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Teacher: Rasheka
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 3387

Section 1: Vowel Blends [Word Families].

0 COURSE INTRODUCTION: 2nd Grade Phonics - Blends. 03:35

In this introduction to the grade 2 phonics course, I state what the course contains and explain how to proceed with it.

1 Vowel Blends: Word families with short vowel sounds 'A' and 'E'. 11:42

In this lesson, I do a quick recap of the letters of the alphabet, vowels and consonants, and show learners how to create vowel blends and word families with the short vowel sounds  'a' and 'e'.


2 Worksheet Answers: Vowel Blends with short vowel sounds 'A' and 'E'. 04:55

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 1 [Vowel Blends]- Building word families with short vowel sounds 'A' and 'E'.

3 Vowel Blends: Word families with short vowel sounds 'I', 'O' and 'U'. 11:58

In this lesson, learners learn how to create vowel blends and word families with the short vowel sounds 'i', 'o' and 'u', using their knowledge of vowels and consonants.

4 Worksheet Answers: Vowel Blends with short vowel sounds 'I', 'O' and 'U'. 02:49

Discussing answers to worksheet - Lesson 2 : Vowel Blends - Word families with short vowel sounds 'I', 'O' and 'U'.

5 Vowel Blends: Building 3 letter words using the short 'A' sound [1]. 10:05

In this lesson, learners are taught how to build 3 letter words using the 'a' word families that they learnt.

6 Vowel Blends: Building 3 letter words using the short 'A' sound [2]. 10:05

In this lesson, learners continue learning how to build 3 letter words using the 'a' word families that they learnt.

7 Worksheet Answers: Building 3 letter words using the short 'A' sound. 03:11

Discussing answers to worksheet - Lesson 3 : Building 3 letter words using the short 'A' sound.

8 Vowel Blends: Building 3 letter words using the short 'E' sound [1]. 08:20

In this lesson, learners are taught how to build 3 letter words using the  'e' word families that they learnt.

9 Vowel Blends: Building 3 letter words using the short 'E' sound [2]. 05:48

In this lesson, learners continue learning how to build 3 letter words using the  'e' word families that they learnt.

10 Worksheet Answers: Building 3 letter words using the short 'E' sound. 03:45

Discussing answers to worksheet - Lesson 4 : Building 3 letter words using the short 'E' sound.

11 Vowel Blends: Building 3 letter words using the short 'I' sound. 12:26

In this lesson, learners are taught how to build 3 letter words using the 'i' word families learnt.

12 Worksheet Answers: Building 3 letter words using the short 'I' sound. 03:12

Discussing answers to worksheet - Lesson 5 : Building 3 letter words using the short 'I' sound.

13 Vowel Blends: Building 3 letter words using the short 'O' sound. 10:02

In this lesson, learners learn how to build 3 letter words using the 'o' word families learnt.

14 Worksheet Answers: Building 3 letter words using the short 'O' sound. 03:51

Discussing answers to worksheet - Lesson 6 : Building 3 letter words using the short 'O' sound.

15 Vowel Blends: Building 3 letter words using the short 'U' sound. 10:00

In this lesson, learners are taught how to build 3 letter words using the 'u' word families learnt.

16 Worksheet Answers: Building 3 letter words using the short 'U' sound. 04:28

Discussing answers to worksheet - Section 1 Lesson 7: Building 3 letter words using the short 'U' sound.

17 Reviewing word families and 3 letter words learnt. 10:49

In this lesson, we review all the vowel blends, word families and 3 letter words learnt in this section.

18 Worksheet Answers: Reviewing word families and 3 letter words learnt. 04:15

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 8 - Reviewing word families and 3 letter words learnt.

Section 2: Initial 'L' Blends.

19 Initial Blends: L blends - using 'B'. 10:54

In this lesson, learners are taught about what initial blends are, and begin learning how to create them. They then learn how to use them, together with the word families learnt in section 1, in making 4 letter words. 

20 Worksheet Answers: Initial L Blends using 'B'. 04:49

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 1 - Initial L Blends using 'B'.

21 Initial Blends: L blends - using 'C'. 10:12

In this lesson, learners continue learning how to create initial l blends, this time with the letter'c'. They then make 4 letter words with these newly created blends.

22 Worksheet Answers: Initial L Blends using 'C'. 03:29

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 2 - Initial L Blends using 'C'.

23 Initial Blends: L blends - using 'F' and 'G'. 10:02

In this lesson, learners continue making initial l blends using the letters 'f' and 'g', which they then use to create new words.

24 Worksheet Answers: Initial L Blends using 'F' and 'G'. 06:49

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 3 - Initial L Blends using 'F' and 'G'.

25 Initial Blends: L blends - using 'P' and 'S'. 10:01

In this lesson, the letters 'p' and 's' are used by the learners to create initial l bends. They then use these blends in forming new words.

26 Worksheet Answers: Initial L Blends using 'P' and 'S'. 05:56

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 4 - Initial L Blends using 'P' and 'S'.

27 Initial Blends: L blends. Review lesson. 10:48

In this lesson, we review all the initial l blends and words learnt in this section, covering how each blend and word was formed, and the meanings of the words learnt.

28 Worksheet Answers: Initial L blends. Review lesson. 11:23

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 5 - Initial L blends. Review lesson.

Section 3: Initial 'R' Blends.

29 Initial Blends: R blends - using 'B' and 'C'. 10:25

In this lesson, we learn how to create initial r blends with the letters 'b' and 'c'. We then use them, together with the word families learnt in section 1,  to build new 4 letter words.

30 Worksheet Answers: Initial R blends using 'B' and 'C'. 05:54

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 1 - Initial R blends using 'B' and 'C'.

31 Initial Blends: R blends - using 'D' and 'F'. 10:00

In this lesson, we learn how to create initial r blends with the letters 'd' and 'f', and use these blends to build new 4 letter words.

32 Worksheet Answers: Initial R blends using 'D' and 'F'. 07:25

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 2 - Initial R blends using 'D' and 'F'.

33 Initial Blends: R blends - using 'G'. 10:00

In this lesson, we use the letter 'g' to create an initial r blend. Learners then learn how to use this blend with previously learnt word families to create new 4 letter words. 

34 Worksheet Answers: Initial R blends - using 'G'. 03:50

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 3 - Initial R blends using 'G'.

35 Initial Blends: R blends - using 'P' and 'T'. 10:00

In this lesson, we learn how to create initial r blends with the letters 'p' and 't'. We then use them, together with the word families learnt in section 1,  to build new 4 letter words.

36 Worksheet Answers: Initial R blends using 'P' and 'T' [part 1]. 07:36

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 4 - Initial R blends using 'P' and 'T'.

37 Worksheet Answers: Initial R blends using 'P' and 'T' [part 2]. 04:34

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 4 - Initial R blends using 'P' and 'T' [part 2].

38 Initial Blends: R blends. Review lesson. 11:58

In this lesson, we review all the initial r blends and words learnt in this section, covering how each blend and word was formed, and the meanings of the words learnt.

39 Worksheet Answers: Initial R blends. Review lesson. 06:51

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 5 - Initial R blends. Review lesson.

Section 4: Initial 'S' and 'W' Blends.

40 Initial Blends: S blends - using 'T' and 'C'. 11:13

In this lesson, we learn how to create initial s blends with the letters 't' and 'c'. We then use them, together with the word families learnt in section 1, to build new 4 letter words.

41 Worksheet Answers: Initial S blends using 'T' and 'C'. 03:32

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 1 - Initial S blends using 'T' and 'C'.

42 Initial Blends: S blends - using 'P' and 'K'. 11:08

In this lesson, we learn how to create initial s blends with the letters 'p' and 'k'. These are then used, together with previously learnt word families, to build new 4 letter words.

43 Worksheet Answers: Initial S blends using 'P' and 'K'. 03:06

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 2 - Initial S blends using 'P' and 'K'.

44 Initial Blends: S blends - using ’M’ and 'N'. 10:07

In this lesson, we learn how to create initial s blends with the letters 'm' and 'n'. We then use them, together with the word families learnt in section 1, to build new 4 letter words.

45 Worksheet Answers: Initial S blends using ’M’ and 'N'. 05:43

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 3 - Initial S blends using 'M' and 'N'.

46 Initial Blends: W blends - using ’S’ and 'T'. 11:37

In this lesson, we learn how to create initial w blends with the letters 's' and 't'. These new blends are then used, together with the word families learnt in section 1, to build new 4 letter words.

47 Worksheet Answers: Initial W blends using ’S’ and 'T'. 02:09

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 4 - Initial W blends using 'S' and 'T'.

48 Initial Blends: S and W blends. Review lesson. 10:00

In this lesson, we review all the initial s and w blends and words learnt in this section, covering how each blend and word was formed, and the meanings of the words learnt.


49 Worksheet Answers: Initial S and W blends. Review lesson [part 1]. 07:04

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 5 - Initial S and W blends. Review lesson [part 1].

50 Worksheet Answers: Initial S and W blends. Review lesson [part 2]. 09:31

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 5 - Initial S and W blends. Review lesson [part 2].

Section 5: Final Blends.

51 Final Blends: 'NG' [part 1]. 07:23

In this lesson, learners are taught the difference between initial and final blends, and how the final blend 'ng' is made.  We then make 3 and 4 letter words with this blend using the letters of the alphabet.

52 Final Blends: 'NG' [part 2]. 06:59

In this lesson, learners continue making 3 and 4 letter words with final blend 'ng'.

53 Worksheet Answers: Final Blends: 'NG' [part 1]. 08:49

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 1 - Final Blends: NG

54 Worksheet Answers: Final Blends: 'NG' [part 2]. 05:56

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 1 - Final Blends: NG

55 Final Blends: 'NK'. 13:13

In this lesson, learners are taught how the final blend 'nk' is made.  We then make 3 and 4 letter words with this blend using our knowledge of vowels and consonants.

56 Worksheet Answers: Final Blends: 'NK'. 05:55

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 2 - Final Blends: 'NK'.

57 Final Blends: 'ND' [part 1]. 09:08

 In this lesson, we learn how the final blend 'nd' is made.  We then make 3 and 4 letter words with this blend using the letters of the alphabet.

58 Final Blends: 'ND' [part 2]. 05:53

 In this lesson, we continue to make 3 and 4 letter words with this blend using the letters of the alphabet.

59 Worksheet Answers: Final Blends: 'ND'. 04:11

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 3 - Final Blends: 'ND'.

60 Final Blends: 'NT'. 11:55

In this lesson, learners are taught how the final blend 'nt' is made.  Using the letters of the alphabet, we then make 3 and 4 letter words with this blend using our knowledge of vowels and consonants.

61 Worksheet Answers: Final Blends: 'NT'. 04:14

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 4 - Final Blends: 'NT'.

62 Final Blends: 'MP'. 10:10

In this lesson, learners are taught how the final blend 'mp' is made.  We then make 3 and 4 letter words with this blend using the letters of the alphabet.

63 Worksheet Answers: Final Blends: 'MP'. 04:22

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 5 - Final Blends: 'MP'.

64 Final Blends: 'LT'. 10:07

In this lesson, learners are taught how the final blend 'lt' is made.  We then make 3 and 4 letter words with this blend using our knowledge of vowels and consonants.

65 Worksheet Answers: Final Blends: 'LT'. 05:03

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 6 - Final Blends: 'LT'.

66 Final Blends: 'FT' and 'CT'. 11:55

In this lesson, learners learn how the final blends 'ft' and 'ct' are made.  We then make 3 and 4 letter words with this blend using our knowledge of vowels and consonants.

67 Worksheet Answers: Final Blends: 'FT' and 'CT'. 08:33

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 7 - Final Blends: 'FT' and 'CT'.

68 Final Blends: 'LD'. 10:01

 In this lesson, learners are taught how the final blend 'ld' is made.  Using the letters of the alphabet, they then make 3 and 4 letter words with this blend using their knowledge of vowels and consonants.

69 Worksheet Answers: Final Blends: 'LD'. 04:25

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 8 - Final Blends: 'LD'.

70 Final Blends: Review lesson. 10:46

In this lesson, we review all the final blends and words learnt in this section, covering how each blend and word was formed, and the meanings of the words learnt.


71 Worksheet Answers: Final Blends: Review lesson. 06:19

Discussing answers to worksheet: Lesson 9 - Final Blends: Review lesson.

Course Description

This course covers the phonics needed, at the 2nd-grade level, to recognize and build new words, and successfully use them in sentence building.

It begins at a basic level and gets progressively more challenging as the learner's knowledge of the subject grows.



This course includes:

  • 32 VIDEO LESSONS (including a review lesson at the end of each section)
  • 32 QUIZZES (1 at the end of each lesson.)
  • 32 COUNTERPART ANSWER VIDEOS (explaining how to arrive at the answers.)
  • 32 WORKSHEET ANSWER SHEETS (worksheets with answers filled in.)


Bonus features:




Upon course completion, the learner will be able to recognize all vowel blends, including initial and final blends, learnt.  They will be able to use them to build up and break down new words and sentences, which will significantly improve their reading skills. In addition, they will also be able to identify pictures with the relevant blends and word families learnt.  



This video-course is primarily intended for 2nd-grade learners who are beginning to expand their word-recognition, word-building and reading skills.



Students taking this course will need to have completed 1st grade and be able to read and recite, from memory,  the letters of the alphabet. They need to be able to distinguish between vowels and consonants. 



Section 1 - Vowel Blends [Word Families]:

  • Word families with short vowel sounds 'A' and 'E'. 
  • Word families with short vowel sounds 'I', 'O' and 'U'.
  • Building 3 letter words using the short 'A' sound.
  • Building 3 letter words using the short 'E' sound.
  • Building 3 letter words using the short 'I' sound.
  • Building 3 letter words using the short 'O' sound.
  • Building 3 letter words using the short 'U' sound.
  • Vowel Blends and Word Families - Review lesson.


Section 2 - Initial 'L' Blends:

  • Initial L blends - using 'B'.
  • Initial L blends - using 'C'.
  • Initial L blends - using 'F' and 'G'.
  • Initial L blends - using 'P' and 'S'.
  • Initial L Blends - Review lesson.


Section 3 - Initial 'R' Blends:

  • Initial R blends - using 'B' and 'C'.
  • Initial R blends - using 'D' and 'F'.
  • Initial R blends - using 'G'.
  • Initial R blends - using 'P' and 'T'.
  • Initial R blends - Review lesson.


Section 4 - Initial 'S' and 'W' Blends:

  • Initial S Blends - using 'T' and 'C'.
  • Initial S Blends - using 'P' and 'K'.
  • Initial S Blends - using 'M' and 'N'.
  • Initial W Blends - using 'S' and 'T'.
  • Initial S and W Blends - Review lesson.


Section 5 - Final Blends:

  • Final Blends - 'NG'.
  • Final Blends - 'NK'.
  • Final Blends - 'ND'.
  • Final Blends - 'NT'.
  • Final Blends - 'MP'.
  • Final Blends - 'LT'.
  • Final Blends - 'FT' and 'CT'.
  • Final Blends - 'LD'.
  • Final Blends -  Review lesson.


Your child will be amazed, as he/she progresses, at his/her ability to build up, break down and recognize new words (which are each defined in detail), using the step by step structure of the course.  He/she will love the colourful, thought-provoking and fun resources, and the exciting video presentations.

I urge you to purchase this exciting course for your child. You will not regret it!

  • Teacher: Rasheka
  • Areas of expertise: Foundation Phase
  • Education: Springfield College. HED (M+4)
  • Interests: Reading. Hiking. Exercising. Watching movies and live productions.
  • Skills: Arts and crafts.
  • Associations: SACE
  • Issues I care about: Child welfare, including proper education. Animal welfare. Helping those in poverty, and those suffering abuse.

I am a qualified foundation phase teacher with approximately 14 years of experience. I am passionate about the education and well-being of children and have often been told by colleagues and parents alike that I have a special way with children and a diplomatic way of dealing with adults. I believe that whatever one does should be done to the best of one's ability..even if it's not "the" best, so long as it's "your" best.

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Test Preparation Document

Section 1 lesson 1: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 1 Lesson 1 - Vowel blends with 'A' and 'E'.

Section 1 lesson 2: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 1 lesson 2 - Vowel blends with 'I', 'O' and 'U'.

Section 1 lesson 3: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 1 Lesson 3 - Making 3 letter words with 'A' word families.

Section 1 lesson 4: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 1 lesson 4 - Making 3 letter words with 'E' word families.

Section 1 lesson 5: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 1 lesson 5 - Making 3 letter words with 'I' word families.

Section 1 lesson 6: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 1 lesson 6 - Making 3 letter words with 'O' word families.

Section 1 lesson 7: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 1 lesson 7 - Making 3 letter words with 'U' word families.

Section 1 lesson 8: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 1 lesson 8 - Reviewing all vowel blends and 3 letter words learnt in this section.

Section 2 lesson 1: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 2 Lesson 1 - Initial L blends: 'BL'.

Section 2 lesson 2: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 2 lesson 2 - Initial L blends: 'CL'.

Section 2 lesson 3: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 2 lesson 3 - Initial L blends: 'FL' and 'GL'.

Section 2 lesson 4: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 2 lesson 4 - Initial L blends: 'PL' and 'SL'.

Section 2 lesson 5: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 2 lesson 5 - Reviewing all initial L blends and 4 letter words learnt in this section.

Section 3 lesson 1: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 3 lesson 1 - Initial R blends: 'BR' and 'CR'.

Section 3 lesson 2: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 3 lesson 2 - Initial R blends: 'DR' and 'FR'.

Section 3 lesson 3: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 3 lesson 3 - Initial R blends: 'GR'.

Section 3 lesson 4: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 3 lesson 4 - Initial R blends: 'PR' and 'TR'.

Section 3 lesson 5: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 3 lesson 5 - Reviewing all final R blends and 4 letter words learnt in this section.

Section 4 lesson 1: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 4 lesson 1 - Initial S blends: 'ST' and 'SC'.

Section 4 lesson 2: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 4 lesson 2 - Initial S blends: 'SP' and 'SK'.

Section 4 lesson 3: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 4 lesson 3 - Initial S blends: 'SM' and 'SN'.

Section 4 lesson 4: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 4 lesson 4 - Initial W blends: 'SW' and 'TW'.

Section 4 lesson 5: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 4 lesson 5 - Reviewing all initial S and W blends and 4 letter words learnt in this section.

Game: "SNAP"

This game tests learners' recollection of all initial blends learnt through sections 2 to 4 and will prove to provide hours of fun, especially when played with others.

Great for family time, and for building word-recognition, memory-retention and social skills.

Section 5 lesson 1: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 5 lesson 1 - Final blends: 'NG'.

Section 5 lesson 2: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 5 lesson 2 - Final blends: 'NK'.

Section 5 lesson 3: Answers to worksheet.

Discussing answers to worksheet: Section 5 lesson 3 - Final blends: 'ND'.

Section 5 lesson 4: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 5 lesson 4 - Final blends: 'NT'.

Section 5 lesson 5: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 5 lesson 5 - Final blends: 'MP'.

Section 5 lesson 6: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 5 lesson 6 - Final blends: 'LT'.

Section 5 lesson 7: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 5 lesson 7 - Final blends: 'FT' and 'CT'.

Section 5 lesson 8: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 5 lesson 8 - Final blends: 'LD'.

Section 5 lesson 9: Answers to worksheet.

Answers to worksheet: Section 5 lesson 9 - Reviewing all final blends and 4 letter words learnt in this section.
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