Publishing Your Course

It's time to get your work out to the world by publishing your course. If you are new to marketing, don't worry. We will help you along the way. Below you will find some templates you can download to help you organize your course description and optimize your profile.

⇒Watch the 5 minute best practices publishing tutorial: Course Publishing Best Practices

Successful and effective marketing does not have to be complicated. In fact, if you keep it simple, your potential students will appreciate your straightforwardness. This can lead to more enrollments and more sales!

Lernsys Course Format

To promote your course, you will need to...

  • Fill out the landing page for your course with its Title and Sub-Title; course image, and course synopsis or summary.
  • Create your Teacher Bio ("About the Teacher" section)
  • Set your course price
  • Complete summary of lectures
  • Make sure to upload ALL the answer keys (for all the quizzes and tests) in the "Resources" section. Answer keys should ONLY be uploaded in the "Resources" section.
  • Add a couple of free preview lessons
  • Make sure each video was assigned to the correct lesson
  • Make sure your course contains a "Course Introduction" video
  • If you used a screencast/desktop recording, smartboard or projection, ensure that you have uploaded a copy of your presentation/slides so that students can use it as a study guide. This should be uploaded under the "documents" section for the lesson that the presentation/slides apply to
  • Make sure that each lesson has at least one activity/exercise/worksheet related to the lesson attached to the lesson under the "Documents" section
For more on this, please see Correct Order of Lesson Numbers
  • Fill out the landing page for your course with its Title and Sub-Title; course image, and course synopsis or summary.


Tips and Templates You Can Use:

Title Matters: Take time to come up with a great title and sub-title. Use keywords to help you optimize your course.

Course Introduction Video: Tell students what your course is and why it's better than what they can find elsewhere. Tell them what the course includes, how the material and lessons are organized, and what skills they will come away with if they take your course. The course introduction video can be 2 to 5 minutes long.

Course Image: Use an image that catches the eye, yet informs as well. There are many high quality royalty-free images you can find on the web including on Pixabay or Google Images

Create Your Bio: Students will want to know who you are and why they can trust you to teach them this course. Why should they choose you?

Set Your Course Price: If you are charging for your course, you will do better to price it within a reasonable range of what similar courses charge, unless you have something truly special to add to the course that other courses do not.

Complete Summary of Lectures (Course Description): Studies show that courses that have detailed summaries get more enrollments, and they also rank better with the search engines such as Google.

Submit Free Preview Lesson of Course: By offering potential students access to a free preview video-lecture, you give students a better sense of your course, which can result in better enrollment numbers. Be sure to mark as a Free Preview a lesson which you think really stands out. To mark a lesson as a Free Preview, click edit in the lesson you want to designate as a Free Preview, scroll all the way down and select "Is Preview".

Finish Your Course: It is important that you ensure your online course is completely finished. We do not allow “to be announced” type lectures or classes.

Submit Your Course for Review: Once you have verified that all of the points above are complete, email us at: [email protected]. Be sure to include your full name and course title. If there are any issues with your course, such as items from the list above missing, we will let you know so you can correct these before we will release it onto the market. Because you will receive an email response from the Publishing Team within 5 to 7 days, it is important that all of the elements itemized above are complete in order to avoid any delays in publishing your course. 

⇒Watch the 5 minute best practices publishing tutorial: Course Publishing Best Practices


Need help? Check out these helpful articles:


Ready to get started? Create your first lesson or watch "How to Create a Course Tutorial"

Watch Video Tutorial or Create Course


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