3rd Grade Science

Teacher: Elizabeth
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 2262

Unit 1: Plants

0 Course Introduction Video 02:40

Picture of Course Introduction Video

This video gives a quick overview of my 3rd grade science course, explaining how many units there are, what is covered in each unit, and what comes with each unit.

1 Lesson 1: Importance of Plants 10:22

Picture of Lesson 1: Importance of Plants

This video lecture gives students the opportunity to take notes as I present information about the importance of plants. I discuss reasons why plants are important to humans, animals, and our planet. There is a crossword puzzle activity which focuses on the key vocabulary words from this lesson. There is also a short quiz which reviews the vocabulary words associated with this lesson.

2 Lesson 1: Worksheet Review Video 05:00

Picture of Lesson 1: Worksheet Review Video

This video gives the answers to the crossword puzzle and a short explananation to help students understand why the answers are correct.

3 Lesson 2: Parts of Plants 10:17

Picture of Lesson 2: Parts of Plants

This lesson teaches students about the different parts of plants. I explain the purpose of each part of the plant. There is a practice exercise to go with the lesson that helps students identify each part and each function. There is a short quiz at the end to review each part of the plant.

4 Lesson 2: Worksheet Review Video 03:44

The review video explains the functions of the 4 basic parts of plants and identifies where each part is located on the plant.

5 Lesson 3: Basic Needs of Plants 10:38

Picture of Lesson 3: Basic Needs of Plants

This lesson gives the reasons why plants need air, sunlight, water, and soil to survive. I describe each of the basic needs and explain why they help the plant survive.

6 Lesson 3: Worksheet Review Video 04:10

In this video, I review the answers for the matching exercise in lesson 3. I discuss the important vocabulary words and their meanings.

7 Lesson 4: Energy of Plants 10:16

Picture of Lesson 4: Energy of Plants

The video describes the photosynthesis process in more detail, describes each step, and discusses how plants convert light energy into their own food. There is also an activity where students will put cards into the correct order, showing the steps of the photosynthesis process.

8 Lesson 4: Worksheet Review Video 06:29

In this video, I discuss the answers and explain why the answers are correct for the Energy of Plants worksheet.

9 Lesson 5: Life Cycle of Plants 10:05

Picture of Lesson 5: Life Cycle of Plants

I describe the life cycle of plants in this video, explain the 5 basic steps of the life cycle, and show example pictures. There is a worksheet and a test that go with this lesson.

10 Lesson 5: Worksheet Review Video 06:09

This video reviews the answers about a plant's life cycle from lesson 5. I discuss the answers, review the vocabulary words, and explain each step of the plant's life cycle.

11 Lesson 6: How Plants Adapt to the Environment 12:07

Picture of Lesson 6: How Plants Adapt to the Environment

This lesson describes different types of plants and how each has its own unique adaptations to be able to survive in the various environments. There is a crossword puzzle and test to go with this lesson.

12 Lesson 6: Worksheet Review Video 07:26

This video reviews the vocabulary words in the crossword puzzle, explains why each answer is right, and reviews other important terms from lesson 6.

13 Lesson 7: Classification of Plants 10:04

Picture of Lesson 7: Classification of Plants

This video shows 4 different ways to classify plants. There is a true/false worksheet and a test that go with this lesson.

14 Lesson 7: Worksheet Review Video 04:40

I discuss the answers and explain why the answer is true or false for this lesson 7 review.

15 Lesson 8: Impact of Humans on Plants 10:43

Picture of Lesson 8: Impact of Humans on Plants

In the video, I discuss good ways humans impact plants as well as negative ways that humans impact plants. There is a word scramble activity that comes with it as well as a test.

16 Lesson 8: Worksheet Review Video 05:22

In this review video, I give the correct answers from the word scramble. I review whether or not these words are positive or negative impacts of humans on plants.

Unit 2: Interdependency of Life Systems, Soil, and Farming

17 Lesson 9: Interdependency of Life Systems 10:22

Picture of Lesson 9: Interdependency of Life Systems

This lesson explains how humans, plants, and animals are interdependent and rely on each other for survival. A worksheet and a test are provided with this lesson.

18 Lesson 9: Worksheet Review Video 04:31

This video describes examples of how humans, plants, and animals depend on each other for survival. These answers are some examples that I shared in the lesson 9 video, but other answers are acceptable as well.

19 Lesson 10: Food Chains: Plants & Animals 10:23

Picture of Lesson 10: Food Chains: Plants & Animals This lesson explains how plants and animals depend on each other for survival and how each part is important in the food chain.

20 Lesson 10: Worksheet Review Video 05:41

This video explains the matching answers and possible answers for the fill in the blank food chains.

21 Lesson 11: Effect of Environmental Conditions on Life Systems 10:27

Picture of Lesson 11: Effect of Environmental Conditions on Life Systems

This video describes different natural disasters (environmental conditions) that can hurt life systems. It also explains how humans affect life systems in positive and negative ways. There is a worksheet and a test that go with this lesson.

22 Lesson 11: Worksheet Review Video 07:53

This video explains the fill in the blank answers and the chart at the bottom of the worksheet.

23 Lesson 12: Soil: Types of Soil 10:54

Picture of Lesson 12: Soil: Types of Soil

This lesson describes the qualities of the 3 main types of soil, how soil is formed, and what soil is. There is a multiple choice worksheet and a test that go with this lesson.

24 Lesson 12: Worksheet Review Video 05:43

This review video explains the correct answers for the multiple choice worksheet for lesson 12.

25 Lesson 13: Components of Soil 10:23

Picture of Lesson 13: Components of Soil

This lesson goes into detail about what components are in each layer of soil. There is a word search and a test that go with this lesson.

26 Lesson 13: Worksheet Review Video 07:53

This review video gives the location of the word search words and reviews what each vocabulary word means.

27 Lesson 14: Interdependence between living and nonliving in soil 10:20

Picture of Lesson 14: Interdependence between living and nonliving in soil

This lesson goes into detail explaining the interdependence, or need for each other, between living and nonliving things in soil. It describes organic matter, what type of organisms live in the soil, and how these organisms are important to a plant. There is a crossword puzzle and a test with this lesson.

28 Lesson 14: Worksheet Review Video 04:08

This review video discusses the answers for the crossword puzzle for lesson 14.

29 Lesson 15: Soil as a Shelter 10:06

Picture of Lesson 15: Soil as a Shelter

This lesson explains why certain animals live in soil and use it for their shelter. There is a fill in the blank worksheet and a test to go with this lesson.

30 Lesson 15: Worksheet Review Video 03:58

This review video discusses each of the answers for the fill in the blank worksheet for lesson 15.

31 Lesson 16: Additives in Soil 10:43

Picture of Lesson 16: Additives in Soil

This lesson describes good additives that help the soil, help a plant's overall growth, and discusses which nutrients plants need to survive. There is a word scramble worksheet and a test to go with this lesson.

32 Lesson 16: Worksheet Review Video 04:47

This review video discusses the answers to the word scramble worksheet and reviews the vocabulary words.

33 Lesson 17: Soil Pollution 10:12

Picture of Lesson 17: Soil Pollution

This lesson describes ways that pollution harms the soil. It explains different types of pollution caused by humans. There is a worksheet and a test to go with this lesson.

34 Lesson 17: Worksheet Review Video 04:14

This review video explains possible answers for the cause and effect worksheet about soil pollution.

35 Lesson 18: Impact of Soils on Society 10:05

Picture of Lesson 18: Impact of Soils on Society

This lesson explains how humans and animals rely on soil for survival. This lesson discusses the reasons we need soil to help us sustain our lifestyle. There is a fill in the blank worksheet and a test to go with this lesson.

36 Lesson 18: Worksheet Review Video 05:36

This review video explains the answers for the fill in the blank worksheet for lesson 18.

37 Lesson 19: Farming Methods 10:17

Picture of Lesson 19: Farming Methods

This lesson describes different farming methods, types of crops, and types of farming equipment. There is a worksheet and a test to go with this lesson.

38 Lesson 19: Worksheet Review Video 05:38

This review video explains the correct answers for the crossword puzzle for lesson 19 and reviews each of the vocabulary words.

39 Lesson 20: Locally Grown & Organically Produced Food 10:19

Picture of Lesson 20: Locally Grown & Organically Produced Food

This lesson explains the pros and cons of locally grown food and organically produced food. A worksheet with the note taking chart is provided with this lesson as well as a test.

40 Lesson 20: Worksheet Review Video 03:03

This review video highlights what was talked about in the lesson 20 video and suggests what to write down for each side (pros and cons) of the note taking sheet.

41 Lesson 21: Composting: Advantages & Disadvantages 10:27

Picture of Lesson 21: Composting: Advantages & Disadvantages

This lesson describes what composting is, what you can use in compost, and some advantages and disadvantages of composting. There is a word search and a test that go with this lesson.

42 Lesson 21: Worksheet Review Video 03:18

This review video explains the words that are used in the word search.

Unit 3: Structures

43 Lesson 22: Structures in the Environment 10:11

Picture of Lesson 22: Structures in the Environment

This lesson explains structures, what they are, different types of structures, and components that are necessary when building a structure. There is a matching/fill in the blank worksheet and a test for this lesson.

44 Lesson 22: Worksheet Review Video 05:19

This video reviews the correct answers for the matching section of the worksheet and the fill in the blank section.

45 Lesson 23: Environmental Impact of Structures 10:47

Picture of Lesson 23: Environmental Impact of Structures

This lesson discusses how structures impact our environment through their materials, transportation of materials, and the actual building of the structure itself. There is a worksheet and a test to go with this lesson.

46 Lesson 23: Worksheet Review Video 04:50

This video reviews the steps in the process of building a structure and goes over the environmental impacts of each step.

47 Lesson 24: Forces and Structures 10:46

Picture of Lesson 24: Forces and Structures

This lesson explains what a force is, what different types of forces act on structures, why buildings have to be designed to withstand forces, and dynamic, static, and total loads. There is a crossword puzzle and a test to go with this lesson.

48 Lesson 24: Worksheet Review Video 05:49

This review video explains the correct answers for the crossword puzzle for lesson 24.

49 Lesson 25: Struts and Ties 10:23

Picture of Lesson 25: Struts and Ties

This lesson explains what struts and ties are, how they are used in structures, and why they are important. There is a labeling/fill in the blank worksheet and a test to go with this lesson.

50 Lesson 25: Worksheet Review Video 05:45

This review video explains the answers for the struts and ties worksheet, identifying each strut and tie in the pictures and going over the fill in the blank sentences.

51 Lesson 26: Importance of Strength and Stability of Structures 10:13

Picture of Lesson 26: Importance of Strength and Stability of Structures

This lesson explains why structures need to be strong and secure so they can support heavy loads and not collapse. There is a worksheet and a test to go with this lesson.

52 Lesson 26: Worksheet Review Video 03:56

This review video explains the answers for the short answer worksheet. The paragraph writing doesn't have to be worded exactly like mine. Answers may vary.

53 Lesson 27: Properties of Materials 13:45

Picture of Lesson 27: Properties of Materials

This lesson explains properties of materials and why they are important to the strength and stability of structures. There is a fill in the blank worksheet and a test to go with this lesson.

54 Lesson 27: Worksheet Review Video 04:55

This review video explains the right answers for the fill in the blank worksheet for lesson 27.

55 Lesson 28: Altering Strength of Materials 10:33

Picture of Lesson 28: Altering Strength of Materials

This lesson discusses what you can do to alter the strength of materials to improve a structure's strength. There is a true/false worksheet and a test to go with this lesson.

56 Lesson 28: Worksheet Review Video 03:58

This review video discusses the right answers for the true/false worksheet for lesson 28.

Unit 4: Force

57 Lesson 29: What is Force? Different kinds of forces 10:34

Picture of Lesson 29: What is Force? Different kinds of forces

This lesson explains force, discusses different types of forces, and gives examples of each type. There is a matching worksheet and a test to go with this lesson.

58 Lesson 29: Worksheet Review Video 04:45

This review video discusses the correct answers for the matching worksheet for lesson 29.

59 Lesson 30: Uses of Forces 11:03

Picture of Lesson 30: Uses of Forces

This lesson discusses uses of forces in our everyday lives as well as other uses of forces. There is a fill in the blank worksheet and a test to go with this lesson.

60 Lesson 30: Worksheet Review Video 04:53

This review video explains the correct answers for the fill in the blank worksheet for lesson 30.

61 Lesson 31: Different Forces on Objects 10:08

Picture of Lesson 31: Different Forces on Objects

This lesson explains a few different types of forces used on objects, like applied force, normal force, gravitational force, and buoyant force. There is a worksheet and a test to go with this lesson.

62 Lesson 31: Worksheet Review Video 04:20

This review video explains the correct answers for the worksheet for lesson 31 different forces on objects.

63 Lesson 32: Forces at Direct and Indirect Contact 11:07

Picture of Lesson 32: Forces at Direct and Indirect Contact

This lesson explains what direct and indirect contacts of force are and gives examples of each. There is a worksheet and a test to go with this lesson.

64 Lesson 32: Worksheet Review Video 04:41

This review video gives the correct answers for the direct and indirect force worksheet and explains why the answers are in each column.

65 Lesson 33: Different Amount of Forces 10:28

Picture of Lesson 33: Different Amount of Forces

This lesson goes into detail explaining different amount of forces that people use on objects. Several examples are given of different uses of forces and what happens when the amount of force is changed. This lesson also teaches about unbalanced and balanced forces, tension forces, and spring forces. There is a crossword puzzle and a test to go with this lesson.

66 Lesson 33: Worksheet Review Video 04:14

This review video explains the right answers to the crossword puzzle for lesson 33.

67 Lesson 34: Devices that use Forces 10:07

Picture of Lesson 34: Devices that use Forces

This lesson focuses on devices that use forces. The devices that are talked about use magnetic forces. There is a word scramble and a test to go with this lesson.

68 Lesson 34: Worksheet Review Video 04:35

This review video discusses the right answers for the word scramble for lesson 34.

69 Lesson 35: Devices that minimize the effects of forces 10:24

Picture of Lesson 35: Devices that minimize the effects of forces

This lesson explains how devices minimize the effects of forces to help people in some way. Different devices are discussed such as: safety features on cars, kevlar vests, stunt double landing surfaces, and semi-truck fins. There is a worksheet and a test to go with this lesson.

70 Lesson 35: Worksheet Review Video 05:11

This review video explains the short answer responses for the lesson 35 worksheet.

Course Description

Welcome to Grade 3 Science Course! This complete science course covers all of the major points taught across most schools in North America in third grade. The course consists of 35 video lessons, worksheets, worksheet review videos, answer keys, and tests. Each video lesson is about 10-12 minutes in length. Students have the opportunity to take notes during each lesson and then apply what they learned by completing a practice worksheet. The worksheet review video allows the student to check his or her answers and clarify any part that was missed. There is an answer key that parents can access for each worksheet. At the end of each lesson, there is a 4 question test to check the student's level of understanding.

This course is a great way to experience 3rd grade science. Students do not have to sit through long, boring lectures. Each video is short and to the point and allows students to be engaged by taking notes. The follow-up activities help the student to deepen their level of understanding, while having fun completing crossword puzzles, word scrambles, fill in the blank worksheets, and more. Students will get the chance to explore interesting science topics in this course.


Course Goals

Upon course completion, students will be prepared for a 4th grade science course. They will have a firm foundation of the topics that were taught in this 3rd grade science course. Students will want to continue learning about science and do more exploration and research of these topics on their own.


Target Audience

This video course is primarily intended for Grade 3 students (typically 8-9 years old). This course could also be used by Grade 4 students who need to review previously taught concepts.


Course Requirements

Students taking this course are expected to have understood and mastered the topics taught in a standard grade 3 science course. To reach this level of understanding, students would have completed the majority of the worksheets and tests correctly:

Worksheets (various number of questions): 75% - 89% = satisfactory           90% - 100% = mastery

Tests (4 questions): 75% = satisfactory             100% = mastery

Course Includes

  • 35 video lessons
  • 35 worksheets (one for each lesson to gain mastery)
  • 35 worksheet review videos (I review each worksheet and go over the answers one by one)
  • 35 answer keys
  • 35 digital tests (4 questions each)
  • Answer keys for all digital quizzes and tests


Course Topics

  • Introduction

Unit 1: Plants (Lessons 1-8)

  • Lesson 1: Importance of Plants
  • Lesson 2: Parts of Plants
  • Lesson 3: Basic Needs of Plants
  • Lesson 4: Energy of Plants
  • Lesson 5: Plants Life Cycle
  • Lesson 6: How Plants Adapt to the Environment
  • Lesson 7: Classification of Plants
  • Lesson 8: Impact of Humans on Plants

Unit 2: Interdependency of Life Systems, Farming, and Soil (Lessons 9-21)

  • Lesson 9: Interdependency of Life Systems
  • Lesson 10: Food Chains
  • Lesson 11: Effect of Environmental Conditions on Life Systems
  • Lesson 12: Soil: Types of Soil
  • Lesson 13: Components of Soil
  • Lesson 14: Interdependence between living and nonliving in soil
  • Lesson 15: Soil as a Shelter
  • Lesson 16: Additives in Soil
  • Lesson 17: Soil Pollution
  • Lesson 18: Impact of Soils on Society
  • Lesson 19: Farming Methods
  • Lesson 20: Locally Grown and Organically Produced Food
  • Lesson 21: Composting: Advantages and Disadvantages

Unit 3: Structures (Lessons 22-28)

  • Lesson 22: Structures in the Environment
  • Lesson 23: Environmental Impact of Structures
  • Lesson 24: Forces and Structures
  • Lesson 25: Struts and Ties
  • Lesson 26: Importance of Strength and Stability of Structures
  • Lesson 27: Properties of Materials
  • Lesson 28: Altering Strength of Materials

Unit 4: Force (Lessons 29-35)

  • Lesson 29: What is Force? Different Kinds of Forces
  • Lesson 30: Uses of Forces
  • Lesson 31: Different Forces on Objects
  • Lesson 32: Forces at Direct and Indirect Contact
  • Lesson 33: Different Amount of Forces
  • Lesson 34: Devices that use Forces
  • Lesson 35: Devices that minimize the effects of forces
  • Teacher: Elizabeth
  • Areas of expertise: Elementary Education K-6
  • Education: Master's Degree in Elementary Education from Walden University and Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education from Indiana State University
  • Interests: Traveling, hiking, snorkeling, learning foreign languages
  • Skills: French, Haitian Creole, Piano
  • Associations: FEA, NEA, MCEA
  • Issues I care about: Education, teaching, learning

I have been a teacher for 15 years. I love learning! I enjoy teaching because I want others to learn new information and become inspired to become lifelong learners.

Test Preparation Document

Test Preparation Document

Lesson 1: Importance of Plants

This resource is an answer key for the crossword puzzle from Lesson 1: Importance of Plants.

Lesson 2: Parts of Plants

The answer key labels the 4 basic parts of the plant and explains the function of each part.

Lesson 3: Basic Needs of Plants

This answer key provides the right answers to the matching questions from lesson 3.

Lesson 4: Energy of Plants

This is the answer key for the worksheet for Lesson 4: Energy of Plants.

Lesson 5: Life Cycle of Plants

This answer key provides the steps of the life cycle of plants as well as an explanation of each step.

Lesson 6: How Plants Adapt to the Environment

This is the lesson 6 answer key with the vocabulary words from how plants adapt to the environment.

Lesson 7: Classification of Plants

An answer key is provided for the true/false worksheet for Lesson 7: Classification of Plants.

Lesson 8: Impact of Humans on Plants

An answer key is provided for the vocabulary words from lesson 8.

Lesson 9: Interdependency of Life Systems: Humans, Plants, & Animals

This answer key gives suggested answers for the empty boxes. Answers may vary. Answers should include reasons why species depend on other species for survival.

Lesson 10: Food Chain: Plants & Animals

The answer key shows the correct answers for the matching part of the worksheet and shows suggestions for the types of plants and animals that can be in a food chain.

Lesson 11: Effect of Environmental Conditions on Life Systems

This worksheet provides the answers for the effects of environmental conditions on life systems. Answers are given for the fill in the blank sentences and the chart at the bottom of the worksheet.

Lesson 12: Soil: Types of Soil

The answer key is highlighted with the correct answers for the worksheet for lesson 12.

Lesson 13: Components of Soil

An answer key is provided with the vocabulary words highlighted from lesson 13.

Lesson 14: Interdependence between living and nonliving in soil

An answer key is provided for the crossword puzzle for lesson 14.

Lesson 15: Soil as a Shelter

This answer key gives the correct fill in the blank words for the lesson 15 worksheet.

Lesson 16: Additives in Soil

An answer key is provided for the word scramble (vocabulary words from lesson 16).

Lesson 17: Soil Pollution

These are suggested answers for the cause and effect worksheet for lesson 17. Answers may vary and do not have to be exactly like mine. Other answers are acceptable as long as they show cause and effect relationships in soil pollution.

Lesson 18: Impact of Soils on Society

This is the answer key for the fill in the blank worksheet with the vocabulary words from lesson 18.

Lesson 19: Farming Methods

An answer key if provided for the crossword puzzle in lesson 19.

Lesson 20: Pros and Cons of Locally Grown & Organically Produced Food

These are suggested answers for the pros and cons 2 column note taking chart for lesson 20. Answers may vary and do not need to be worded exactly like mine. As long as answers make sense and are on the correct side of the chart, answers may differ.

Lesson 21: Composting: Advantages & Disadvantages

This answer key is for the word search for lesson 21.

Lesson 22: Structures in the Environment

This is the answer key for the matching and fill in the blank worksheet for lesson 22.

Lesson 23: Environmental Impact of Structures

This answer key gives the steps in the building of a structure process and shows the impacts that the structure building process has on the environment.

Lesson 24: Forces and Structures

This answer key provides the correct vocabulary words for the crossword puzzle from lesson 24.

Lesson 25: Struts and Ties

An answer key is provided for the labeling/fill in the blank worksheet for lesson 25.

Lesson 26: Importance of Strength and Stability of Structures

An answer key is provided for the worksheet. These are suggested answers. Your answers do not have to be exactly like mine (answers may vary). Each answer should have an explanation giving a reason why you think the building is strong and secure or why it is not. The paragraph should be 3-5 sentences and should give a reasonable explanation for why structures need strength and stability.

Lesson 27: Properties of Materials

An answer key is provided for the fill in the blank worksheet using vocabulary words from lesson 27.

Lesson 28: Altering Strength of Materials to Improve a Structure's Strength

An answer key is provided for the true/false worksheet for lesson 28.

Lesson 29: What is Force? Different kinds of forces

An answer key is provided for the matching worksheet for lesson 29. The letters are provided after each clue. Students can write the letter next to each clue or draw lines to match the clue to the right answer.

Lesson 30: Uses of Forces

An answer key is provided for the fill in the blank worksheet for lesson 30.

Lesson 31: Different Forces on Objects

An answer key is provided for the identification and explanation worksheet. The explanations do not have to be exactly worded like mine (answers may vary). As long as the explanation makes sense and gives a good reason for why the force was chosen as the answer, it is fine.

Lesson 32: Forces at Direct and Indirect Contact

An answer key is provided for the worksheet. The first two answers about direct and indirect force don't have to match the exact words on the answer key. Answers may vary. The answers for the 2nd part with the columns do need to be on the correct side of the chart.

Lesson 33: Different Amount of Forces

An answer key is provided for the crossword puzzle for lesson 33.

Lesson 34: Devices that use Forces

An answer key for the word scramble is provided. These are vocabulary words from lesson 34.

Lesson 35: Devices that minimize the effects of forces

An answer key is provided for the short answer worksheet for lesson 35. These answers do not have to be worded exactly like mine. Answers may vary. Answers should give an explanation of how these devices help minimize the effects of forces.

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