubling the larger number and then subtracting one or two. 

4 Strategy #2 Practice 04:36

This goes over the practice sheet for Strategy #2. It reminds children of the strategy and goes over the answers in detail.  Children will be doubling the larger number and then subtracting one or two. 

5 Fact Fluency Strategy #3 15:06

Shows strategy of making a ten and then adding on the rest. 

6 Strategy #3 Practice 06:52

Goes over practice sheet question by question.

7 Fact Fluency Strategy #4 10:05

Shows strategy of counting up to get to the correct answer. 

8 Strategy #4 Practice 05:20

Goes over practice sheet question by question,

9 Fact Fluency Strategy #5 10:43

Shows strategy of beginning with the total amount and counting back to the smaller addend. 

10 Strategy #5 Practice 05:01

Goes over the practice sheet question by question.

11 Fact Fluency Strategy #6 12:32

Shows strategy of adding up to ten and then adding the rest of the way to find the difference of basic facts. 

12 Strategy #6 Practice 04:15

This video reviews the practice sheet with explanations of how to get answers when trying to add up to ten and then adding the rest of the way to find the difference. 

13 Fact Fluency Strategy #7 10:19

Shows strategy of counting back to ten and then counting back the rest of the way. 

14 Strategy #7 Practice 05:25

Goes over practice sheet question by question.

15 Fact Fluency Strategy #8 09:23

Shows strategy of using fact families to help with unknown facts.

16 Strategy #8 Practice 04:42

Goes over practice sheet question by question.

17 Strategies #1-8 Practice 08:18

This is video that goes over the practice sheet that reviews all eight strategies on one sheet. This review focuses on the mental computation using the strategies. 

18 Fluency Games 03:52

Show two simple fact fluency games that can be played with a deck of cards.

19 Odd/Even Numbers 13:46

Uses manipulatives and tally marks to help distinguish between odd numbers and even numbers. 

20 Odd/Even Practice 09:04

Goes over practice sheet question by question.

21 Rectangular Arrays 16:30

Shows how to make arrays and count them to form an equation.

22 Rectangular Arrays Practice 07:47

Goes over practice sheet question by question

Section 2

23 Place Value Meaning 19:29

How to write words in expanded and written form based on place value meaning and understanding. 

24 Place Value Meaning Practice 06:19

Goes over the practice sheet question by question.

25 Skip Counting 17:59

Goes over skip counting by 5s, 10s and 100s and focuses on the different patterns that occur when you are skip counting. 

26 Skip Counting Practice 11:51

Goes over practice sheet question by question.

27 Part 1: +/- 10 and 100 16:42

Show how to add and subtract tens and hundreds by using patterns that occur. 

28 Part 2: +/- 10 and 100 07:05

Continues to talk about adding and subtracting tens and hundreds using the patterns that occur. 

29 +/- 10 and 100 Practice 09:54

Goes over practice sheet question by question.

30 Comparing Numbers 14:44

Shows how to compare three digit numbers using place value strategies and the symbols >, < or =. 

31 Comparing Numbers Practice 07:53

Goes over the practice sheet question by question.

Section 3

32 2-Digit +/- Strategy #1 No Regrouping 16:05

Shows how to add two-digit numbers using place value blocks strategy. This does not have the student regrouping numbers. 

33 2-Digit + Strategy #1 With Regrouping 16:38

Shows adding two-digit numbers that require the student to regroup numbers. 

34 2-Digit - Strategy #1 With Regrouping 11:52

Shows how to subtract 2-digit numbers using the place value blocks strategy with regrouping numbers. 

35 2-Digit +/- Strategy #2 No Regrouping 19:23

Shows how to add and subtract two-digit numbers using the number line strategy. 

36 2-Digit +/- Strategy #3 21:08

This strategy uses the hundred's chart to add and subtract two 2-digit numbers. 

37 2-Digit +/- Strategies #1-3 Practice 15:23

Goes over practice sheet question by question.

38 2-Digit +/- Strategy #4 No Regrouping 11:54

Shows how to add and subtract two-digit numbers using the expanded form strategy. The student does to have to regroup.

39 2-Digit +/- Strategy #4 No Regrouping Practice 03:55

Goes over practice sheet question by question.

40 2-Digit +/- Strategy #4 With Regrouping 14:05

Shows how to add and subtract two-digit numbers using the expanded form strategy. The student will  have to regroup numbers. 

41 2-Digit +/- Strategy #4 With Regrouping Practice 04:00

Goes over the practice sheet question by question.

42 Four 2-Digit + Strategy #1 16:04

Shows how to add up to four two-digit numbers using the place value blocks strategy.

43 Four 2-Digit + Strategy #2 11:37

Shows how to add four two-digit numbers using the number line strategy.

44 Four 2-Digit + Strategy #3 09:26

Shows how to add four two-digit numbers using the expanded form strategy.

45 Four 2-Digit + Strategy #1-3 Practice 13:20

Goes over practice sheet question by question.

46 3-Digit - Strategy #1 No Regrouping 17:14

Show how to subtract three-digit numbers using place value blocks. The student does not have to regroup. 

47 3-Digit - Strategy #1 With Regrouping 15:29

Show how to subtract three-digit numbers using place value blocks strategy. The student will have to regroup.

48 3-Digit + Strategy #1 With Regrouping 10:30

Shows how to add three-digit numbers using the place block strategy. The student will have to regroup. 

49 3-Digit +/- Strategy #2 13:03

Shows how to add and subtract three-digit numbers using  the number line strategy.

50 3-Digit +/- Strategy #3 No Regrouping 10:00

Shows how to add and subtract three-digit numbers using the expanded form strategy. 

51 3-Digit + Strategy #3 With Regrouping 10:52

Shows how to add three-digit numbers using the expanded form strategy. The student will have to regroup. 

52 3-Digit - Strategy #3 With Regrouping 10:38

Shows how to subtract three-digit numbers using the explanded form strategy. Students will have to regroup. 

53 3-Digit - Strategy #1-3 Practice 21:04

Goes over practice sheet question by question. 

Section 4

54 1-Step Word Problems 20:20

Uses the CUBES strategy to dissect word problems into different parts that make sense in order to successfully solve them.

55 1-Step Word Problems Practice 06:57

Goes over practice sheet question by question. 

56 2-Step Word Problems 18:20

Walks through how to solve 2 step word problems using the CUBES strategy to dissect problems into different parts to help make sense of them in order to solve them. 

57 2-Step Word Problems Practice 06:48

Goes over practice sheet question by question.

Section 5

58 A.M. vs. P.M. 07:19

Covers the difference between A.M. versus P.M. using morning activities that happen in the A.M. and then afternoon/night activities that happen in the P.M. 

59 A.M. vs. P.M. Practice 04:04

Goes over the practice sheet question by question.

60 Telling Time 13:44

Shows telling time using an analog clock to tell time to the nearest five minutes. 

61 Telling Time Practice 07:09

Goes over practice sheet question by question.

62 Counting and Comparing Money 20:27

Shows how to add coins and dollar bills  using real money as well as how to compare money amounts using place value.

63 Making Change with Money 08:35

Shows how to make change using the counting up strategy after purchasing items less than $5.00. 

64 Money Practice 08:40

Goes over practice sheet question by question.

65 Centimeters, Inches, and Yards 12:28

Shows how to use a ruler to measure centimeters and inches. Touches on yards and feet as well. 

66 Centimeters, Inches, and Yards Practice 05:31

Goes over the practice sheet question by question.

Section 6

67 Partitioning Shapes 13:26

Shapes are partitioned into halves, thirds, and fourths with an ephasis on the importance of equal pieces and using the same shape when you partition. 

68 Partitioning Shapes Practice 01:40

Goes over practice sheet question by question.

69 2-D Shapes 11:43

Talks about the characteristics of 2-dimensional shapes as well as polygons and the different types of polygons that are under the category of 2-D shapes. 

70 2-D Shapes Practice 06:17

Goes over practice sheet question by question.

71 3-D Shapes 13:23

Talks about the vocabuarly and characterstics of 3-Dimensional shapes. 

72 3-D Shapes Practice 02:37

Goes over practice sheet question by question.

Section 7

73 Bar Graphs Part 1 10:29

 Talks about characteristics of bar graphs and discusses how to make and interpret bar graphs in order to answer questions. 

74 Bar Graphs Part 2 10:25

Talks about the characteristics of bar graphs as well as how to make and interpret bar graphs in order to answer questions. 

75 Bar Graph Practice 07:38

Goes over the practice sheet question by question.

76 Picture Graphs 13:47

Talks about the characteristics of picture graphs and the differences between a picture graph and a bar graph. 

77 Picture Graphs Practice 06:34

Goes over practice sheet question by question.

78 Line Plots 11:03

Talks about the characteristics of a line plot and uses data to make and answer questions using a line plot. 

79 Line Plot Practice 08:04

Goes over practice sheet question by question.

Section 8

80 End of 2nd Grade Test 00:00

 50 question test that covers everything in this course from each section. The test is on paper, but the student responds to the questions on the computer. 

This Second Grade Common Core Math video course covers all the content students need to successfully complete Second Grade Math. This course has an emphasis on the "why" behind the procedures that students use to solve math problems as well as critical thinking to help connect standards. It covers the requirements of the Common Core State Standards and prepares children for the foundational skills that they need to be ready for Third Grade. 

This course includes:

• 8 Units/Sections

• 44 Tests/Quizzes

• End of Course Test

• 48 Video Lessons

• Answer Keys to Tests/Quizzes

• 32 Practice Sheets


Course Goal

Upon course completion students will be able to meet the requirements for the Second Grade Common Core Math Standards. 


Target Audience

This video course is primarily intended for upcoming or current Second Graders to help prepare them for Third Grade. This course can also be geared towards Third Graders who need extra support or reinforcement with Second Grade skills to help them be successful in Third Grade.


Course Requirements

Students taking this couse will need to complete and pass the Second Grade End of Course Test.


Course Topics

Section 1- Operations & Algebraic Thinking 


Fluently add and subtract within 20 mental strategies

Determine whether a group of objects has an odd or even number of objects

Use addtion to find the total number of objects arranged in rectangular arrays with up to 5 rows and 5 columns

Partition a rectangle into rows and columns of same-size squares and count to find the total number of them

Section 2- Number & Operations in Base Ten


Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones

Read and write numbrs to 1,000 using base ten numerals, numbers, and expanded form

Mentally add 10 or 100 to a given number and mentally subtract 10 or 100 from a given number

Compare two three-digit numbers based on meanings of the hundreds, tens, and ones digits

Record comparisons of numbers using >, < or =

Count within 1,000 skip-counting by 5s, 10s, and 100s

Section 3 - Number & Operatins in Base Ten


Add and subtract within 1,000 using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties, and relationships

Add up to 4 two-digit numbers using strategies based on place value and properties of operations

Understand that when adding or subtracting one adds or subtracts ones to ones, tens to tens, and hundreds to hundreds

Section 4 - Operations & Algebraic Thinking


Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one-and two-step word problems involving situations of adding to, take from, putting together, and taking apart


Section 5- Measurement & Data


Tell and write time to the nearest 5 minutes using analog clocks

Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies using $ and ¢

Distinguish between A.M vs. P.M. 

Represent whole numbers as lengths in equal increments

Measure to determine length and compare lengths of objects

Estimate lengths using units of inches, feet, and centimeters

Select appropriate tools to measure objects 


Section 6- Geometry


Recognize and draw shapes having specified attributes such as a given number of faces, edges, or vertices

Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and cubes

Partition circles and rectangles into two, three, and four equal shares 

Describe partitioned pieces as halves, thirds, or fourths


Section 7- Measurement & Data


Generate measurement dta by measuring lengths of serveral objects

Draw a picture graph and a bar graph to represent a data set with up to four categories

Show measurements by making a line plot

Solve simple put-together, take apart, and compare problems using information from the graphs


Section 8 - End of Unit


End of Course Test






  • Teacher: Stephanie
  • Areas of expertise: Elementary Education
  • Education: Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Virginia Tech Masters in Special Education from Regent University
  • Interests: Any outdoor activities/sports
  • Skills: Mother, Fundraiser, Education Advocate
  • Associations: MCEA, NEA
  • Issues I care about: Making every child feel empowered with knowledge.

I am passionate about what I do. I want every child to love learning and be successful in life. I want children to know that they can do anything they desire, but that it doesn't always come easy. Their dreams are worth the hard work they have to put in to achieve them. They should not let anyone tell them that they can't do something.

Test Preparation Document

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Fact Fluency Strategies 1-8 Answer key

Answer key for all 8 Fact Fluency Strategy quizzes. 

Odd and Even Answer Key

Answer Key for odd and even quiz.

Rectangular Arrays Quiz

Rectangular Arrays quiz on paper. 

Rectangular Arrays Answer Key

This is the answer key for Rectangular Arrays quiz.

Place Value Meaning Answer Key

This is the Answer Key for the Place Value Meaning quiz.

Skip Counting Answer Key

Answer Key for Skip Counting quiz.

10+/-, 100 +/- Answer Key

Answer Key for 10 +/-, 100 +/- quiz.

Comparing Numbers Answer Key

Answer Key For Comparing Numbers quiz. 

+/- 2-Digit Numbers using Strategy #1 with no Regrouping Quiz

This is the paper for the quiz on Adding & subtracting Two-digit numbers using Strategy #1 with no Regrouping needed for the quiz. 

+/- 2-Digit Numbers using Strategy #1 with no Regrouping Answer Key

Answer key for quiz on Adding & Subtracting using Strategy #1 with no Regrouping quiz.

+/- 2-Digit Numbers using Strategy #2 with no Regrouping Quiz

Quiz for Adding & Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers using Strategy #2 with no Regrouping.

+/- 2-Digit Numbers using Strategy #2 with no Regrouping Answer Key

Answer Key For Adding & Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers using Strategy #2 with no Regrouping quiz.

- 2-Digit Numbers using Strategy #1 with Regrouping Quiz

 Quiz for Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers using Strategy #1 with Regrouping.

- 2-Digit Numbers using Strategy #1 with Regrouping Answer Key

Answer Key for Subtracting 2-Digit Numbers Using Strategy #1 with Regrouping quiz. 

+ 4-Two-Digit Numbers using Strategy #2 Quiz

Quiz for Adding up to 4 Two-Digit Numbers using Strategy #1 quiz.

+ 4-Two-Digit Numbers using Strategy #1 Answer Key

Answer Key for Adding up to 4 -Two-Digit Nmbers using Strategy #1 quiz.

+ 4-Two-Digit Numbers using Strategy #2 Quiz

Quiz for Adding up to 4 two digit numbers using Strategy #2 Quiz. You will put answers on computer. 

+/- 2-Digit Numbers with no Regrouping using Strategy #4 Answer Key

Answer Key for Adding and Subtracting two -digit numbers without Regrouping quiz. 

+/- 2-Digit Numbers with Regrouping Answer Key

Answer Key for Adding & Subtracting 2-digit Numbers with Regrouping quiz.

+ 4-Two-Digit Numbers using Strategy #3 Answer Key

Answer Key for adding up to 4 two-digit numbers quiz. 

+ 4-Two-Digit Numbers using Strategy #2 Answer Key

Answer key for Adding up to 4 Two-Digit Numbers using Strategy #2 quiz.

- 3-Digit Numbers using Strategy #1 with no Regrouping Quiz

Quiz for Subtracting 3 -Digit Numbers using Strategy #1 without Regrouping .

- 3-Digit Numbers using Strategy #1 with no Regrouping Answer Key

Answer Key for Subtracting 3 Digit Numbers using Strategy #1 without Regrouping  quiz.

+/- 3-Digit Numbers using Strategy #1 without Regrouping Answer Key

Answer Key for Adding & Subtracting 3 Digit Numbers using Strategy #1 without Regrouping.

+ 3-Digit Numbers using Strategy #1 with Regrouping Answer Key

Answer Key for Adding 3 Digit Numbers using Strategy #1 with Regrouping quiz.

- 3-Digit Numbers using Strategy #1 with Regrouping Quiz

Quiz for Subtracting 3 -Digit Numbers using Strategy #1 with Regrouping .

+ 3-Digit Numbers using Strategy #1 with Regrouping Quiz

Quiz for Adding 3 Digit Numbers using Strategy #1 with Regrouping.

- 3-Digit Numbers using Strategy #1 with Regrouping Answer Key

Answer Key for Subtracting 3 -Digit Numbers using Strategy #1 with Regrouping quiz.

+/- 3-Digit Numbers using Strategy #2 Quiz

Quiz on Adding & Subtracting 3 Digit Numbers using Strategy #2.

+/- 3-Digit Numbers Using Strategy #2 Answer Key

Answer Key for Adding & Subtracting 3 Digit Numbers using Strategy #2 quiz.

+ 3-Digit Numbers using Strategy #3 Answer Key

Answer Key for Adding  3-Digit Numbers using Strategy #3 quiz.

- 3-Digit Numbers with Regrouping using Strategy #3 Answer Key

Answer Key for Adding & Subtracting 3-digit Numbers with Regrouping quiz. 

One Step Word Problems Answer Key

Answer Key for One Step Word Problems quiz.

Two Step Word Problem Answer Key

Answer Key for 2 Step Word Problem quiz.

A.M. vs. P.M. Answer Key

Answer key for A.M. vs. P.M. quiz.

Telling Time Paper Test

This is the paper test for telling time. The answers should be recorded on the computer. 

Telling Time Test Answer Key

Answer Key for tellin time test. 

Making Change Answer Key

Answer Key to Making Change quiz.

Counting & Comparing Money Answer Key

This is the Answer Key for Counting & Comparing Money quiz.

Centimeters, Inches, Yards Answer Key

Answer key for Centimeters, Inches, and Yards quiz.

Partitioning Shapes Quiz

Quiz on paper for Partitioning Shapes. The answers go on the computer, but this paper is needed for some of the questions in order to have the picture that goes along with the questions. 

2-D Shape Answer Key

Answer Key for 2-D shape quiz.

3-D Shape Answer Key

Answer key for the 3-D shape quiz. 

Extra Practice Sheet for 3-D Shapes Answer Key

Answer Key for Extra Practice for 3-D shapes.

Bar Graph Picture

Bar graph that you need for the Bar Graph quiz. 

Bar Graph Answer Key

Answer Key for Bar Graph quiz. There is a bar graph on paper that will need to be downloaded or used in order to be able to answer the questions. I

Picture Graph Paper

Graph needed for the picture graph quiz. The questions are on the computer, but without the graph you will not be able to answer the questions. 

Picture Graph Answer Key

Answer key for the Picture Graph quiz.

Line Plot Picture

This is the Line Plot Picture on paper that is needed for the quiz. 

Line Plot Answer Key

Answer Key for Line Plot quiz.

End of 2nd Grade Test

Test for End of 2nd Grade Course.

End of Year 2nd Grade Test Answer Key

Answer Key For End of Year 2nd Grade Test.

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